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Los Alamos National Labs
Stories on the Lab's Impact on New Mexico's People & Environment
Related Stories on Radiation and Uranium Mining
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You can also listen to more than 3,900 other Cultural Energy Radio Segments on Youth, Arts & Activism
2016-2024 Stories & Meetings
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LANL Town Hall 77:08
A town hall held on July 22, 2024 by NSA and OEM on the operation of Los Alamos National Laboratories and the cleanup of nuclear waste at the site.
Myrriah Gómez 70:11
Myrriah Gómez "Nuclear Nuevo México" speaking at the Dixon Library Feb. 3, 2024.
The Cost of LANL 26:36
Kay Matthews explores a new report from UNM that shows that Los Alamos National Labs, instead of benefiting Northern New Mexico economically, actually creates millions of dollars of net cost to the surrounding counties to Los Alamos 2020.
LANL Plutonium Pits 76:16
Jay Coghlin of Nuke Watch speaks in Taos Jan. 14, 2020.
Plans for LANL on Santa Fe campus 27:252
Greg Mello of LASG tells of plans for Los Alamos National Labs presence at the campus on St Michaels in Santa Fe 2019.
Counting Nuclear Weapons Dollars 28:09
Sheri Kotowski and Suzie Schwartz speak about 4 events across New Mexico to "Count the Nuclear Weapons Dollars" organized by Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety 2019.
Proposed Expansion at LANL 30:36
Pacifica Affiliate's Sprouts show with Greg Mello of LASG interviewed by Robin Collier on the proposed expansion to make a plutonium pit factory at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Los Alamos Study Group 29:00
Greg Mello of the LASG speaking on plans for massive contruction and huge new roads at Los Alamos National Labs as part of the Plutonium Pit production.
Los Alamos Study Group 27:29
Greg Mello of LASG talks about big increases in the budget for the military and nuclear weapons and the devastating threat of climate change.
Los Alamos Study Group 29:16
Greg Mello of the LASG speaking on issues with Los Alamos National Labs and nuclear weapons.
Hiroshima 39:29
Joanne Forman speaks Aug. 6, 2016 on "Hiroshima, Why Does it still Matter?" Music by Melanie DeMore and Tina Hahn.
Plutonium Pits at LANL Part 1 58:56
Plutonium Pits at LANL Part 2 60:50
Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study Group speaks on July 30, 2018 on the plans for multiple shift production of up to 80 plutonium pits per year at Los Alamos National Labs.
Pit Production Update 28:59
Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study Group talks about the proposed Nuclear bomb pit production at Los Alamos National Labs and the many issues involved.
Trillion + $ Nuclear Budget 29:21
Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study Group speaks about the proposed trillion + dollar budget to "upgrade" the nuclear weapons arsenal of the US.
Nuclear Weapon Ban 29:39
Greg Mello of Los Alamos Study Group on the proposed ban on Nuclear Weapons.
Plutonium Pits at LANL 32:40
UN Nuclear Weapons Ban 15:35
Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study Group speaks about the near criticality incident in August at LANL and the whole issue of plutonimun pit production, and about the new world wide nuclear weapons ban treaty at the United Nations.
Los Alamos Study Group 28:05
Greg Mello of the LASG speaking on plans for plutonium pit production Los Alamos National Labs as part of a more than trillion dollar weapons system.
Dismantling the Nuclear Beast 68:31
Verna Teller, first female governor of Isleta Pueblo, speaks at the Nuclear Issues Study Group Conference on Dec. 1-3, 2017 at UNM in Albuquerque.
Robert Oppenheimer 73:20
Jim Hopkins speaks on "The Rise and Fall of Robert Oppenheimer" on June 19, 2018 at SMU Taos
Romantic Nukes 2:45
Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study Group warns of a state wide effort this summer to romanticize the creation of the Atomic Bomb in New Mexico.
Atomic Summer 28:41
Greg Mello of LASG and James Hart talking about the "Atomic Summer", a steal PR effort connected to LANL to romanticize the creation on the atomic bomb at Los Alamos.
Dismantling the Nuclear Beast 29:28
Eileen Shaughnessy introduces Beata Tsosie-Peña, Kathy Sanchez and Dr. Myrriah Gomez speaking at the Nuclear Issues Study Group Conference on Dec. 2, 2017 at UNM in Albuquerque.
Plutonium Pit Production 29:30
Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study Group talks about the new study that shows LANL is the most expensive location for Nuclear bomb pit production and the many issues involved.
Greg Mello - LASG 30:01
Greg Mello founder of the Los Alamos Study Group interviewed by Robin Collier on nuclear issues in a Trump administration.
Amigos Bravos 30:04
Rachel Conn of Amigos Bravos speaks about their potential EPA suit on LANL water runoff and about their concerns on the Carson National Forest Plan revision.
Military Pollution 27:50
Carol Miller of the Peaceful Skies Coalition on the extensive pollution on military bases throughout the US.
Chromium Plume 29:04
Communities for Clean Water and Tewa Women United speak on the Chromium Plume hearing on November 7.
Senator Martin Heinrich 9:59
Democratic NM Senator Martin Heinrich tells why he is running again
Dr. Karl Brooks 56:21
EPA Region 7 administrator Dr. Karl Brooks "Land of Enchanment, Land of Paradox, New Mexico Confronts its Environmental Opportunities" speaking June 26, 2018 at SMU Taos.
Regional Coalition of LANL Communities 26:36
The Apr. 6 meeting was canceled.
Kay Matthews of La Jicarita reports on the RCLC and the meeting Apr. 6th 9:-12:30 at the County Commission Chambers and other LANL issues including the EA on expanding Plutonium Pit production. For more info visit NukeWatch.
LANL Resolution Forum 16:26
Marilyn Hoff and Jeanne Green tell about their forum on LANL issues to be held at SOMOS Jan. 27, 2018 3-5 pm sponsored by the Green Party of Taos
LANL Oral Histories 59:53
"Los Alamos Revisted" by Peter Malmgren and Kay Matthews. Historias Conference at Northern New Mexico College "Querencia Interrupted: Hispano and Native American Experiences of the Manhattan Project" Oct 12-14 |
2012-2015 Stories & Meetings
If you want to save the mp3 file for your iPod or other later listening, on Windows, click on the link with the right mouse button, on the Mac, click on the link while holding the control key. Saved files may not be copied, distributed, edited, transcribed or used in any way that violates our copyright. Click on images for an enlarged view.
NNSA Plutonium Hearing
Video of public comment
National Nuclear Security Administration hearing on the draft Surplus Plutonium Disposition Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement August 25 in Santa Fe. DOE plans to bring 14.4 tons of surplus plutonium to LANL and/or WIPP.
LASG update meeting on the CMRR & related issues
Wednesday, February 22, at the Cloud Cliff Bakery, 1805 2nd Street, Santa Fe, 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
On Thursday, February 23, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative, 118 Cruz Alta Road,Taos, 6:30-8:30 pm.
The White House announced on Feb 13, 2012 that they are delaying construction and funding the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Building Replacement Facility for 5 years.
"In place of CMRR for plutonium chemistry, NNSA will maximize use of the recently constructed Radiological Laboratory and Utility Office Building that will be fully equipped in April 2012, approximately one year ahead of schedule. In place of CMRR for plutonium physics, NNSA has options to share workload between other existing plutonium-capable facilities at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories. "
"In place of CMRR for the storage of special nuclear materials, the Budget includes $35 million to accelerate actions that process, package, and dispose of excess nuclear material and reduce material at risk in the plutonium facility at Los Alamos. If additional storage is needed, NNSA can stage plutonium for future program use in the Device Assembly Facility in Nevada. The Office of Secure Transportation Asset will execute shipments as needed."
"The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has designed CMRR for the following stockpile missions: plutonium chemistry; plutonium physics; and storage of special nuclear materials. Construction has not begun on the nuclear facility. NNSA has determined in consultation with the national laboratories that existing infrastructure in the nuclear complex has the inherent capacity to provide adequate support for these missions."
Full pdf of budget announcement
Hiroshima, What's That?28:00
2012 Radio play written by Joanne Forman, Performed by Ruth Farbach. Remixed with a commentary by the playwright Joanne Forman, with music "Lanterns on the River" by Joanne Forman.
Commentary & Music 9:16
Hiroshima, What's That? 18:43
Radio play written by Joanne Forman, Performed by Ruth Farbach
LANL Director Charlie McMillan’s message on CMRR status
February 14, 2012
Yesterday, the Administration released the President’s budget request for fiscal year 2013. When combined with budget allocations for FY12, it has very significant implications for the Laboratory going forward across a broad spectrum of our programs.
The budget request defers construction on our Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement-Nuclear Facility for at least five years. We have also received direction from NNSA for fiscal year 2012 to substantially complete our design work and prepare for close-out activities that will occur over the next few months.
This morning, the CMRR management team met with the workforce to discuss impacts and what will happen next.
I feel it’s important to share some of the higher-level details with the entire Lab workforce.
First: Although this news is difficult to hear, I want to stress to you that this decision has nothing to do with the performance of the Lab. The CMRR team is completing the first phases of this project well ahead of schedule, and the U.S. will have a vitally important new facility in the Radiological Laboratory and Utility Office Building (RLUOB).
Second: Work continues as we complete final design. Other activities will gradually ramp down, and as that happens, some deployed employees will return to their home functional organizations. I have asked our PADs to make every effort to assess their needs and facilitate transfers and reassignments.
Third: The Lab’s mission remains unchanged. In a large-scale construction project, it is prudent to have contingency plansespecially given today’s budget realities. We have been working with NNSA to identify options to continue the important work supporting our nuclear deterrent. Those options include modifying existing facilities, moving some nuclear material, maximizing the use of RLUOB, and sharing the workload between other plutonium-capable facilities.
Regarding future program needs, our message to the government and to members of Congress has been clear: without CMRR, there is no identified path to meet the nation’s requirement of 50 to 80 pits per year. Assuming further investments in LANL facilities, we are confident we can deliver but only a portion of that requirement.
Beyond CMRR, we are seeing budget reductions in FY13 for a number of our programs, such as the W-76 Life Extension Program and the Russian second line of defense. The budget issues we face are common to all parts of government. This compounds an already difficult set of FY12 budget challenges and raises questions about whether we can meet the pace of the modernization path outlined in the 2010 Nuclear Posture review.
I remain committed to upgrade the infrastructure needed to create the environments where scientific excellence and mission execution can flourish. The President’s budget continues to fund several construction projects in the Pajarito corridor and other announcements on scientific facilities will come soon. It also makes a strong commitment to additional plutonium activities through our ARIES program, the B-61 Life Extension Program, and environmental remediation funding.
I pledge to keep you updated as the budget works its way through Congress.
2011 Stories & Meetings
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Cultural Energy is 8 Years Old
On Sep 9, 2011 the FCC granted us a construction permit
for a 9 kW Educational FM Radio station, KCEI at 89.5 FM.
NNSA Issues Amended Record of Decision Oct 13 to Build Nuclear Facility at LANL
Los Alamos Study Group Files Second Lawsuit to Halt Proposed $6 Billion Los Alamos Plutonium Building
LASG Press Release
Oct 21 lawsuit challenges NNSA Record of Decision of Oct 13 on the CMRR-NF. |
CMRR Comment Period Extended
Comment period for the CMRR. part of proposed plutonium bomb factory at LANL has been extended to 5 pm Tues, July 5, 2011 and may be e-mailed to: NEPALASO@doeal.gov Subject: Draft CMRRNF SEIS
Final CMRR SEIS Released
Aug 26, 2011 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on Nuclear Facility Portion of the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Building Replacement Project at Los Alamos National Laboratory issued with few changed recommendations.
InciWeb.org Las Conchas Fire July 27
156,593 acres (245 sq. miles) burned, 95% contained. 196 personnel. 3 helicopters, 10 engines 1 water tender, 0 doziers. 15 Injuries to Date. 63 houses & 49 other structures destroyed. Cost as of July 12 $31,213,716
Fire acres by ownership is as follows: Dept. of Energy - 93 ac, USFS - 78,928 ac, Native/BIA - 4 ac, Jemez - 4,751 ac, Nat. Park Service - 20,854 ac, Private - 5,125 ac, Santa Clara - 16,608 ac, Santo Domingo - 262 ac, Valles Caldera - 29,968 ac.
Las Conchas Fire Public Meeting
hosted by the NM Community Foundation, Forum for Environmental Education & Dialogue
Thursday, August 18, 5:30-7:30 p.m Pojoaque Valley School Admin. Bld.
1574 New Mexico State Road 502, Pojoaque.
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Emergency Preparation and Operations during the Las Conchas Fire - presented by Manny L’Esperance from LANL
- Los Alamos National Laboratory's Air Monitoring Data - presented by Mike McNaughton from LANL
- New Mexico Environment Department’s Air Monitoring Data - presented by Bill Bartels from New Mexico Environment Department DOE Oversight Bureau
- Fire Impacts on Storm Water Runoff at Los Alamos National Laboratory -presented by Dave McInroy from LANL
- Discussion of Risks to Human Health and Environment resulting from the Las Conchas Fire
From Sheri Kotowski: Las Conchas Fire air monitoring.
NMED changed out filters this morning on AIRNET (low volume) stations (measuring gross alpha and beta radiation, isotopic uranium and plutonium, americium, strontium) on the perimeter of LANL and at the airport. They will have data back in seven days. They are setting up high volume samplers that will be analyzed for the same constituents as AIRNET and also for heavy metals.
The lab has put out 60 additional air monitoring stations. Turn around time on the data will should be very quick according to NMED Oversight.
10 pm June 29: I'm happy to say that DOE and NMED Oversight, with EVEMG's assistance, have coordinated emergency regional air monitoring at the following locations:
Embudo Clinic, Rinconada
Embudo Valley Community Library, Dixon
El Valle at the office of La Jicarita News
2 locations in Taos, 1 at Holy Cross Hospital
Chimayo, across the road from El Santuario
Las Vegas, office of the New Mexico Environment Department
Taos Activists Protest at Wed. June 8 at CMRR "informational" meeting in Taos
Activists gathered at the intersection across from Walmart with puppets & signs to protest the NNSA meeting that denied Taos a chance for a public hearing on the SEIS for the proposed CMRR-NF in Los Alamos. We were informed by Rodger Snyder of the NNSA that we would not be allowed to record the audience's questions and comments in the meeting, but when we started recording, they made no effort to stop us. The recording begins outside at the demonstration as many decided to go into the meeting and were prevented from entering. There was no sound system or mics provided so sound is sometimes difficult. The audience frequently interrupted the presentation and security was invoked several times. Protesters who were not allowed in can be heard chanting outside.
Presentation & Comments 1:54:19
Excerpts From Research Done by Harvey Solomon MD for Cultural Energy, emphasis added.
The Governmental Accounting Office
GAO-08-173R: Los Alamos Laboratory January 10, 2008. Page 4
Los Alamos National Laboratory; Information on Security of Classified Data, Nuclear Material Controls, Nuclear and Worker Safety and project Management Weaknesses
Concerns about nuclear safety at LANL are long-standing. Problems include the following:
Criticality concerns.
For example, since 2003 the laboratory reported 19 incidents raising nuclear criticality concerns, such as storage or transportation of dangerous material in quantities that exceeded or potentially exceeded criticality limits. In the plutonium facility (TA-55) in July 20007, for example, an area of the facility containing spent trichloroethylene exceeded criticality safety limit for such material by 40 percent. As recently as September 2007, operations were suspended in the plutonium facility over nuclear safety concerns.
Radiological exposures.
Since fiscal year 2003, the laboratory reported 21 incidents involving exposure to radiological materials, including contamination of face, hands or other body parts from working in situations such as glove boxes, unusually high, unexplained dosage readings for workers; and unanticipated intake of contaminants, such as plutonium, from inadvertent release.
Nuclear safety violation enforcement actions.
Since fiscal year 2003, LANL has received four enforcement actions containing civil penalties totaling nearly $2.5 million for significant violations of nuclear safety requirements.
The enforcement actions include a June 2004 penalty of $770,000 for violations that resulted in two workers being exposed to radiation doses exceeding annual allowable limits, and a February 2007 penalty of $1.1 million for 15 separate violations of nuclear safety rules, reflecting continuing safety performance deficiencies over the past several years.
From October 1, 2002 through June 30, 2007, LANL experienced 23 reported safety accidents serious enough to warrant investigation. Although no fatalities occurred during this period, workers involved in these accidents were seriously injured.
US Department of Energy Annual Report on Nuclear Criticality Safety Programs 2009
Los Alamos National Laboratory
An increase in non-compliances occurred. There were 13 total non-compliances nine of which were infractions. Four of these involved partial loss of a process parameter with two or more parameters providing criticality safety margin. Two resulted from legacy issues. Several non-compliances were judged to result from operator confusion due to extensive re-work of postings and administrative controls that occurred from the Augmented Limit Review process.
Next NMCF RACER Meeting
Forum for Environmental Education and Dialogue (FEED) meeting Tue, June 14 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm at Northern New Mexico College in room AD 101. Agenda: Contaminant Transport in Stormwater from the Los Alamos Canyon Watershed - Dave Englert of the NM Environment Department DOE Oversight Bureau
LANL's Stormwater Mitigation Plan and Progress - Steve Veenis from LANL, Discussion about how FEED can be improved, Discussion about presentations and topics for future FEED meetings, Update on public meetings, hearings & workshops
Public Hearings in Santa Fe May 26, 2011 on the Draft CMRRNF SEIS We are still working on processing the 3 hours of testimony but have put a few clips up for now.
In Santa Fe, Bruce MacAllister lies about the threats to remove speakers in Española. 0:15
Audio from Española: Teresa Juarez Mic cut off 2:20
Jay Coghlan - Nuke Watch NM 5:41
Irwin Rivera - Taos 5:56
Xubi Wilson - Fish Story 5:21
Rebecca Ortega- Santa Clara 6:30
NNSA "Informational" Taos meeting on CMRR Wed. June 8
NNSA will hold a meeting on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility June 8 at 6 pm at the Hotel Don Fernando across from Walmart in Taos. No public comments will be recorded but staff will answer questions about the 5.8 billion dollar project. There has been no explanation why an informational meeting could be held but a public hearing could not be. The Taos News reports that the Mayor expressed diappointment that a full hearing will not be held.
NNSA Rejects Taos SEIS Hearing
In a letter to the NM Congressional delegation on May 27, NNSA denies a request for a hearing in Taos on the CMRR SEIS that was requested by Mayor Cordova. In the letter they claim instead to be planning an "informational" meeting Taos but where public spoken comment will not be transcribed as in the public hearing.
Page 1 NNSA letter May 27
Page 2 NNSA letter May 27
Taos Activist Plan Protest at Wed. June 8 at CMRR "informational" meeting
Taos activists concerned about the proposed Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility at Los Alamos plan a protest at the meeting, because the "presentation" on June 8 will not be a full public hearing, as was provided other cities in the region.
Las Vegas Community Peace Radio
Pat Leahan's show from the Las Vegas Peace & Justice Center broadcast every Saturday 10-11 am on KFUN 1230 AM. This May 28th show with Pat Leahan, her high school student co-host Jalila Arthur and Robin Collier, covered the Nuclear Industry in New Mexico and featured clips from recent hearings.
Community Peace Radio 56:10
You can hear other Community Peace Radio shows here
Bruce MacAllister checks his watch
NNSA's John Tegtmeier looks for security
Bruce MacAllister takes the mic
from Teresa Juarez
Activists stand with Teresa Juarez to stop her being removed by Santa Clara security
Tensions Rise at CMRR SEIS Hearing in Española May 25, 2011 Audio: Teresa Juarez Mic cut off 2:20
Teresa Juarez was threatened with being "removed" from the hearing when she wouldn't end her testimony after facilatator Bruce MacAllister took away her microphone. Activists rushed up forward to protect her. The incident was finally diffused as time for more testimony was promised later. Robin Collier photos
Public Hearings in Española May 25, 2011 on the Draft CMRRNF SEIS Apologies for any misspelling of names. Times include speakers calls by facilatator.
Intro-Rules 5:46
Overview - John Tegtmeier 9:46
More Rules 4:49
Comments, Warnings in 4 files:
Comment Hour 1 1:00:47
Comment Hour 2 58:53
Comment Hour 3 55:05
Comment Last Half Hour 28:37
Each Seperate Public Comment, Warning in Order Made:
Ray Baca 2:03
Danny Beaver 1:03
Stewart Barger 2:42
Mike Gomez 1:142:14
Charlo 6:06
Tara Summerville 1:48
Emmy Caponen 1:42
Paula Seaton 2:55
Ann Hendry 7:04
David Bacon 5:16
Applause warning 0:24
Joan Lague 5:33
Mellisa Larson 6:02
Jay Coghlan 6:35
Julie Sutherland 1:23
Marilyn Hoff 7:58
Mic Cut Off Warning 0:26
Jeanne Green 7:56
Disorder-Removal Warning 0:39
Margarita Denevan 6:11
JR Trujillo 2:06
Jean Nichols 3:46
Joni Arends 6:05
Bonnie Benoh 3:52
Beata Tsosie-Peña 3:56
Marian Narajano 9:39
Lisa Putkey 6:56
Alternative Comment Methods 0:20
Rev. Holly Beaumont 7:03
Teresa Chavez 2:29
Shelia Cooper 4:19
Jay Gilbert Sanchez 8:17
Whitney Neiman 3:56
Julia Pyatt 4:24
T. Ruth Teller 5:34
Stephanie Hiller 5:52
Andres Juarez 1:09
Kathy Sanchez 5:55
Teresa Juarez 6:59
Teresa Juarez Mic cut off 2:20
Miguel Moreño 2:52
Robert Chavez 7:00
Scott Kovac 1:52
Extending Time 2:22
Teresa Chavez 1:58
Jeanne Green - Taos Hearing 3:51
Jay Coghlan 5:59
T. Ruth Teller 0:59
Marian Naranjo 3:28
Robert Chavez 0:49
Shelia Cooper 1:41
Close 0:31
LASG suit on CMRR Dismissed
Federal Judge Herrera on May 23 ruled that DOE's SEIS on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project meets NEPA requirements and dismissed the Los Alamos Study Group's suit to stop work on the project and require a new EIS. Judge Herrera's dismissal was based on "prudential mootness" in that DOE was proceeding with the SEIS under NEPA and thus was addressing the concerns raised by LASG. She ruled that it could have also be dismissed on the basis that the case was not yet "ripe" for adjudication since the SEIS was not completed and a Record of Decision had not yet been made. She suggested that LASG could come back to court later to challenge the adequacy of either. Read the ruling here.
In any case, LASG can claim some victory for its efforts, since prior to the filing of the lawsuit, there was no effort by DOE to do the Supplemental EIS. Update: Gregg Mello of LASG does not want credit for the SEIS, which he believes is a sham.
Public hearings in Los Alamos May 24, 2011 on the Draft CMRRNF SEIS.
Entire hearing-one file 55:44
Each Seperate Public Comment, in Order Made. Apologies for any misspelling of names.
Intro-Rules 8:04
Overview - John Tegtmeier 9:53
More Rules 3:56
Ray Baca 1:47
Danny Beaver 1:31
Robert Carman 2:42
Alfred Arias 1:35
Michael Moya 6:01
Rev. Holly Beaumont 6:24
Johhny Martinez 2:52
Extending Time 0:42
Charles Mansfield 2:42
Scott Kovacs 3:30
Kathy Keith - RDC 2:24
Close 0:42
Public hearings will be held on the Draft CMRRNF SEIS from 5- 9 pm at the following dates, and locations: Mon May 23: Albuquerque Marriott on Louisiana, Tue, May 24, , Holiday Inn Express, 60 Entrada Drive, Los Alamos, NM, Wed, May 25, Santa Claran Hotel, 464 N. Riverside Drive, Española, NM, Thur, May 26, Santa Fe Community College, Jemez Rooms, 6401 Richards Avenue, Santa Fe, NM. Comments period on the SEIS will be accepted until June 28, 2011
mailed to Attn: Mr. John Tegtmeier, CMRRNF SEIS Document Manager, U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Los Alamos Site Office, 3747 West Jemez Road, TA3 Building 1410, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 87544, or by facsimile (505) 6675948; or by e-mail at: NEPALASO@doeal.gov All mail, faxes, and email should be marked: Draft CMRRNF SEIS
Lisa Putkey, Elizabeth Chavez 3:22
Marilyn Hoff 3:33
Jeanne Green 14:07
Mary Wiaki 4:08
Doug Duran 6:34
Van Vinum 1:59
Charlo 2:48
Erich Kuerschner 6:33
Joni Arends CCNS 8:09
Tom Gallegos 3:39
Penelope McMullen 2:05
Teresa Schreck 7:49
Miguel Moreno 3:08
Mary Green 6:10
Clarisa Duran 7:30
Kathy Sanchez Tewa Women 5:55
David Bacon 5:53
Thea Spath 5:15
Maria Chilton 1:27
Rebecca Ortega 6:53
David Garcia 4:06
Patricia Trujillo 4:24
Closing 0:31
Recorded & Mixed by Robin Collier |
May 12 NMCF RACER Meeting
The first Forum for Environmental Education and Dialogue (FEED) meeting sponsored by NMCF. Pdfs of slides from the presentation are here at the RACER web site. Part of Sarah Wolters' intro was not recorded.
Intros by NMCF staff 3:47
LANL Monitoring Japan Radiation - Mike McNaughton 38:36
LANL Correction of Plutonium in Buckman Well- Nita Patel 22:14
Waste Water Settlement - Brian Shields - Amigos Bravos 38:17
Closing Comments 6:11
Recorded by Robin Collier - unedited
TEWA Women United Holds Prep Meeting for "Hot" Waste hearings The meeting will be Tue Apr 26 5:30- 7:30 at 912 Fairview Lane, Española. The DOE public hearing will be held Thur, Apr 28, 5:30 - 9:30, Cities of Gold Hotel Conference Center, 10-B Cities of Gold Road, Pojoaque.
Nuclear Power Plant in Pueblo, CO Rejected by County
In a 3-0 vote Pueblo County Commissioner voted Apr 25 to reject a plan to build a nuclear plant in Pueblo, due to "a significant lack of material information."
Taos County does not pass EIS for CMRR resolution The resolution failed to get a second and the commission refused to hear comment other than from Francine Lindberg, even though some 20 people showed they were supporting the resolution.
Taos County resolution for a new EIS for CMRR Tue Apr 19 9 am
The resolution will be heard by the County Commission for the 3rd time.
Los Alamos Study Group on CMRR
Greg Mello presented Apr 12 in Santa Fe on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project at Los Alamos National Labs. He also compared the project to the Mixed Oxide Uranium/Plutonium Fuel (MOX) plant in N. C.
Intro by Willem Malten 3:01
Greg Mello on CMRR 55:36
Melo on MOX plant in NC 15:19
QA - CMRR 23:35
More QA 20:08
Recorded by Robin Collier, Edited by Harvey Solomon & Robin Collier
LANL Develops New Fuel Cell
Daily KOS reports on a new fuel cell developed by LANL that does not require platinum, thus making this energy storage technology much more affordable. LANL only proposed allocating less than 4 tenth of one percent of its 2012 budget to work on alternative energy development compared to 61.3 % for nuclear weapons research & development.
NUCLEAR wake-up Call: LANL’s Proposed New Nuclear Bomb Factory Fri, May 13, 7 pm Bareiss Gallery
Out takes from the film The Forgotten Bomb. Special Guests: Joni Arends (CCNS) & Rev. Holly Beaumont (Las Mujeres Hablan)
Lawsuit for new EIS for CMRR
LASG's suit was heard again on May 2 in Federal District Court. The Justice Department presented a whole list of case law supporting their contention that they were in the NEPA process, had not make any choices of alternatives, and that the judge should dismiss the case as moot. Judge Herrera took the case under advisement and will rule in due time.
Los Alamos Study Group's Lawsuit for a new EIS on the CMRR was heard April 27 in Federal District Court in Albuquerque
Greg Mello Interview on the Trial 9:58 Recorded & edited by Robin Collier
LASG presented its case to Judge Herrera with testimony by Greg Mello and nuclear physicist Frank N. von Hippel PhD, former assistant director for national security in the White House Office of Science and Technology. Mello testified on the massive scale of the project compared to the approved record of decision in 2004, that the Labs were committed to the new design and already was putting out contract to start construction, which makes new consideration under NEPA impossible. Von Hippel testified that new plutonium pits are not needed for at least 70 years, thus pausing the CMRR project will have no effect our national defense. LANL presented part of its defense contending that no work or final design has been done and they don't accept that pits will last a century. The hearing will continue May 2nd at 9 am.
Los Alamos Study Group's Lawsuit calling for a new EIS on CMRR to be heard April 27 in Albuquerque
Wed. Apr 27, in the Brazos Courtroom (Room 580) of the Federal Courthouse, 333 Lomas Avenue NW, Albuquerque, the Honorable Judge Judith Herrera will hear LASG's suit to order LANL & NNSA to do a new Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project.
First NMCF RACER Meeting Set
Thursday, May 12 from 5-7 pm at Northern New Mexico College in room AD 101 (same as CRMG meetings). This Forum for Environmental Education and Dialogue (FEED) is meant to be the replacement for the CRMG meetings.
How radioactivity from Japan's nuclear disaster is being monitored in New Mexico - presented by LANL
Update regarding the Plutonium-238 detection in the Buckman Well Field - presented by LANL; reps present from the City of Santa Fe
Community involvement in the decision-making for LANL's stormwater permit - presented by Amigos Bravos
Update regarding upcoming meetings, hearings and workshops
Draft Supplemental EIS for CMRR released The National Nuclear Security Administration released the Draft SSuplemental Environmental Impact Report for the CMRR on Apr 22. It can be downloaded in pdf format here. A 45-day public comment period on the SEIS begins April 29.
Public hearings will be held on the Draft CMRRNF SEIS from 5- 9 pm at the following dates, and locations: Mon May 23: Albuquerque Marriott on Louisiana, Tue, May 24, , Holiday Inn Express, 60 Entrada Drive, Los Alamos, NM, Wed, May 25, Santa Claran Hotel, 464 N. Riverside Drive, Española, NM, Thur, May 26, Santa Fe Community College, Jemez Rooms, 6401 Richards Avenue, Santa Fe, NM.
Comments period on the SEIS extended & will be accepted until June 13 28, 2011
mailed to Attn: Mr. John Tegtmeier, CMRRNF SEIS Document Manager, U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Los Alamos Site Office, 3747 West Jemez Road, TA3 Building 1410, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 87544, or by facsimile (505) 6675948; or by e-mail at: NEPALASO@doeal.gov All mail, faxes, and email should be marked: Draft CMRRNF SEIS

Marion Naranjo of HOPE,
Santa Clara Pueblo
There were a number of important promises to the community made at the last CRMG meeting.
16 years of CRMG Ends
The Community Radiation Monitoring Group, which has met monthly for more than 16 years, bringing together the Department of Energy, Los Alamos National Labs, and the New Mexico DOE Oversight Bureau with community groups to discuss issues around radiation at LANL, was ended Mar 9th. The New Mexico Community Foundation is going to start a new forum in May to address these issues. If you want input on how these will be conducted fill out their on-line survey by April 13th |
The Last CRMG meeting
Held Mar 9, 2010 at NNMC in Española where Thomas Skibitski, Bureau Chief of the New Mexico DOE Oversight Bureau announced the end of the CRMG meetings.
Intros 5:50
Thomas Skibitski statement 30:56
NMCF statements 6:48
DOE statements 4:47
Community Response 36:50
Marion Naranjo Statement & Tom Skibitski Apology 6:20
More Community Response 30:08
Recorded by Robin Collier, Edited by Harvey Solomon & Robin Collier
Sarah Wolters & Denise Gonzales of the New Mexico Community Foundation
Stephen Yanicak & Thomas Skibitski
of the NM DOE Oversight Bureau
Pueblo Nuclear Plant
According to the Pueblo Chieftan, more than 500 people showed up Mar 16 to hear opposition to the proposed Nuclear Power plant in Pueblo, Colorado. So many wanted to speak, that hearing was continued to Mar 17 at 5 pm at the Sangre de Cristo Arts Center. Mr. Banner, the developer will also be given a chance to rebut the opposition.
CMRR Progress Reports Mar 10
Bi-annual presentation of NNSA - LANL and interested parties on the progress on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project at Los Alamos National Labs, Mar 10, 2011. Recorded & mixed by Robin Collier
LANL Fong & Holmes 41:41
First Public Q & A 22:20
Interested Parties 19:00
Second Public Q & A 41:20
At right, the $5.8 billion plus RLUOB and CMRR. The existing 38 year old plutonium facility (PF-4 aka TA-55 in the left of the photo) where nuclear bomb pits ARE being manufactured will NOT be upgraded, even though it sits on the same earth quake faults as the CMRR. LANL Fact Sheet on PF-4
Please click on images for larger views.
Below, interested parties exibits.
Neccessity of Planning for Distribution of Potassium Iodide
in Areas Surrounding all Nuclear Facilities
Harvey M. Solomon, M.D. Taos, New Mexico
Based on recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Commission, the WHO and the Board of Radiation Effects Research Division of the National Research Council, our government put in place a plan for the stockpilng and distribution of potassium iodide around every nuclear power plant operating in this country. This was done because, in the event of a meltdown and subsequent release of I-131, prompt administration of potassium iodide would block the uptake of radioiodine by the thyroid gland. Testing of nuclear weapons in the Pacific and the wide spread distribution of I-131 after the disaster at Chernobyl both demonstrated that uptake of radioiodine was clearly associated with the subsequent development of adenocarcinoma of the thyroid.
Every country with nuclear power plants adheres to a three stage approach to the management of an accidental release of radioiodine into the environment. As demonstrated by the experience in Japan, this consists of prompt treatment with potassium iodide, evacuation from the area of contamination, and sheltering of the evacuees from further exposure. Every country except the United States protects its citizens in this manner.
Senator Markey's New Letter to President Obama
Interview: Harvey Solomon M.D. on Radiation & Potassium Iodide Protection 16:55
Former director of a major lab at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Solomon discusses the current issues raised by the failure of nuclear plants in Japan and other radiological threats to our health and preventative measures to take. Interview by Robin Collier.
Major report on lack of preparedness for radiological emergencies (pdf) in the United States by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists 2010
In January 2008, Dr. John H. Marburger,III, then Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy during the administration of George W. Bush , issued a Decision Memorandum in which he abandoned the plan for distribution of potassium iodide and relied solely for evacuation from contaminated sites as the most effective way of managing the release of radioiodine. Dr. Marburger is a physicist and his unwise decision is a reflection of his lack of knowledge of the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the thyroid gland. It was challenged the American Thyroid Association whose membership includes some of the most widely respected thyroid endocrinologists in the nation and by Rep. Edward Markey , Chairman Subcommittee on Energy and Environment who wrote a letter to President Obama in December 2009 in which he presented, in detail, the dangers of Dr. Marberger’s remarkable decision. There is no public record of a response to either of these requests.
These are not widely known events to members of the general public, but in light of the meltdown of at least one reactor at a nuclear power plant in Japan and the associated release of radioiodine, the American people should understand that without prompt reinstatement of the program for stockpiling and distribution of potassium iodide in the immediate vicinity of all nuclear power plants there is a significant risk of contamination of the thyroids of people living around these plants in the event of a serious accident.
It would also seem very important to learn why one man had the power, without any public discussion or review of his decision, which is contrary to the opinions of all accepted authorities on the subject, to put into action a highly dangerous and ignorant decision which could impact on the lives and safety of hundreds of thousands of his fellow citizens.
In a blog on ProPublica, Peter Crane, former Counsel for Special Projects, U.S.N.R.C., responds in detail to Dr. Solomon and the article on ProPublica. This is a very informative and disturbing post from someone who really knows the dangers involved.
Taos Votes for New EIS
On Jan 25, 2010, the Taos Town Council unamiously approved a resolution urging a new EIS for the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project.
Discussion & Resolution on CMRR 12:05
Recorded & mixed by Robin Collier.
Taos County Commission Consideration of New EIS for LANL CMRR - Feb 18, 2011
The county heard a presentation from Los Alamos National Labs on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project. The public then commented on the need for a new Environmental Impact Study on the more than 5 billion dollar project to enable the Lab to continue making plutonium pits for nuclear bombs.
LANL Presentation 26:52
Public & Commission Comment 43:01
Recorded by Robin Collier, edited by Harvey Solomon.
Las Alamos National Labs & DOE will make an informal presentation on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project to the Taos County Commission at their 9 am meeting on Tues. Feb 15. It is 9th on the agenda, but could be moved up.
Nuclear Power Plant hearings Pueblo County CO Mar 15-16
Hearings on the proposed nuclear power plant and energy complex will be heard on Mar 15 & 16 at 5 pm in the Sangre de Cristo Arts Center, 210 North Santa Fe Avenue, Pueblo. Proponents will be heard on the 15th & opponents on the 16th and given 3-5 minutes each.
The Case Against Nuclear Power Plants
Commentary: Harvey Solomon M.D.
There is no such thing as a "safe" nuclear power plant and there is no level of radiation above background which is safe. Safety in both instances is a fantasy of the Department of Energy, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the nuclear power industry and cheaply purchased politicians. Mr. Obama is fully aware of the hazards that people living near nuclear power plants may be exposed to. As in other instances, he has shown neither the will nor the wisdom to correct serious errors regarding safety at such facilities that were made during the Bush administration.
Nuclear Power Plant planned in Pueblo, Colorado
This has been approved by the county planning commission and is moving through further reviews. The approval states that spent nuclear fuel must be moved off the power-plant property which conflicts with federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission rules that require spent fuel must be stored on site.
We will be covering this issue, particularly in light of nuclear plant failures in the Japanese earthquake and the refusal of Obama to reverse decisions by Bush to not require preventative health safety measures surrounding nuclear plants.
Sierra Club Will Oppose New Nuclear Power Plant in Pueblo County, Colorado
From SC Rocky Mountain Chapter: Joan Seeman Nuclear Issues Specialist and Toxics Chair
(303) 916 - 9244
Sierra Club will oppose efforts to build a proposed nuclear power plant in Pueblo County Colorado. The Pueblo Planning and Zoning Commission have scheduled a hearing on the proposal February 22 at 5pm at 1001 N. Sante Fe Ave in the Pueblo County conference room. Sierra Club spokespersons will appear at the hearing to present the organization’s opposition to the proposed nuclear power plant.
2010 Stories & Meetings
Center for Disease Control: Los Alamos Historical Document Retrival & Assesment Project (LAHDRA)
Final results of the 10 year study of radionuclide & chemical releases at LANL. Dec 8, 2010 in Española by CDC & ChemRisk. Full report available on-line at LAHDRA
The main report by Charles Miller of the CDC was followed by expert Q & A of which we recorded the Plutonium session. Joseph Shonka explains why ChemRisk lowered release values from previous drafts.
Charles Miller Intro 3:24
Charles Miller Report 18:58
Q & A on Plutonium by Joseph Shonka of ChemRisk 1:02:47
Recorded by Robin Collier, Edited by Harvey Solomon
The Santa Fe City Council passed a resolution urging a full EIS for LANL's CMRR Facility at its Nov 10 meeting.
Carol Miller Interview 34:20
Robin Collier interviews the health advocate & past Congressional Candidate about the state of New Mexico's funding of the expansion of Cannon Air Force base, including purchase of water rights, highway interchanges & schools. She relates this to the continued financial support of LANL by our congressional delgation, part of the nationwide militarization of our economy. |
CRMG Meeting Dec 15
Community Radition Monitoring Group meeting of Dec 15 in Española. Harvey Solomon raised the issue of lack of preparedness for a radiation accident. Sheri Kotowski raised communication problems about the AirNet monitoring station at Picuris Pueblo. Intro 1:54
Radiation Preparedness 36:50
AirNet Station at Picuris 28:53
Ending & Food 5:39
Recorded by Robin Collier, Edited by Harvey Solomon |
NMED Denies LANL Open Burn Permit
The Albuquerque Journal reports that on Nov 30, Ron Curry, Secretary of the NM Environment Department, approved a 10 year waste permit for Los Alamos National Labs, but denied a permit for open burning of high explosive waste. This is a major victory for las Mujeres Hablan, a coalition of women from environmental organizations, who testified and cross examined witnesses for weeks last summer on the dangers of open burning. Curry also banned dumping of radioacive waste at Area G, but decided not to require a multi-million dollar clean-up bond. Marian Narajano of Honor Our Pueblo Existance (HOPE), reports that they were also able to require a Physical Information Repository to make information about LANL's hazardous waste more accessible to local people. Read the Nov 30 ABQ Jrn article and the Dec 1 article |
Above: composite of 3 photos at different times by Robin Collier
Left to Right: Rhodes, Davis, Giovanelli, Browne, Younger & Hawkins
The Panel
Richard Rhodes, Pulitzer prize winning author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb & 22 other books. Moderator; Dr. Jay Davis, Pres. Hertz Foundation & NS fellow Center for Global Security Research, Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab., Damon Giovanelli, former Dir. of Physics Research LANL, John Browne, former Dir. LANL, Steve Younger, Former Dir. Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Dept of Defense, Terry Hawkins, Principal Assoc.; Directorate for Global Security LANL
Recorded by Robin Collier, Edited by Harvey Solomon
CMRR SEIS Public Forum
The Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration held an informational poster session in Pojoaque on Oct 20. This covered scoping on the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on changes in the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Building Replacement Project, increasing costs to over 4 billion dollars.
Thanks to Senators Udall & Bingaman's efforts, the comment period has been extended. Comments are due by Nov 16, Nov 1, 2010
Postal address to submit comments & info here Email comments may be sent to NEPALASO@doeal.gov
SEIS "Public Forum" on CMRR project Oct 20, 2010 Composite photo by Robin Collier
After protests from the public on their meeting on Oct 19, they added a "Public Forum" but claimed they could not record it to be included as comment. We provide the public forum for the public record.
Speakers included Jeanne Green, Marilyn Hoff, J. Gilbert Sanchez, Kathy Sanchez, Beata Tsosie-Peña, Joan Brown, Marlene Perrotte, Jay Coghlan, Willem Malten, Marcus Page, Chelsea Collonge, Lisa Putkey, Mike Loya, and Joni Arends.
CMRR SEIS Public Forum 1:14:03
Prayer by Beata Tsosie-Peña 3:30
Air Permit Settlement Meeting on CMRR
Wednesday, Oct 6 in Los Alamos DOE & LANL report on the last 6 months developments on the CMRR. Joni Arends of Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety made a detailed presentation on water use by the Labs.
Intro-Rules 3:32
LANL Steve Fong 11:30
LANL Rick Holmes 5:37
First Public Q & A 30:54
Nuke Watch NM Scott Kovac 14:07
CCNS Joni Arens on Water 11:20
Close Scott Kovac 3:29
Second Public Q & A 24:24
Edited by Harvey Solomon & Robin Collier |
New SEIS for CMRR project at Los Alamos National Labs
Federal Register Announcement
The Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration announced Oct 1 that they will conduct a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Building Replacement Project at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM. This is the result of the CMRR project growing from some 300 million dollars when the EIS was done in 2003 to now over 5 billion dollar in cost. |
SEIS Scoping meetings
Scoping meetings will be held 4 to 7 pm on Tuesday, October 19 at the White Rock Town Hall, in Los Alamos County and on Wednesday, October 20 at the Cities of Gold Casino Hotel in Pojoaque.
The Los Alamos Study Group, who have filed a federal lawsuit to require a new EIS, contend that the SEIS is not sufficient to address the issues raised by the massive increase in the scale of the project.
Air Permit Settlement Meeting on CMRR
Another important CMRR public meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 6 in Los Alamos from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the Hilltop House, 400 Trinity Drive.
The meeting is the result of a 2005 settlement of an appeal by community groups (CCNS, Nuclear Watch New Mexico, Loretto Community, Tewa Women United, Embudo Valley Environmental Monitoring Group, Peace Action New Mexico, and the New Mexico Environmental Law Center) of an air permit issued by the New Mexico Environment Department for the CMRR Project. The settlement required DOE and LANL to host the public meetings every six months about the latest CMRR developments.
What's Behind the CMRR Facility & the US Nuclear Weapons Industry 1:07:59
On Aug 28 in Taos, Darwin Bond-Graham of the Los Alamos Study Group presented a background on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility (CMRR-NR) and LASG's lawsuit to force a new Environmental Impact Report on the building of this 4.5 billion dollar project. Recorded by Robn Collier & edited by Harvey Solomon |
Sawnie Morris 31:05
Reading poetry at the SOMOS Summer Writers Series Aug 27, 2010. After the first poem, the rest of Sawnie's poems relate to the nuclear program in New Mexico from the Manhatten project to the present day. Introduced by Jan Smith. Recorded by Robn Collier & edited by Harvey Solomon |
Eight protesters for nuclear disarmament were arrested in pouring rain on Friday, Aug 6, 2010 for blocking the entrance to the CMR building at Los Alamos National Labs, where plutonium pits for bombs are made. Organized by Think Outside the Bomb, groups in the protest included Pax Christi, Code Pink Taos and las Mujeres Hablan.
The last arrest by Los Alamos Police at the CMR Building. Robin Collier photos - click for larger views.

LANL Parajito Corridor Project Overview
June 16 in Española including the CMRR facility
LANL Panel 53:13
LANL Q & A 45:37
Francine Lindberg, Suzy Kane, Richard Torres
Nuclear Weapons Roundtable
Margarita Denevan, Francine Lindberg, Suzy Kane, Richard Torres and Robin Collier discuss the impact of the nuclear weapons industry in New Mexico.

Pete Domenici Jr. cross examining Ralph Hayes
NM Environment Department
Open Burn Permit Hearing for Los Alamos National Labs
Open vs. Contained Burning 30:51 selections from Apr 13, 23 and May 5 hearings with public comment by Clarisa Duran, Michael Wismer, Sheri Kotowski, and Joni Arends presenting expert witness Ralph Hayes on the safety of contained burn technology.
Day 13, May 5, 2009 Morning Testimony by Ralph Hayes on Contained Burn Technology. Presented by Joni Arends of CCNS & Marion Naranjo of HOPE. Cross examination by Pete Domenici Jr. for LANL, Charles de Salin for NMED and others
Ralph Hayes - Joni Arends 16:21
Hayes - Pete Domenici Jr 35:17
Hayes - C. de Salin NMED 7:13
Hayes - Final Cross 19:23
More NMED hearings coming soon...
A Plutonium Bomb Factory?
9th semi-annual meeting with community groups reporting on the building of the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement facilities (CMRR) for Los Alamos National Labratory held in Los Alamos on Mar 3, 2009
Meeting Ground Rules 5:07
Introductions 2:43
LANL Steve Fong 11:04
LANL Rick Holmes 12:56
First Public Q & A 29:23
Nuke Watch NM Scott Kovac 9:29
Second Public Q & A 36:57
Edited by Harvey Solomon & Robin Collier |
Steve Fong of LANL shows plans for the CMRR
Digitally enhanced photo by Robin Collier
The Centers for Disease Control and the Los Alamos Historical Document Retrieval and Assessment (LAHDRA) Project team hosted a public meeting, Thursday, January 28, 2010 at the Ohkay Casino Hotel Conference Center.
Recorded by Robin Collier, edited by Harvey Solomon
Intro and Blessing 17:15
Kathy Wan Povi Sanchez:
Tewa Women United 13:55
Beata Tsosie Peña: Poem 4:55
Charles Miller: CDC 9:57
Tom Widner: ChemRisk 23:46
Joni Arends: CCNS 8:39
Tina Cordova: Trinity 7:07
Joni Arends Close 2:4
Questions & Answers 13:17 |
New Post Breakout sessions
Sound is poor as multiple sessions were held in the same room but some significant statements are made by CDC contractors & LANL staff on several key issues
Intro to Breakout 2:21
Plutonium:Tom Widner 43:18
Uranium: Jack Buddenbaum 43:46
Main Uranium talk starts at 9:20
Closing Comments to Group 8:35 |
Taos Currents
Sheri Kotowski of Mujeres Hablan speaks on the Centers for Disease Control's public hearing on Thursday Jan 28, 9 - 4 at the Okay Casino on the 10 year long Los Alamos Historical Document Retrieval and Assessment (LAHDRA) Project.
Host Mike Tilley |
The Centers for Disease Control and the LAHDRA team will host a public meeting
Thursday, January 28, 2010, 9 am to 4 pm at the Ohkay Casino Hotel Conference Center, north of Española. The session will include discussions of the environmental dose reconstruction process, the draft final project report, comments received to date, and steps to be taken next. Several community organizations will offer their perspectives including Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety (CCNS), Embudo Valley Environmental Monitoring Group, Honor Our Pueblo Existence (HOPE), Tewa Women United, New Mexico Conference of Churches, New Mexico Acequia Association, Community Service Organization del Norte, and the Loretto Community. |
2009 Stories & Meetings
Historic Radiation Releases at LANL: CDC Report
Centers for Disease Control hearing of June 25, 2009 on the 10 year long Los Alamos Historical Document Retrieval and Assessment (LAHDRA) Project to systematically review all available documents related to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) operations and identify records that contribute information about releases of chemicals and radionuclides from the site between 1943 and the present. Radioactive releases at LANL exceeded all other sites in the US combined. The entire report with graphics may be downloaded here.
Overview: Charles Miller 15:18
Peer Panel Intro 6:24
Draft Part 1: Tom Widner 52:39
Trinity Test: Tom Widner 12:00
Draft End: Tom Widner 4:59
Public Comment 59:32
HOPE, CCNS, EVEMG and Tewa Women United are working to expand the peer review panel.
Editing by Harvey Solomon with recording & normalization by Robin Collier
Radio Rio
Amigos Bravos: Tri-annual review of New Mexico Water Quality Standards - Rachel Conn with host Nicola Ulibarri.
Plutonium Lab Complex across from Ashley Pond at Los Alamos.
Click on images for larger view

Marion Naranjo of HOPE from Santa Clara Pueblo and Joni Arends of CCNS
Plutonium labs by Ashley Pond
In the 40's & 50's, plutonium spewed unfiltered from stacks shown above while workers lived within blocks of lab.
Radioactive Plume from Trinity Test Click on images for larger view
Autumn Martinez
Moving statement from an articulate 20 year old Diné (Navajo) youth from the Crownpoint area (near Grants) whose family has faced the devastating health effects of Uranium mining. As many promote nuclear energy as a "clean" alternative they ignore the direct health impact on native peoples. Hundreds of mining sites remain unrestored and proposed Uranium "leach" mining threatens to poison the scarce water supplies of the Diné. Autumn Martinez expresses her plea for youth to become active in stopping new mining.
Recorded at the Gathering for Mother Earth of Tewa Women United on Sep 27, 2009. Introduced by Kathy Sanchez.
Taos Currents
Gathering for Mother Earth - Tewa Women United. Kathy Wan Povi Sanchez & Myra Garcia. info 505- 747-3259 Host Mike Tilley
Autumn Martinez - Robin Collier photo
2007 Amigos Bravos: Paul Robinson of SWRIC Uranium Mining in NorthWestern New Mexico |
2007 Amigos Bravos: Chris Shuey of Southwest Research & Info Center on Uranium Mining
2008 Stories & Meetings
Taos Currents
Gathering for Mother Earth
Tewa Women United
Host Mike Tilley
Radio Rio
Amigos Bravos. State monitoring of polluted waters in New Mexico. Michael Jennsen Host |
Nuclear Weapons Exhibit
Taos Library
Community Radiation Monitoring Group Meeting
at Fuller Lodge, Los Alamos
10:07 am June 11, 2008
This community meeting was facilitated by the New Mexico Environmental Department with staff from Los Alamos National Labratory and focused on a presentation by Jay Dallman, head of the LANL Dynamic and Energetic Materials Division on LANL's experimental explosion and explosive disposal programs. He has been working with explosives at LANL for 25 years. He presented an overall view of the program and responded to a series of questions submitted by the group.
Entire Meeting
Unedited and with little enhancement. 1 hour 53 minutes. There is mic noise as we move from presenter to audience questions, and fan noise from the overhead projector.
Pueblo Ceremonial Days
1:16 minutes at about 11:13 am
Question by Marion Naranjo of Santa Clara Pueblo on whether explosions are allowed during ceremonial times.
We are posting some key sections of the CRMG meeting in view of the 10-20 acre fire that occured on a Red Flag day, June 11, in the area (TA-39). People in White Rock reported hearing an explosion from TA-39 the same day.

Jay Dallman of LANL at Fuller Lodge
The Albuquerque Journal North reports 6-13-08 that a 15 acre fire was caused by LANL testing of equipment for a shockwave measuring device for the Nevada test site, and a valve triggered by an explosive device failed and spewed out hot gases on to grass in TA-39. The Los Alamos Monitor also has a story with other details and estimating the fire size at 10 acres. NMED estimated the fire size at 15-20 acres.
A Red Flag fire risk warning had been issued hours before the accident occured.
The same morning Jay Dallman was telling the CRMG meeting that no operations are allowed on Red Flag days.
Line Management
1:07 minutes at about 10:50 am
All activities are in observation & full control of line management levels 1, 2 & 3.
Operation on Red Flag Days 2:56 minutes at about 11:10 am
Jay Dallman states "Red Flag stops all operations" in answering a question by Sheri Kotowski of Dixon on when in the year experiments are held.
Fire Safety
3:18 minutes at about 11:29 am
Operations evaluated in advance for fire potential, types of mitigation measures detailed, coordination with fire departments.
More on Red Flag Days
3 minutes at about 11:36 am
Details of how Red Flag days are called, depending on wind and moisture levels.
Photos from the 5 hour EIS Hearing on the DOE Nuclear Weapons Complex "Transformation" Mar 27 in Española.

Moderator & LANL staff listen

Audience at 6:30 pm
Activist speaks against the expansion.

Speaker for the LANL plan
Artist & farmer speaks for clean water
Organizers of the Mar 26 Española Forum on Expansion of Nuclear Bomb Trigger Production at Los Alamos National Labs. Top; Joni Arends, Sheri Kotowski, Holly Beaumont, Shannyn Sollitt, Bottom; Marian Naranjo, Kathy Sanchez, Clarisa Duran.
They all also spoke at the Mar 27 EIS hearing.

Audience at 10:15 pm The hearing continued until after 11 pm.
(photoshop 3 image montage) Click on pictures for for larger images.
Santa Clara Pueblo youth speaks against the plan
and for clean air and water for his future children & grandchildren
Town and County Resolution on LANL Expansion
Erich Kuerschner speaks on request for a hearing in Taos & extension of time for comments.
Radio Rio
Amigos Bravos:
More Speakers from the Environmental Justice Day at the Round House
Bruce Gagnon Speaking in Taos for NM Peace Action on Weapons in Space
Speech Feb 14 08 46:06
Q & A Feb 14 08 40:04
Edited by Mike Tilley
Taos Currents
On a Forum Mar 26 6 pm at Northern New Mexico Collage in Española on the proposed expansion of Plutonium triggers at Los Alamos National Labs. Sheri Kotowski, Kathy Sanchez, Marian Naranjo, Clarisa Duran & Joni Arends speak with Mike Tilley on the cultural, health and environmental impacts. Clarissa Duran 505-929-3825

Marian Naranjo, Santa Clara Pueblo
Expansion of Plutonuim Bomb Trigger Production
Special report on a press conference Mar 1 in Santa Fe of leaders opposed to expansion of the nuclear weapon production at Los Alamos National Labs

Picuris Pueblo Governor Craig Quanchello
More audio from the Conference

Picuris Pueblo Governor Craig Quanchello
Turning Swords into Plowshares
On-line Exclusive
Day long conference held March 1, 2008 in Santa Fe, NM on the Proposed Plutonium Pit Production and Pollution at Los Alamos National Laboratories.

Santa Fe Mayor David Coss
Sponsored by the City of Santa Fe, Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, Fauthful Security: National Religious Partnership on the Nuclear Weapons Danger, New Mexico Conference of Churches, Nuclear Watch New Mexico.

Allen Sanchez
NM Conference of Catholic Bishops
Department of Energy "Transformation" Hearing Schedule
DOE "Transformation" Overview
Albuquerque, New Mexico, Albuquerque Convention Center, 401 2nd Street NW, Albuquerque, NM, Tuesday, March 11, 2008 (11 am - 3 pm and 6 pm - 10 pm)
Los Alamos, New Mexico, Hilltop House, 400 Trinity Drive at Central, Los Alamos, NM, Wednesday, March 12, 2008 (6 pm - 10 pm)
Thursday, March 13, 2008 (11 am - 3 pm)
Santa Fe, New Mexico, Genoveva Chavez Community Center, 3221 Rodeo Road, Santa Fe, NM, Thursday, March 13, 2008 (6 pm - 10 pm)
Española, New Mexico, San Gabriel Mision y Convento, Plaza de Española, One Calle de las Españolas. Thursday March 27, 2008 (6 pm - 10 pm)
Photos, recording & editing by Robin Collier. Editing is minimal to allow quick web posting. Please contact us if you need better sound.
Turning Swords into Plowshares
To Protect Our Health, Children, and Water from the Nuclear Weapons Complex.

Sheri Kotowski - Embudo Valley Environmental Monitoring Group
Introduction to Press Conference
Holly Beaumont
NM Conference of Churches
Picuris Pueblo
Governor Craig Quanchello
Santa Fe
Mayor David Coss
Santa Fe Councilperson
Matthew Ortiz
Spokesperson for
Española Mayor Joe Maestas
Barbara Dua
NM Conference of Churches
Allen Sanchez
NM Conference of Catholic Bishops
Holly Beaumont
NM Conference of Churches
Overview on the So-Called Complex Transformation and National Security
Jessica Wilbanks
Faithful Security: National Religious Partnership on Nuclear Weapons Danger
Panel: Impacts of Nuclear Weapons Complex on health and Environment
John Fogarty
NM Physicians for Social Responsibility
Robert Bernstein
NM Physicians for Social Responsibility

Marian Naranajo of HOPE & Santa Clara Pueblo
Marian Naranjo
Honor Our Pueblo Existance (HOPE)
Santa Clara Pueblo

Marian Naranajo of Santa Clara Pueblo & Picuris Gov. Craig Quanchello listen to Santa Fe Mayor David Coss speak out against Plutonium Pit Production at Los Alamos National Labs
On Making Sure Our Air is Safe
Community Organizing and Air Monitoring - Broadcast as Taos Currents
Sheri Kotowski
Embudo Valley Environmental Monitoring Group

Joni Arends of CCNS with Robert Gilkeson
On Making Sure Our Water is Safe
Joni Arends
Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety
Robert H. Gilkeson
Registered Geologist
Jessica Wilbanks Transition
Albuquerque's Role in the Bomb Complex - Sandia & Kirkland
Dave McCoy
Citizen Action New Mexico
Jessica Wilbanks Local Connections
LANL's Future: New Bombs or New Policies
Jay Coghlan
Nuclear Watch New Mexico

David Bacon - Southwest Energy Institute
We Can Change the Direction of Our Future in New Mexico
David Bacon
Southwest Energy Institute

Joni Arends, Holly Beaumont, Jessica Wilbanks
Jessica Wilbanks Conference Ending
2007 Stories & Meetings
Taos Currents
Adovcates for Community & the Environment. Host Mike Tilley Nov 27 07
A Gathering for Mother Earth Kathy Sanchez -Tewa Women United Sep 07
Uranium Mining
Radio Rio- Amigos Bravos. Paul Robinson Southwest Research and Information Center. The Threat of Uranium Mining in North Western New Mexico. Host Michael Jensen. Jul 07
Sprouts: Dooda Desert Rock Defeat of the NM Tax Credit as Broadcast nationally via the Pacifica Network. Introduced by Coral Bernal. May 29 07 28 min
Radio Rio
LANL Water Lawsuit Apr 07
Vet Herbert Reed on Depleted Uranium Mar 07
Radio Rio: Amigos Bravos
Uranium Mining Chris Shuey of the Southwest Research and Information Center. Host Michael Jensen. Feb 07
Desert Rock Coal Plant & Uranium Mining at the NM Legislature Produced by Robin Collier Feb 25 07 59 min
Native Momentum
Desert Rock update, poems & music
Lyla Johnston Feb 18 07
Desert Rock Protest
at the Round House
28:30 minutes updated from broadcast. This includes interviews, the meeting with the Governor, and rally selections Feb 9 07
Info: Desert Rock Blog
Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy
Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter
Sithe Global - Diné Power Authority
Desert Rock
Intro, Interviews & Gov. Richardson Meeting
30 minutes barely edited Feb 5 07
Desert Rock: the Full Rally
61 minutes unedited Feb 5 07
Taos Town Global Warming Resolution Feb 07
Depleted Uranium Testing Bill Marilyn Hoff Jan 07
Taos Currents Host Mike Tilley
Depleted Uranium Testing Bill. Damacio Lopez & Marilyn Hoff Jan 23 07
Taos Currents Host Robin Collier
Water issues in Northern NM Kay Matthews - La Jicarita News. Jan 16 07
Desert Rock Coal Plant Protest Jan 07
Background: Lori Goodman 5:30
Site Report: Lori Goodman 5:30
Full Goodman Interview 15:50
Native Momentum
Desert Rock Coal Plant
Host Lyla Johnston Jan 07
Taos contact: Pat McCabe 758-1215
Info: Desert Rock Blog
Map to Doodá Desert Rock
2006 Stories & Meetings
Taos Currents
Robin Collier & Lyla Johnston
Diné Elders Resistance to Shiprock Coal Plant
Taos contact: Pat McCabe 758-1215
Info: Desert Rock Blog
Map to Doodá Desert Rock
Benefit 7 pm Dec 30
United Space Ranchos de Taos
Native Momentum
Lyla Johnston: First report on Coal & Uranium mining on the Rez. Dec 17 06
Depleted Uranium Peace Action NM. Oct 24 06
Gathering for Mother Earth
TEWA Women United
Kathy Sanchez. Sep 06
Los Alamos National Labs
Site Wide Environmental Impact Statement Draft Panel
Rachel Conn, Marilyn Hoff
& Sherri Kotoskwi - Peace Action NM Aug 21 06
LANL & the Otters
Radio Rio- Amigos Bravos.Update on the LANL lawsuit and bringing otters back to the Rio Grande. Host Brian Shields. Jul 06
Pax Christi at Las Alamos
August 6, 2006
June Peace March and Poetry Reading - Lyla Johnston, Coral Bernal, Rose Bernal, & Pat McCabe Jul 16 06
Homeland - Uranium Mining
Interview with Mitchell Capitan Sarah Parker May 06
John Nichols Speech
Taos Poetry Club Feb 06
Pollution on the Rio Grande Radio Rio- Amigos Bravos. Interview with Maceo Mantanette, UNM Biology student. Host Michael Jensen. Feb 06
2005 Stories & Meetings
Red Air
Sandia & LANL's Impact on Indigenous Peoples - Six Native Women Speak Donna House, Mildred Chino, Chief Verna Teller, Ramona Montoya, Rose Marie Tsigowanu-Tunn, & Kathy Powohge Oweenge Sanchez. Host Flowers Espinosa of Taos Pueblo Dec 18 05
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Liz McAlister & Susan Crane
Moderated by Father John Dear
56 minutes Order CD Nov 05
Taos Currents - Mike Tilley
Father Bill McNichols on the Berrigans, Johan House, John Dear, Liz McAlister & Susan Crane Oct 05
Hiroshima Memorial Aug 6
Los Alamos Aug 8 05
LASG Greg Mello
Los Alamos National Labs Aug 05
Ambushed Grand Jury
Rocky Flats Aug 12 05
Rocky Flats Panel Jul 25 05
Breath of Nan
A Ceremonial Gathering of the Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers Hosted by Tewa Women United May 22nd, 2005 in Pojoaque, New Mexico. Produced by Lisa Fox 56 mins
Gathering of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers May 05
Western Environmental Law Center-Energy Policy May 05
Earth Day in Taos Apr 11 05

Flowers Espinosa
Red Air Show
Jerry Mander, Richard Archuleta, Kathy & Corin Sanchez Vicky Downy
Hosted by Flowers Espinosa - 28 min Mar 20 05
Air Environmental Impacts on Indigenous Peoples Host Flowers Espinosa Feb 20 05
2004 Stories & Meetings
Helen Caldicott 56 minutes
Peace Action New Mexico Oct 4 04
Helen Caldicott
Interview by Mike Tilley Sep 30 04
Radio Rio: Contaminants from Los Alamos Labs Amigos Bravos - Rachel Conn Sep 27 04
Radio Rio: Amigos Bravos
The Clean Water Act
Rachel Conn Aug 27 04
Hiroshima Day Aug 4 04
Taos Solar Village
Reporter Megan Fitzpatrick Jun 28 04
Click on these links to hear other collections of Cultural Energy Special Shows
David Barsamian Post Election Activism | Another World is Possible | Middle East Crisis
Picuris/Miranda Canyon Subdivision on the La Serna Grant includes Map
Sustain Taos: Bioneers' Shows | Lyla Johnston's Native Momentum
¡Que Vivan las Acequias! - Miguel Santistevan | Community Story Telling - Robert Wolf
Teen Media Camp Radio | Teen Media Camp Video | Writers on Radio SOMOS
Geoff Bryce's Acequia Reports | Lisa Fox's Farming Shows| Maye Torres Untitled
Jasmine Bennett interviews Presidential Candidates | Interview: Agnes Martin
Cuentos de mi Valle: Theresa Silva
Bob Romero's Historia de Taos | John Paternoster's Rules of the Justice Game
Flowers Espinosa - Red Air | Exploring Sacred Places - Julia Bortz Pyatt
All segments are copyright 2003-2010 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators and may not be reproduced in any form.
All segments are copyright 2003-2010 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators and may not be reproduced in any form. |