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The Old Spanish Trail & Taos History
Shows on the history of the trail fom New Mexico to California long used by the Utes and other tribes
The "Old Spanish Trail" was used by Mexican and US traders from about 1829 to 1848 to bring goods from New Mexico to California and back. The multiple routes of the trail followed paths established by the Utes and other tribes for many years. 10 of the shows below are from a lecture series at the Taos Library in the spring of 2009 and funded by the L E D Foundation through the Old Spanish Trail Association in partnership with ARTES. Other talks were held in 2008 at the Taos Library and at the meeting of the Old Spanish Trail Association at Okay Owingeh in June 2008.
We also include Bob Romero's Historia de Taos for a great background on the region's history.
For information about becoming a member of the Taos Chapter of the Old Spanish Trail Association contact Lloyd Rivera at 575-758-1213.
All audio segments and photos are copyright 2003-2018 by Cultural Energy, and may not be reproduced in any form. Better sound was broadcast. Windows Media Player or QuickTime, if not installed. Segments are posting in 32 bps compressed mp3 files (24 bps prior to Sep 14, 05) to allow dialup modem access. With slower connections, set your buffer to 30 or more seconds. Problems? eMail energy@culturalenergy.org
You can also listen to more than 3,000 other Cultural Energy Radio Segments on Youth, Arts & Activism
Spanish Trail Talks and Interviews
2009 talks at the Taos Library funded by the LEF Foundation
Cultural Energy is 15 Years Old
Ron & Pat Rundstrum demonstrate traditional packing techniques with their burro Freighter at the Old Spanish Trail Assoc. Conference at Okay Owingeh in 2008
Susan Boyle talk 61:24
Comerciantes, Arrieros Y Modistas: New Mexicans, Trails & Commerce in the 19th Century by Dr. Susan Calafate Boyle on March 3, 2018 for the Taos Historical Society.
Rituals & Societies
José A. Rivera
Presented for the Old Spanish Trail Assoc. Apr 18, 09 at the Taos Public Library. Introduced by Lloyd Rivera

Rich Sanders
Virgil Trujillo
Speaking Nov 1, 2008 on Abiquiú Pueblo Grant and the Old Spanish Trail. Sponsored by the Old Spanish Trail Assoc. & ARTES
Taos Currents
The Old Spanish Trail
Lloyd Rivera on the lecture series every Saturday in Apr & May 10:15 am at the Taos Library
Host Mike Tilley
The Ute/Spanish Trail
James Jefferson of the Ute Tribe, and Ute Historian Jim Goss bring a Native American perspective on the "Old Spanish Trail." From the 2008 Conference of the Old Spanish Trail Association at Okay Owingeh on June 9th.
The Witches Of Abiquiú
A Mike Tilley Interview with Malcolm Ebright
On the Old Spanish Trail
Susan Boyle. From the 2008 Conference of the Old Spanish Trail Association at Okay Owingeh on June 6th, 2008.
Rich Sanders
Unknown Black History
Speaking for the Old Spanish Trail Assoc. on May 23, 2009 at the Taos Public Library.
Intro Remarks by Lloyd Rivera 8:40
Black History by Rich Sanders 50:58
Q & A Rich Sanders 19:57
Old Spanish Trail Books.
Intro by Lloyd Rivera 3:34
Ron Reinikainen 48:15
Presented May 2, 2009 at the Taos Public Library for the Old Spanish Trail Assoc.
Editing by Harvey Soloman
Utes, Cheyennes, Jicarillas
Intro by Lloyd Rivera 8:10
Tukak Tohama 43:55
Presented April 4 2009 at the Taos Public Library for the Old Spanish Trail Assoc. Editing by Harvey Soloman
Comanchero Traders
Jerry Padilla speaking Apr 25 2009 for the Old Spanish Trail Assoc.
Artist Lloyd D. Rivera on his involvement with teaching, art and history. Host Maye Torres
Taos Charter School Student's Research Project
Warren Kelly 1:15:31
Presented on May 30, 2009 at the Taos Public Library for the Old Spanish Trail Association. This talk was illustrated by many drawing which the students had done, which you will have to imagine. Editing by Harvey Soloman
1750 Raid at Ranchos de Taos
Paul H. Martínez
Presented for the Old Spanish Trail Assoc. May 16, 2009 at the Taos Library. Introduced by Lloyd Rivera
Other Taos History Talks
St. Francis De Asis Church
David Maes speaks on the history of the church built at the beginning of the 1800s in Ranchos de Taos. Presented at the Taos Piblic Library June 5, 2010. Edited by Harvey Soloman |
St. Francis de Asis Church
Winter 1943 - John Collier Jr. Photo
Courtesy the Library of Congress |
Taos Historical Society
Taos History 1:18:33
Taos - People, Place & Time. Oct 1 09 at SMU in Taos; Taos Historical Society presentation on their book in progress. Moderated by Nita Murphy with Corina Santistevan, Julia Moore, Bob Romero and Ernistina Cordova. Several parts of the book are read by the panelists. Introduced by Mark Adler of SMU. Editing by Harvey Soloman & normalization by Robin Collier |
Bob Romero's Historia de Taos
Pope and the Pueblo Revolt - Apr 03
Padre Martinez - Jun 03
Taos Landmarks - Jul 03
Taos Pueblo - Aug 03
Connections between New Mexico and Colorado - Sep 03
Diversity in Taos - Nov 03
Taos Christmas Traditions - Dec 03
Chronology of Taos History - Jan 04
The Taos Revolt - Feb 04
Chimayo Revolt - Apr 04
Geology of Taos - May 04
Taos Land Grants - Jun 04
La Serna Land Grant - Jul 04
Trails to Taos - Aug 04
Martinez Hacienda - Sep 04
Government in Taos - Oct 04
The Territorial Period - Nov 04
20th Century Taos: from Mabel Dodge Lujan to the Communes of the 60's - Dec 04
Click on these links to hear other collections of Cultural Energy Special Shows
David Barsamian Post Election Activism | Another World is Possible | Middle East Crisis
Picuris/Miranda Canyon Subdivision on the La Serna Grant includes Map
Sustain Taos: Bioneers' Shows | Lyla Johnston's Native Momentum
¡Que Vivan las Acequias! - Miguel Santistevan | Community Story Telling - Robert Wolf
Teen Media Camp Radio | Teen Media Camp Video | Writers on Radio SOMOS
Geoff Bryce's Acequia Reports | Lisa Fox's Farming Shows| Maye Torres Untitled
Jasmine Bennett interviews Presidential Candidates | Interview: Agnes Martin
Mike Tilley's Taos Currents | Cuentos de mi Valle: Theresa Silva
Bob Romero's Historia de Taos | John Paternoster's Rules of the Justice Game
Flowers Espinosa - Red Air | Exploring Sacred Places - Julia Bortz Pyatt
All segments are copyright 2003-2007 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators and may not be reproduced in any form.
All segments are copyright 2003-2012 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators and may not be reproduced in any form. |