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¡Que Vivan las Acequias!
Acequias, Agriculture, Seed Sovereignty, Land, Water & Culture
Media Production from Miguel Santistevan and some others
Related shows by Mike Tilley and Robin Collier
Que Vivan las Acequias! Hosted & Produced by Miguel Santistevan
A joint production of Cultural Energy, the Sembrando Semillas Acequia Youth Project, AIRE & the New Mexico Acequia Association Also listed are shows on the Acequias by Cultural Energy
All audio segments and photos are copyright 2003-2024 by Cultural Energy, The New Mexico Acequia Association and/or Miguel Santistevan. They may not be reproduced in any form except one copy to listen to on your own computer or mp3 player.
2018-2024 Acequia related shows
Below are underlined links to our segments now online. If you want to save the mp3 file for later listening, on Windows, click on the link with the right mouse button, on the Mac, click on the link while holding the control key. Click on images for an enlarged view.
Acequias and Climate Disruption 72:07
Miguel Santistevan on Climate Disruption 22:08
Miguel Santistevan and others spoke on acequiasand climate disruption in Taos on June 27, 2019 for the NMAA.
Guardians of Taos Water Protest 21:38
Interviews with the Guardians of Taos Water on their protest on Thursday March 14, followed by a background of the Abeyta Settlement and a commentary by Robin Collier.
TVAA Mar. 4 2017 meeting 31:01
Shorter 31 minute selection from the same March 4th 2017 TVAA.
Abeyta Settlement Mitigation Issues 1:04:57
A 65 minute report in March 2017 by Robin Collier on mitigation issues in the Abeyta water settlement, with interviews with Kay Matthews and Miguel Santistevan. There was a meeting of the Taos Valley Acequia Association on March 4th 2017 at the Juan I. Gonzales Agricultural Center
Protecting our Seeds 76:27
Panel discussion at the 16th annual Seed exchange in Tesuque Pueblo March 23, 2019. Miguel Santistevan, Beata Tsoise-Peña, Paula Garcia and Louis Hena.
Beavers Part 1 58:38
Beavers Part 2 28:47
Presentations by the Rio Fernandez de Taos Revitalization Collaborative on the value of beavers in haibitat restoration on November 24 in Taos.
No Se Vende! 29:36
Kay Matthews on her new book "¡No Se Vende!, Water as a Right of the Commons." She will speak and sign books at Cultural Energy 4 pm on Saturday December 1st.
Carson NF Forest Restoration 28:59
Jim Arciniega, Fuel Planner for the Carson National Forest
Grazing & Wolves Hr 1 60:17
Grazing & Wolves Hr 2 47:40
Matt Barnes spoke at the Harwood on May 24, 2018 on livestock grazing in harmony with land, wolves and grizzly bears after his residency in the Leopold Writing Program in conjunction with the Aldo Leopold Foundation
400 Years of Fire 61:34
Dr. Ellis Margolis speaking Jan. 18th, 2018 at the Harwood Museum on a study of 400 years of fire in Taos watershed. Presented by the Nature Conservancy.
Water is Community 61:32
3 poets; Miguel Santistevan, Sawnie Morris and Olivia Romo, from the “Water is Community,” a joint event by Paseo and SOMOS on April 6, 2018 at the Encore gallery of the TCA in Taos.
TVAA Annual Meeting part 1 39:03
Patricia Quintana introduces Dr. Sylvia Rodriguez, Gail Minton and NMAA Director Paula Garcia who speak at the Taos Valley Acequia Association annual meeting Mar. 3, 2018.
TVAA Annual Meeting part 2 38:08
More presentations from TVVA with the new attorneys on the Abeyta settlement and mitigation issues, the Taos Regional water plan and revitalization of the Rio Fernando, and 2 questions.
Seed Protection Preemption 30:58
Miguel Santistevan speaks on HB 161 that would preempt local governments from protecting seeds. It will be heard Thur. Feb. 8 at 8:30 in Room 309 of the NM Round House
Arnie Valdez 63:04
Arnie Valdez speaks on " Acequia's Traditions in a Modern Context" at the Colorado Congresso de Acequias in San Luis, Colorado on Jan 20, 2018.

Diagram of Acequia Terms by Arnie Valdez click on image for larger view
Marijuana & Water Rights 16:55
Craig Cotton and Kevin Boyle of the Colorado Divison of Water Resources speak on water rights issues for growing Marijuana. Presented at the Colorado Congresso de Acequias in San Luis, Colorado on Jan 20, 2018.
Steve Pearce 59:37
Congressman Steve Pearce, candidate for NM Governor, spoke and answered questions at the Northern New Mexico Stockman's Association on Sat. Jan. 13 at the AG Center in Taos.
Stone and Dunn 11:46
Gary Stone and Blair Dunn on new water rights upheld within Forest Service grazing allotments. The cows mouth is the point of diverson.
James Duran 5:03
James Duran, Carson Forest Supervisor, on the forest plan revision process.
Dr. Jacobo Baca 55:38
Jacobo Baca Ph.D., from the University of New Mexico Land Grant Studies Program, speaking on the history of land grants in the North.
Dr. Cristóbal Valencia 39:57
Dr. Valencia, anthropologist, on the USFS Forest plan revision process and its economic and cultural impact.
They all
spoke at the Northern New Mexico Stockman's Association on Sat. Jan. 13 at the AG Center in Taos.
Que Vivan las Acequias! 44 28:00
Miguel Santistevan's show on acequias, this month featuring a tour of Lorenzo Candelario's farm organized by the NMAA. Sponsored by the New Mexico Acequia Association and AIRE
¡Que Vivan las Acequias! 43 28:00
Miguel Santistevan's show on acequias, this month featuring a farmer's and rancher's caucus organized by the NMAA. Sponsored by the New Mexico Acequia Association and AIRE.
¡Que Vivan las Acequias! 42 28:00
Miguel Santistevan's show on acequias, this month featuring Mayordomo Norbert Ledoux. Sponsored by the New Mexico Acequia Association and AIRE
¡Que Vivan las Acequias! 41 28:00
Miguel Santistevan's show on acequias, this month featuring the youth who surveyed Town of Taos acequias in 2016. Sponsored by the New Mexico Acequia Association and AIRE
¡Que Vivan las Acequias! 40 28:00
Miguel Santistevan's show on Acequias. Sembrando Semillias youth and parents speak out on acequias and farming. Sponsored by the New Mexico Acequia Association and AIRE.
¡Que Vivan las Acequias! 39 28:00
Miguel Santistevan's show on Acequias. This month the day long workshop at Los Luceros on "Farming in Shortage" by the New Mexico Acequia Association. Sponsored by the New Mexico Acequia Association and AIRE.
Que Vivan las Acequias! 38 28:00
Miguel Santistevan's show on acequias, this month featuring Paula Garcia and Beata Tsoise-Peña. Sponsored by the New Mexico Acequia Association and AIRE
Que Vivan las Acequias! 37 28:00
A new segment from Miguel Santistevan. This month, youth speaking out about their acequias. Sponsored by the New Mexico Acequia Association and AIRE.
2010 - 2014 Acequia related shows.
El Agua es Vida: Acequias in New Mexico
Exhibition Opening at the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, UNM, Albuquerque. Saturday, May 3rd 1 - 3:30 pm
Info (505) 277-1400 Speakers Devorah Romanek, Sylvia Rodriguez, Sam Fernald, José Rivera, Paula Garcia. Food, Music, Poetry.
The exhibit portrays the fundamental role acequias play in the environment and in community in Northern New Mexico, where water is a precious resource of increasing scarcity. The exhibition uses a groundbreaking multi-disciplinary study conducted by researchers at the University of New Mexico, New Mexico State University, New Mexico Tech and Sandia Labs; with consultation support from the New Mexico Acequia Association. The study, funded by the National Science Foundation investigates the importance of the acequia system of water delivery and management in generating, transforming and sustaining the landscape. |
Marcella Cordova, from Chamisal and Candido Valerio from Los Cordovas speak about the current challeges to ranching and farming, and the impact of the potential loss of agricultural tax exemption. Darlene Vigil, Nick Sanchez and David Fernandez listen. Robin Collier photos
Loss of Agricultural Tax Exemptions
Forum with the Taos County Assessor, Darlene Vigil, and Chief Appraiser Nick Sanchez, moderated by David Fernandez. Held at the Kit Carson Coop Meeting Room, Feb 3, 2014.
Agricultural Taxes Part 1 1:07:02
Agricultural Taxes Part 2 1:17:44
Recorded & normalized by Robin Collier
Talk by Estevan Arrellano on the Embudo Land Grant and Acequias. with discussion from the community. Dixon April 21, 2013.
Estevan Arellano Part 1 1:03:22
Estevan Arellano Part 2 39:42
On the Commons & Heirship 2:57
Recorded & normalized by Robin Collier
Finado Francisco Martinez Acequia
del Llano Quemado
Hearing on Water Rights Transfer application July 27, 2013
Application by Wiemer Properties, LLC to tranfer 19.99 acres of water rights to El Valle de los Ranchos Water & Sanitation District.
Intro to Hearing 15:05
El Valle Presentation 8:30
Parciante Comments 31:21 |
The Commission will meet at the Llano Quemado Community Center, Saturday August 24th 1 pm to render a decision on the application.
On Aug 24 the commission approved the transfer.
Decision Hearing 7:53
Nothing has been edited, all pauses left as was recorded.
Recorded & normalized by Robin Collier
Welcome & Introductions
Sam Fernald 2:48
Water Resources Research Institute
Vimal Chaitanya 8:12
Vice President for Research, New Mexico State University
Sylvia Rodríguez 5:28
University of New Mexico
All pdf slides are copyrighted by the presentors, their organizations, or their sources.
For best understanding of the presentation open the slides in another window, advancing while you listen.
CNH Panels:
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Acequias

Alcalde Acequia - NMSU Sustainable Agriculture Science Center
Session 1: Multi-Theme Data Acquisition
Moderater Andres Cibils 2:01
Mexico State University
Acequia Hydrology Foundations of Community Resilience to Changing Climate and Land Use
Sam Fernald 16:41
Water Resources Research Institute
Fernald Slides pdf © 2013

Roman aqueduct near Valencia, Spain
Source: Luis Pablo Martínez
Photo: Petercero
Ecosystem Services, Faunal Biodiversity and Vegetation Dynamics in Response to ForecastedLand-Use and Climate Change within the Upper Rio Grande
Ken Boykin 12:06
New Mexico State University
Boykin Slides pdf © 2013
Session 2: Data Integration and Modeling the Interplay of Social, Cultural, Economic, and Environmental Factors in an Acequia Community
Moderated by Sylvia Rodríguez
Monitoring and Modeling Hydrologic Connectivity in Semi-Arid Watersheds
Carlos Ochoa 16:01
New Mexico State University
Ocha Slides pdf © 2013
Acequia Perspectives on Climate-Change and Population Growth and the Perspectives of Preparedness and Adaptation
Brian Hurd 16:46
New Mexico State University
Hurd Slides pdf © 2013
Modeling the Hydrologic/ Ecologic/ Economic/ Social Dynamics of Small Scale Community Irrigation Systems (Acequias)
Vince Tidwell 16:15
Sandia National Laboratories
Tidwell Slides pdf © 2013
Modeling Panel Q & A 29:44
Session 3: Spain, United States, Chile
Moderated by Devon G. Peña, University of Washington in Seattle
Deven Peña Panel Intro 3:15
Encounters with the Moral Economy of Water: Convergent Evolution and Diffusion in Valencia
Paul Trawick 24:07
Idaho State University
Trawick Slides © 2013
Safeguarding Valencian Acequias: History and Values of a Millennial Water Sharing Culture
Luis Pablo Martínez 39:09
Directorate General of Cultural Heritage, Valencia, Spain
Martínez Slides © 2013
Society and Hydrology in a Chilean Andean Watershed: How Poor Knowledge of the Hydrological System Produces Social Conflicts
José Luis Arumí 16:46
Universidad de Concepción, Chillán, Chile
Arumí Slides © 2013
The Effects of Social and Economic Disturbances on the Taos Acequias of Northern New Mexico
Michael Cox 25:04
Dartmouth College
Cox Slides © 2013
Q & A 33:08
Closing Remarks 5:26
Sam Fernald, Sylvia Rodríguez
Session 4: Bali, Mexico, Morocco
Moderated by Steve Guldan, New Mexico State University
Regime Shifts in the Morning of the World
Steve Lansing 19:09
University of Arizona, Santa Fe Institute
No Slides
Visible and Invisible Self-Managed Irrigation Organizations
Jacinta Palerm 22:39
Colegio de Postgraduados, Mexico-Texcoco
Palerm Slides © 2013
Irrigation Management in Pre-Saharan Morocco: Some Perspectives from the Assag(q)yas of the Ziz Oasis
Hsain Ilahiane 24:25
University of Kentucky
Ilahiane Slides © 2013

Modern assaguiya, Morocco
Source: Hasain Ilahiane
Is the Crafting of Self-Governing Irrigation Institutions in the XXth Century Following Elinor Ostrom’s Principles Still Relevant in the Beginning of the XXI Century?
Thierry Ruf 25:45
Supagro-Institut des régions chaudes, Montpellier, France
Ruf Slides © 2013
Roundtable Discussion/Q & A 16:46
New Mexico Acequia Workshop
Co-chaired by José Rivera and Quita Ortiz, in which scholars and activists are invited to formulate and propose an agenda of research and policy based on new insight.
Panel Intro 11:42

Acequia Cleaning, Guerrero, Mexico
Source: Jacinta Palerm
Paula Garcia 8:08
Estevan Arellano 19:39
Miguel Santistevan 12:16
Arnie Valdez 9:26
Manuel Montoya 8:27
Sylvia Rodríguez 9:12
Sam Fernald 2:58
Q & A and Closing 48:46
Recorded by Robin Collier
Edited & Normalized by Spence Stall. Thanks to Miguel Santistevan, AIRIE, NMSU, NMAA, Guido Lambelet and Mike Scarborough for financial support in recording the conference.
Valdez Valley, Taos County. Photo Source: José Rivera
2010 - 2013 Acequia related shows
Miguel Santistevan
Seeds, Soil & Water: Stop Thinking, Start Hoeing
Taos Valley Acequia Association April 28, 2012 Seeds, Soil & Water 34:55
Acequia Madre del Rio Grande 2:19:32
Commission meeting of July 15, 2010. Issues of financial reports, stealing water, lawsuits, & what to do about failed presa construction. Featuring former mayordomo Francisco "El Comanche" Gonzales, Commissioner David Fernandez, former commissioner Toby Martinez, and many other parciantes.
Normalized by Harvey Soloman & Robin Collier
Ritual, Meaning & Sacred Sites 46:59
Talk by Dr. Sylvia Rodriguez on July 10, 2010 at the Taos Public Library. Many on the photos & maps referred to can be seen in Dr. Rodriguez's book Acequia: Water Sharing, Sanctity and Place. School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe, 2006
Editing & normalization by Harvey Soloman
Acequia del Monte - Talpa
Hearing on Water Rights Transfer May 3, 2012
Application by Ernest Valerio and 3 brothers & sister to tranfer 4.57 acres of water rights to El Valle de los Ranchos Water & Sanitation District
Full Audio of Water Transfer Hearing 1:33:40
On May 17, 2012 the Commissioners of Acequia de Monte unanimous denied the water transfer application.
Dr. Sylvia Rodriguez
Dr. Rodriguez spoke about her work with NMSU on an interdisciplinary study of acequias and her work with the New Mexico Acequia Assocation on training new Mayordomos.
2009 ¡Que Vivan las Acequias! & other related shows
Farmer Protection Act
Isaura Andaluz on NM Senate Bill 560 to prevent farmers from being sued if their crops are contaminated by genetically modified crops and other related issues. Taos Currents Host Mike Tilley. For more info on the bill visit http://gmofreenm.com/
You can read the bill & track as it goes thru Senate committees here. |
Paul Stamets Part 1
Paul Stamets Part 2
Paul Stamets, the leading expert on how mushrooms can save the world, spoke at the Food and Seed Sovereignty Conference at Tesque Pueblo on September 27, 2008 Paul Stamets Website |
Mar 06 Seed Conference
Feb 09 (repeat from 06) |
2008 ¡Que Vivan las Acequias! & other related shows
¡Que Vivan las Acequias!
#27 Jan 08
Interviews of Sembrando Semillas members, mentors, and chaperones from a La Jicarita backpacking trip held July 16 & 17, 2007. In this program we talk about hiking to La Jicarita peak, the source of our water and the watershed, and being silent in nature. Participants include:
Celestino Chavez, Taos
RJ Chavez, Taos
Toribio Garcia, Chamisal
Joshua Rivera, Mora
Angel Martinez, Taos
Andrew Mascareñas, Urraca
Augustine Gonzales, Chamisal
Done Gonzales, Chamisal
James Duran, Chacon
Dominic Chavez, Taos
Mentor and chaperone Victor Mascareñas
Chaperone Reynaldo Santistevan
Mentor and chaperone Margarita Garcia.
A special thanks to The Center for Whole Communities in Vermont for helping to fund this backpacking trip. Additional thanks to Rocky Mountain Youth Corp in Taos for lending us backpacking equipment for this trip.
Theme music by Cipriano Vigil and this month’s musical selection, “Esperanza,” by the B-Side Players.
Moving Acequias: The Law
An interview with Attorney David Benivides of New Mexico Legal Aid relating to issues raised by the Valverde Commons development. By Robin Collier.
Key NM Supreme Court case: Archibeck v. Mongiello, 58 N.M. 749, 276 P.2d 736 (1954)
Priscilla Salazar Martínez
Dr. Devon Peña
Acequias in San Luis, Colorado
Speaking at the Ditch and Reservoir Company Alliance (DARCA) Conference on Feb 21 08. Introduced by Priscilla Salazar Martínez of Las Comadres. Recorded & Edited by Robin Collier 58 min
¡Que Vivan las Acequias!
#28 Feb 08
A conversation with two parciantes and a mayordomo of three Taos acequias: Patricia Quintana of the Don Fernando Acequia Sur, Gene Sanchez of the Acequia Sanchez, and Dave Rael, mayordomo of the Spring Ditch. In this conversation we discuss some threats that the Taos acequias are facing with regard to development and politics.
Special thanks to Cipriano Vigil for our theme music and Quinto Sol for this month’s musical selection.
A History of New Mexico Crops & Food
#29 Apr 08 This show features a presentation by Dr. Richard Ford at our 3rd Annual Tierra, Agua, y Cultura conference held on March 8, 2008 in Española, New Mexico. It covers the interactions of the various cultures in northern New Mexico with regard to land, water, and seeds that has resulted in the food and agricultural patterns we see in the region today.
Special thanks to Cipriano Vigil for our theme music and Los Viejitos for this month’s musical selection.
Genetic engineering and health effects
#30 Jun 08 Another presenter of the 3rd Annual Tierra, Agua, y Cultura agriculture conference held in Espanola on March 8, 2008. The theme of this conference was ‘honoring our relationship to food.’ Our presenter, Dr. Lorin Pang of Hawaii, informs us about the health effects and other issues around genetic engineering and genetically engineered food. Dr. Pang has a long career history which includes 24 years with the Army Medical Corporation and 20 years with the Walter Reed Institute of Research. He has been a consultant to the World Health organization since 1985 and has 60 published articles in medical journals regarding the diagnosis, drug treatments, and vaccines for a variety of tropical diseases. In addition, he has had several segments on the ‘Discovery Channel’ and has been selected as one of America’s Best Doctors for the last three years.
Ben Lujan Leadership and Public Policy Institute Part 1
#31 Jul 08 The opening address of the 3rd Annual Ben Lujan Leadership and Public Policy Institute held at New Mexico Highlands University on May 19 & 20, 2008 by Regis Pecos, Chief of Staff for Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ben Lujan. The objectives for the Institute are to convene community leaders, youth, and students to learn from successful projects and campaigns to protect land and water rights, to discuss ways to replicate projects that demonstrate the viability of land-based livelihoods, and to identify strategies to integrate community interests and knowledge into the educational system.
Ben Lujan Leadership and Public Policy Institute. Part 2
#32 Aug 08 The first presentation of the 3rd Annual Ben Lujan Leadership and Public Policy Institute held at New Mexico Highlands University on May 19 & 20, 2008 by the youth leaders of the Sembrando Semillas Acequia Youth Project: Toribio Garcia, DJ Duran, and Margaret Garcia. The objectives for the Institute are to convene community leaders, youth, and students to learn from successful projects and campaigns to protect land and water rights, to discuss ways to replicate projects that demonstrate the viability of land-based livelihoods, and to identify strategies to integrate community interests and knowledge into the educational system.
Ben Lujan Leadership and Public Policy Institute. Part 3
#33 Sep 08 We return to the 3rd Annual Ben Lujan Leadership and Public Policy Institute held at New Mexico Highlands University on May 19 &20, 2008. Our presenters in this show, Shirley Romero-Otero, Don Bustos, and facilitator Paula Garcia, represent the contemporary struggle of land-based people in el norte: to defend traditional rights to local resources (land & water), while revitalizing and reinvigorating land-based livelihoods and economies.
Ben Lujan Leadership and Public Policy Institute. Part 4
# 34 Oct 08 We return to the 3rd Annual Ben Lujan Leadership and Public Policy Institute held at New Mexico Highlands University on May 19 &20, 2008. This show features a presentation by William Gonzales, a parciante and acequia leader in the Rio Gallinas watershed near Las Vegas, New Mexico. Mr. Gonzales explains to us why the acequias of the Rio Gallinas can be considered the “poster child” of the acequia struggle in New Mexico, having experienced many of the challenges that many acequias have faced or will face in the future.
We also hear a live recording of “Padre Querido” by Juan Ortega, thank you Mr. Ortega.
Ben Lujan Leadership & Public Policy Institute. Part 5
#35 Nov 08. We return to the 3rd Annual Ben Lujan Leadership and Public Policy Institute held at New Mexico Highlands University on May 19 & 20, 2008. Objectives for the Institute include bringing people together to learn about efforts to protect land and water rights, to promote and demonstrate the viability of land-based livelihoods, and to figure out how to work these themes into the educational system. Our presenters in this show, Quita Ortiz and Estevan Arellano, give us an understanding of acequia features on the landscape using maps and oral histories. Quita shares with us a project she completed for her master’s degree using GIS to analyze the acequias in Alcalde. GIS stands for Geographical Information Systems and is a computerized database that uses maps, aerial photos, and other information to be able to see and make calculations about landscape features. And later in this show, Mr. Arellano gives us important information about the cultural and historical understanding of the landscape and its importance to mapping efforts and the continuation of acequia culture.
Preserving our Seed from the Corporations
(repeat from Mar 06)
A continuation of the Sembrando Semillas Seed Cleaning Workshop in Taos, NM on January 14, 2006 with:
- Miguel Santistevan importance of seeds
- Antonio Medina history of seeds
Musica: Butterfly Dance San Juan Pueblo from “Music of the Native American Indians” on ARC records.

Far left: Estevan Arellano role of seeds in community.
Far Right: Clayton Brascoupe issues around Genetic Engineering
Seeds & Acequia Cleaning
With the 3rd Seed Conference this weekend, we replay selections from the 1st Seed Conference:
The New Mexico Acequia Association and Traditional Native American Farmers’ Association’s Traditional Agriculture Conference in Alcalde, March 10 & 11, 2006
- Estevan Arellano role of seeds in community.
- Clayton Brascoupe issues around Genetic EngineeringAcequia Cleaning in Taos, March 31 and April 1, 2006
- Johnny Sisneros, RJ Chavez, Paul Trujillo, Karen Mirabal
Emegdio Balon speaks about traditions going back thousands of years in Bolivia and other parts of Indigenous Americas
The 3rd Annual Land, Water, and Culture Conference and Seed Exchange
“Honoring our Relationship with Food”
Saturday, March 8th, 9:00 am 5:00 pm
Northern NM College, Española, New Mexico
505-995-9644 |
2007 ¡Que Vivan las Acequias! & other related shows
Sembrados Semillas Workshops
#15 Plowing the land, planting & mulching tomatoes. Jan 07
The Mora Sembrando Semillas experience plowing the land in Mora on April 9, 2006 with:
- LeeAnn Pino and Director Paula Garcia
- Christina Garcia and mentor Antonio Medina (in Spanish)
- Josh Rivera
- Mentor Marino Rivera
Also listen to the Embudo Sembrando Semillas team as they learn to support and mulch tomato plants and plant seedlings on June 29, 2006 with:
- Mentors Margaret and Eremita Campos
- Youth interviews with Embudo Semillas: Ryan Martinez, Joaquin Campos-Lujan, Christy Lovato, Elizabeth Estrada, Elizabeth Atencio, and AnaLisa Campos
Musica by: “La Misma Canción” by Ozomatli.
Youth at the Quivira Coalition
#16 Feb 07
The Quivira Coalition Conference on January 18-20, 2007 in Albuquerque, NM with a Sembrando Semillas team presentation.
- Mentor and Coordinator Miguel Santistevan, RJ Chavez, Celestino Chavez, Karen Mirabal, DJ Duran, and Youth Mentor Margarita Garcia
Also listen to a presentation about Querencia by Estevan Arellano in this show.
Music by a man with a harmonica at the Quivira Coalition conference
Acequias at the Round House
#17 Mar 07
From Acequia Day at the Santa Fe Capitol during the 2007 legislative session on February 15.
- NMAA Executive Director Paula Garcia with a tribute to our beloved acequia leader Wilfred Rael and a “State of the Acequias” address.
- Speaker of the House Ben Lujan talks about the importance of acequias to the State of New Mexico.
- “Why acequias are important to us” by Taos Sembrando Semilla Martin Cardenas.
- an update on the work of the NM Food and Seed Sovereignty Alliance by Miguel Santistevan and Louie Hena.
Live Music by Cipriano Vigil and Facundo Valdez. Theme music by Cipriano Vigil.
Acequias, Ancestral Waterways in the 21st Century
#18 Conference in San Luis, CO & Planting Potatoes in Embudo. Apr 07
A program entitled, “Acequias: Ancestral Waterways in the 21st Century,” hosted by the Colorado Field Institute in San Luis, CO on March 8, 2007.
Traditional Acriculture Conference in Alcalde Part 1
#19 May 07 Alcalde Seed Sovereignty & Women's Conference Part 1
Listen to proceedings from the 2nd Annual Tierra, Agua, y Cultura conference, “Las Mujeres Hablan: Women, Seeds, and Agriculture,” on March 17, 2007. This conference was organized in collaboration with the New Mexico Acequia Association, the Traditional Native American Farmers’ Association, Tewa Women United, and Honor our Pueblo Existence.
In this episode you will hear:
- introductions by event organizer Margarita Garcia
- Pricilla Salazar-Martinez about the work of San Luis women’s group: Las Comadres.
- Paula Garcia on Spirit-rooted activism.
- Louie Hena, Jerry Fuentes, Robin Collier, and Paula Garcia on the work of the New Mexico Food & Seed Sovereignty Alliance in the 2007 Legislative session.
Also in this show you can hear from our latest members of Sembrando Semillas, Andrew and Laura Mascareñas after our early spring planting in Taos, April 21, 2007.
This month’s music is by Quinto Sol. Theme music by Cipriano Vigil.
Alcalde Conference Part 2
#20 Jun 07 Alcalde Seed Sovereignty & Women's Conference Part 2
On Raising Children
In this episode you will hear from a panel entitled, “Caring for the Human seed-raising children on the land,” with presenters:
- Michele Peixino of Chimayo.
- Teofista & Marisela Chavez of Taos area.
- and Margaret Campos of Embudo.
This month’s music is by El Chicano. Theme music by Cipriano Vigil.
Indigenous Seed Memorial
Jerry Fuentes 8 min
Water Sharing, Sanctity, and Place
Sylvia Rodríguez's new book. Jul 07 Produced by Robin Collier
Alcalde Conference Part 3
#21 Jul 07 Alcalde Seed Sovereignty & Women's Conference Part 3
In this episode you will hear from a panel entitled about traditional foods and remedios with presenters:
- Serena Hena of Tesuque Pueblo.
- Donne Gonzales of Ojito.
- and Anna Mora Gutierrez Sisneros of lower San Pedro.
Also in this show is the reading of the Women’s Declaration from the Conference. You can also hear some youth perspectives from the conference.
This month’s music is from “Singing Earth” by Xavier Quijas Yxayotl. Theme music by Cipriano Vigil.
Real Sustainability
An hour long discourse and tour of Miguel's garden in a conversation with the Break Free Project Aug 07 Produced by Robin Collier
Federal Farm Bill Forumn
#22 Aug 07
A Farm Bill Forum that was held at Northern New Mexico College in Española on July 8, 2007. The forum was organized to inform people about the Farm Bill and how it affects us, as well as to hear peoples’ concerns about agriculture. The information from the Forum was to make recommendations to the New Mexico Congressional Delegation for Farm Bill policy.
The Forum was organized with the support of: The New Mexico Acequia Association, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension, Northern New Mexico College, the American Friends Service Committee, the Traditional Native American Farmers’ Association, and the Northern New Mexico Stockman’s Association.
In this program you can hear:
- Paula Garcia, Executive Director of the NMAA.
- Lorenzo Valdez, County Manager of Rio Arriba County.
- Edmund Gomez of NMSU Cooperative Extension.
- Don Bustos of Santa Cruz Farms.
- Marcela Cruz of Santa Fe Farmers Market.
- Louie Hena of Tesuque Pueblo.
- Carlos Salazar of the Northern New Mexico Stockman’s Association.
- Gail Minton of Taos.
- Suzanne Walter of Taos.
- and Camila Bustamante of La Cienega.
Theme music by Cipriano Vigil. This month’s music by Los Lobos.
José Rivera
# 23 Sep 07 Acequia Culture
This show could adequately be termed “Acequia Culture 101,” and features a presentation by Dr. Jose Rivera, sociology professor at the University of New Mexico and author of the book “Acequia Culture” published by UNM Press in 1998. The show gives a general overview of the history of the acequias, how they made their way to the upper Rio Grande, along with their cultural role and challenges.
Music by Cipriano Vigil.
Roberto Torrez & Roberto Mondragon #24 Oct 07
Presentations from historian Robert Torres and Roberto Mondragon from an event held in Las Vegas, New Mexico on May 19, 2007. The event, entitled “Land: Resource, Right, Refuge” was sponsored by the City of Las Vegas Museum and the Friends of the Museum.
Robert Torres speaks about the archival evidence of agriculture in New Mexico and the establishment of the land grants.
Roberto Mondragon sings a song about agriculture and shares some history about the land grant he belongs to in Anton Chico.
Music by Cipriano Vigil and Roberto Mondragon.
Blue Corn Posolé
#25 Nov 07
A Sembrando Semillas workshop held on October 20, 2007 in Chamisal, New Mexico. In this program you can hear the Sembrando Semillas team learn how to make posole from blue corn. Featured in this show are:
Maximiliano Garcia: mentor in the making of posole.
Miguel Santistevan: recorder and interviewer.
Margaret Garcia: youth mentor.
Victor Mascareñas, Taos Sembrando Semillas mentor.
AND Youth participants:
RJ Chavez, Taos High School senior.
Juan Felipe Roybal, Peñasco High School junior.
Adam Casados, Peñasco High School.
Karen Mirabal, Taos college student.
Toribio Garcia, Peñasco High School junior.
Michael Fresquez, Peñasco High School.
Music by Cipriano Vigil and David Garcia y su conjunto.
Middle Rio Grande Issues
#26 Dec 07
A presentation by Lisa Robert to the Southwest Water class at the University of New Mexico on October 26, 2007. Lisa was editor of the New Mexico Water Dialogue for several years and has done much work on water issues in the Middle Rio Grande. In this show we dialogue about the Middle Rio Grande Basin, the San Juan-Chama diversion, and the connection between agriculture, surface water, and groundwater.
Music by Cipriano Vigil y los Viejitos.
- introductions by event organizer Sandra Santa Cruz
- Ron Sandoval on the history of the Sangre de Cristo land grant and acequias
- and Pricilla Salazar-Martinez on acequia culture in the San Luis Valley.
Also in this show we plant potatoes with the Sembrando Semillas team in Embudo.
This month’s music is by Santana. Theme music by Cipriano Vigil.
2006 ¡Que Vivan las Acequias! & other related shows
Que Vivan las Acequias #3 Sembrandos Semillas & protecting our water rights. Jan 06
Proceedings from:
- Youth Radio Town Hall with Angel Martinez
- Rio Arriba County Water conference with water rights lawyer David Benavides about legal protections for acequias.
- Youth interviews from Toribio and Juanita Garcia with reflections on the Bioneers conference & LouAnn Romero with personal experiences and hopes for acequias
Musica: “La Corrida” by Cipriano Vigil y su conjunto from “Musicos del Camino Real de Tierra Adentro” Volumen II. Conaculta INAH 2000 and “Raza Es Raza” from Kinto Sol’s “Hecho En Mexico” release, 2003
Preparing Seeds #4 Sembrandos Semillas seed cleaning workshop. Feb 06
A Workshop in Taos, NM on January 14, 2006.
- Sembrando Semillas Youth interview Marino Rivera, Estevan Arellano, Lucille Trujillo, Eremita Campos, Antonio Medina, and Margarita Garcia about seeds, agriculture, and food.
Musica: “Los Activos” from the “Hasta los Huesos” release on Big Bang records.
Preserving our Seed from the Corporations #5 Mar 06
A continuation of the Sembrando Semillas Seed Cleaning Workshop in Taos, NM on January 14, 2006 with:
- Miguel Santistevan importance of seeds
- Antonio Medina history of seeds
Musica: Butterfly Dance San Juan Pueblo from “Music of the Native American Indians” on ARC records.
Seeds & Acequia Cleaning #6 Apr 06
The New Mexico Acequia Association and Traditional Native American Farmers’ Association’s Traditional Agriculture Conference in Alcalde, March 10 & 11, 2006
- Estevan Arellano role of seeds in community
- Clayton Brascoupe issues around Genetic Engineering
Acequia Cleaning in Taos, March 31 and April 1, 2006
- Johnny Sisneros, RJ Chavez, Paul Trujillo, Karen Mirabal
Musica: from Xavier Quijas Yxayotl, “America Indigena” release, 1994.
More Seeds & Acequia Cleaning
#7 May 06
More proceedings from the NMAA’s and TNAFA’s Traditional Agriculture Conference in Alcalde on March 10 & 11, 2006
- Maximilliano Garcia importance of seeds (in Spanish)
- Gilbert Naranjo stories of seeds and crops
and Youth Interviews with:
- Karen Mirabal experiences with acequias
- Toribio Garcia first acequia cleaning
Musica: Taos Pueblo Tribal Songs from American Indian Soundchiefs, 1996 and “Tierra Olvidada” by Quinto Sol from Quetzalcoatl/Tezcatlipoca release.
Que Vivan las Acequias- Planting
#8 Jun 06
A Sembrando Semillas Planting Workshop held in Taos on May 13, 2006 with:
- RJ Chavez, Johnny Sisneros, Karen Mirabal, Donne Gonzales, and Juanita Garcia
- coordinator Miguel Santistevan and youth mentor Margarita Garcia
Musica: Vicente Griego and Flamenco Xicano, live recording from NMCEI conference, June 3, 20006 and live recording of Dia de San Isidro pilgrimage in the South Valley of Albuquerque, May 20, 2006.
Land, Water & Culture Institute
#9 At Highlands in Las Vegas. Youth from Sembrandos Semillas. Jul 06
Proceedings from a Land, Water, & Culture Institute held at Highlands University on June 18-20, 2006 with presentations from:
Paula Garcia
Daniel Hearne
AnaLisa Campos
Estevan Flores
Music by: “Sacred Circle” by Aztlan Underground from the “Decolonize” release, 2001.
Preserving the Harvest: Capulin Jelly part 1
#11 Sep 06
The Taos Sembrando Semillas team making capulin jelly on August 10, 2006 with:
Nicanor Ortega,
RJ Chavez,
Karen Mirabal,
Miguel Santistevan,
Elena Arguello, and
mentor Beatrice Tafoya
Musica: “Barrio Viejo” by Lalo Guerrero.
Winona LaDuke
Seed Sovereignty 58 min Oct 06 At the Tesuque Seed Sovereignty Conference. Recorded by Robin Collier, Edited by Scott Schuker
Taos Currents - Host Mike Tilley
Acequia Congreso: Paula Garcia
Preserving the Harvest
part 2 #12 Oct 06
The Taos Sembrando Semillas team from our Harvest workshop held on September 22, 2006 with:
Martin Cardenas
James Archuleta
RJ Chavez
Margarita Garcia
Musica: “Viva la Raza” by The Latin Playboys, 1994.
The Bioneers #13 Nov 06
The Sembrando Semillas team report on their 2006 harvest with:
Angel Martinez
Karen Mirabal
Miguel Santistevan
Also listen to experiences of the Sembrando Semillas team with the Bioneers conference in San Rafael, CA held from October 18-22, 2006 with:
Angel Martinez
Toribio Garcia
Celestino Chavez
Juanita Garcia
RJ Chavez
The Bioneers & Seed Sovereignty #14 Dec 06
More reflections about the Bioneers conference held in San Rafael, CA on October 18-22, 2006 with:
- Margarita Garcia, Celestino Chavez, RJ Chavez, and Angel Martinez
Also hear a report about the Slow Food conference held in Turin, Italy on October 26-29, 2006 by Miguel Santistevan
Hear proceedings from the 7th Annual Congreso de las Acequias held in Taos, NM on December 2, 2006 with:
- Seed Sovereignty Report by Louie Hena and Miguel Santistevan
- El Agua es la Vida declaration with Paula Garcia and Juanita Garcia
Musica: “Sembrando Semillas” by Cihuatl Tonali, “No necesitamos permiso para ser libres” release.
2005 ¡Que Vivan las Acequias! & other related shows
Que Vivan las Acequias #1 Primere show with history of the Acequias and a statement by Margarita Garcia. Nov 05
From the Bioneers conference held in Albuquerque in October 2005 with:
- Miguel Santistevan history/ecology of acequias
- RJ Chavez historical background of Acequias
- Paula Garcia presentation at Bioneers 2005 in Taos
- Margarita Garcia presentation at Bioneers 2005 in Albuquerque
Musica: “La Corrida” by Cipriano Vigil y su conjunto from “Musicos del Camino Real de Tierra Adentro” Volumen II
Rio Arriba Water Conference #2 Dec 05
The Rio Arriba County Water conference held on Saturday, November 19, 2005 with:
- Alfredo Montoya - introduction and background
- Paula Garcia policy aspects of acequias
Musica: from Disc 3 of “La Musica de los Viejitos” by Cipriano Vigil
Click on these links to hear other collections of Cultural Energy Special Shows
David Barsamian Post Election Activism | Another World is Possible | Middle East Crisis
Picuris/Miranda Canyon Subdivision on the La Serna Grant includes Map
Sustain Taos: Bioneers' Shows | Lyla Johnston's Native Momentum
Community Story Telling - Robert Wolf
Teen Media Camp Radio | Teen Media Camp Video | Writers on Radio SOMOS
Geoff Bryce's Acequia Reports | Lisa Fox's Farming Shows| Maye Torres Untitled
Jasmine Bennett interviews Presidential Candidates | Interview: Agnes Martin
Mike Tilley's Taos Currents | Cuentos de mi Valle: Theresa Silva
Bob Romero's Historia de Taos | John Paternoster's Rules of the Justice Game
Flowers Espinosa - Red Air | Exploring Sacred Places - Julia Bortz Pyatt
All segments are copyright 2003-2007 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators and may not be reproduced in any form.
All segments are copyright 2003-2009 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators and may not be reproduced in any form. |