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Stories Week of December 20 & 27, 2004
New Taos Currents - Mike Tilley
Dec 7 Breakin' the Cycle
with Poetry by Cameron Martinez & Coral Bernal
Roots and Wings
Student Protest Art Show
Historia de Taos Bob Romero
20th Century Taos: from Mabel Dodge Lujan to the Communes of the 60's
Taos Ski Valley Sewage Treatment Plant Hearing
Taos Pueblo Christmas Events
Marcie Winters
Writer Natalie Goldberg
Interviewed by Mike Tilley on her book The Great Failure A Bartender, a Monk,and my Unlikely Path to Truth
28 min. Broadcast Dec 26 3:30 KRZA
Promo for show
Rules of the Justice Game DWI part 2 John Paternoster
Taos Living Treaures
Mary Mascarañas
Kathy Cordova & Holly White

Holly White, Kathy Cordova & Mary Mascarañas - Photos by Robin Collier
Stories Week of December 13, 2004
Painter Agnes Martin
Full interview by Mike Tilley from March 22, 2002 - 20 minutes
Agnes Martin died Dec. 16th 2004 at her home in Taos.
The generosity of Agnes Martin to the people of Taos and the other communities where she lived is matched by few other donors. As an Olympic swimmer in her youth, she particularly cared about the importance of swimming and made incredible contributions to make this accessible to many in the future. With the encouragement and persistent urging of another caring artist in Taos, she also make huge contributions to arts, environmental, historical, health and youth organizations. In addition to her enormous expression of independence as an artist, she will be much missed for her unassuming and quiet support of beauty and good in our community.

Agnes Martin
photo by Mildred Tolbert 1952
RED AIR Show - Promo
Featuring Joe Martinez
Taos Pueblo Historian
Hosted by Flowers Espinosa
Community Against Violence
Dorothy Forbes
Count the Vote Rally Sunday
Paul Christe & Mary Shaffer
Acequia Film by Rivers & Birds
Roberta Salazar & Larry Torres
Palestian Heyam Khweis talks to Lisa Fox thanking Taoseños
for gathering more than 2,000 signatures in a petition to Senator Bingaman, who has agreed to sponsor a private bill to allow her family to stay in the United States. 13 minutes

Immigration has granted a 2 year stay for the Khweis family until Bingaman's bill can be voted on. The bill will need much public support, since it must still pass both the Senate & House and be signed by the President.
Stories Week of December 6, 2004
Rules of the Justice Game
John Paternoster
Elevate Music Show
DJ Chrystilline Concha
Dixon Low Power Radio KLDK
David Barsamian speech
Peace Moment is History
Barri Sanders
Taos Currents - Mike Tilley Dec 7
Breakin' the Cycle
with Poetry by Cameron Martinez & Coral Bernal
Celebration of Community
Trickster Tales
Flowers Espinosa
Harwood Museum
David Witt
Justice Makes a Difference
Thom Allena

SOMOS Writers on Radio
Barbara Waters
Host Tania Casselle
Stories Week of November 29, 2004
Radio Rio - Amigos Bravos
Reintroducing Otters to the Rio Grande
Living Treasures
Rachel Brown
Condolessa Rice
George Shepard
Methodist 44th Anniversary
Steve Wired
Harwood Museum
David Witt
Tecolate Land Grant Decision
Malcolm Ebright
Millicent Rodgers Fiesta
Morris Whitten
Pueblo Youth Poetry Slam
Taos Day School Radio Club
Columbian Journalist Fernando Gavita
Health Highlights
Barbara Arnold
The Pueblo Revolt of 1680
A Taos Pueblo Perspective
Joe Martinez
Stories Week of November 22, 2004
Justice Makes a Difference 2
Thom Alena
Taos Chamber Concert
Stories Week of November 15, 2004
Boys & Girls Club
Valerie Segura
Justice Makes a Difference
Thom Alena
Historia de Taos
The Territorial Period
Bob Romero
The Mystical Arts of Tibet
Moral Values - Interviews
by Brenda Morgan
Red Air
Flowers Espanisa
Stories Week of November 8, 2004
Community Against Violence
Susan Embry
Taos High School Entrepreneurs
Eileen Kalinowski CD Release
Peace Moment in History
Barri Sanders
Los Alamos Study Group
Farmer's Market Profile
Horno Baker Geronimo Romero
Lisa Fox
SOMOS - Writers on Radio
Robert Wilder
Tania Casselle
Stories Week of November 1, 2004
Contitutional Party
Presidential Candidate
Michael Peroutka
Jasmine Bennett Interview
John Kerry in Albuquerque
Jasmine Bennett interviews/speech quotes
County Commission Democrat
Gabe Romero
Republican PRC Candidate
John Gonzales
Flowers Espinoza Interview
New Mexico Amendments
Teresa Heinz Kerry - Clips
Speaking in Taos
Long version of Speech
Martin Sheen in Taos
Health Highlights
Barbara Arnold
Dixon Studio Tour
Food on the Dixon Studio Tour
Lisa Fox
Wayne Paris Concert
Stories Week of October 25, 2004
NM Attorney General
The NM Ballot
Taos Viva Bush Rally
Taos Jewish Center Pumpkin Party
Radio Rio - Amigos Bravos
Living Treasures
Yaxche Kid's Election Class
Rules of the Justice Game
Grand Jury Indictments
John Paternoster
Taos County Clerk
About Voting - Lisa Fox
Military for Change
Peace Action NM
Community Kitchen Food Fiesta
Congressman Tom Udall
Voting Radio PSAs
Miguel Santistevan English
Miguel Santistevan Spanish
Florence Miera
Erlinda Gonzales
M. Vigil - Rocky Mountain Youth Corp.
Winona Winters, Sambo Gomez
- 18 Year Old Vote
- Vote Vote
- Yaxche Learning Center
128K mp3s available
Taos Probate Candidate
Julian Varela
Taos Republican Chairman
Bernie Torrez
Taos Pueblo Vote Rally
Taos County Probate Judge
Republican Sadie Boyer
Taos County Commission Dist 3
Republican Mike Torrez
Taos County Commission Dist 4
Independant Susan Vernon
Stories Week of October 18, 2004
Samá Trio at the Mabel Dodge
Presidental Candidates
Independent Ralph Nader
Jasmine Bennett
History of WBAI & Pacifica
Lisa Fox
Farmer's Market Commentary
Lisa Fox
Court Children's Advocates
Thom Alena, Gail Martinez & Carl Colonias
Peace Moment
Barri Sanders
Historia de Taos
Goverment in Taos
Bob Romero
Stories Week of October 11, 2004
Singer Carole King
Campaigning for John Kerry
Mike Tilley Interview
Community Against Violence
Take Back the Night
Story Telling Festival
Rules of the Justice Game
Grand Juries
John Paternoster
Farmer's Market Profile
Tooley's Trees
Lisa Fox
Helen Caldicott 56 minutes
Peace Action New Mexico
Stories Week of October 4, 2004
Presidental Candidates
Green Party David Cobb
Jasmine Bennett
Harwood Museum Report
David Witt
Writers on Radio - SOMOS
Cisco Guevara
Tania Casselle
Ian Hoyer Memorial Fund
Paul Horn Concert
Maggie Considine
Paul Horn Interview
Mike Tilley
Farmer's Market Profile
Lucy McCall - Herbalist
Lisa Fox
Taos County Candidate Forum
Taos Chamber of Commerce 56 minutes
Stories Week of September 27, 2004
Health Highlights
Barbara Arnold
Radio Rio
Contaminants from Los Alamos Labs
Amigos Bravos - Rachel Conn
Rebroadcast Oct 1, 7 PM on KRZA
Breast Cancer
Nancy Ryan
Rules of the Justice Game
The Court Docket
John Paternoster
Taos Living Treasures
Solar Building Tour
Helen Caldicott
Interview by Mike Tilley
Farmer's Market Profile
Dixon Farmer's Market
Lisa Fox
Presidental Candidates
Libertarian Michael Badnarik
Jasmine Bennett
Stories Week of September 20, 2004
Martinez Hacienda Trade Fair
Taos Historic Museums
Historia de Taos
Martinez Hacienda
Bob Romero
Shared Table
Out of Your Gourd
Taos Green Pages
Sustain Taos
Farmer' Market Profile
El Sagrado Farms
Lisa Fox
Taos Chamber Music
Flights of Fancy
Stories Week of September 13, 2004
Peter Simonson NM ACLU
The USA Patriot Act & the Making of a Surveillance Society - 58 minutes
Broadcast on Sep 16 on KTAO 101.9
CAV - New Advice Column
Men Engaged in Non-Violence
Dorothy Forbes
Taos Boys & Girls Club
Valerie Segura
Rio Grande Nights
Fall Arts Festival Awards
Paul Johnson & Bill Arms
Rules of the Justice Game
How Police Charge People
John Paternoster
Taos County Plan
Allen Vigil - County Planning web page
Red Air Show 58 minutes
Red Air promo
Hip Hop artist and actor Litefoot, comedians James & Ernie, musician Gary Farmer, Tomasita Martinez & Roberta Salazar
Hosted by Flowers Espinosa
Farmer's Market Profile
Taos Tomato
Lisa Fox
Stories Week of September 6, 2004
NFL Hall of Famer Ron Yary
Men Engaged in Non-Violence
with Vishu Magee with CAV
Patrick Kennedy in Taos
Harwood Report
In Praise of What Persists
Breast Cancer Photo Exhibit
Art of the Low Rider 2004
Millicent Rodgers Museum
Kenny Ausubel
Founder of the Bioneers
56 minutes June 26, 2004 Taos, NM
Broadcast 8 pm Sep. 9 on KTAO 101.9
Patriot Act - Peter Simonson
Peace Action New Mexico
Farmer's Market Profile
Mujeres en Progresso
Tortilla Project - Lisa Fox
Peace Moment
Barri Saunders
Writers on Radio
Writer Diane Thiel
Host Sean Murphy
Stories Week of August 30, 2004
Buddhist Teacher
Eric Marcus
Taos Mountain Film Festival
Restorative Justice Forum
Carl Colonias
Justice that Makes a Difference
Community Policing
Andy Montoya
HostTom Allena
Radio Rio
Amigos Bravos
The Clean Water Act
Rachel Conn
Demetria Martinez
SOMOS Summer Writers Series
Viva Bush Committee
Rules of the Justice Game
Your Rights in the Business World
John Paternoster
Farmer's Market Profiles
Velarde Farm
Lisa Fox
Talking Ephaniiphanies
Anger Agees
Stories Week of August 23, 2004
Movies under the Stars
Eric Marcus
Perspective - Global Warming
Richy Green
Regime Change Begins at Home
Charles Derber
broadcast on KUNM 89.9
Forest Service Weed Control
Taos Currents - Mike Tilley
Farmer's Market Profiles
Romero Farms
Lisa Fox
Stories Week of August 16 - August 22, 2004
Arte de Descartes V
Mellissa Larson
Father John Dear
Gandhi & the Way of Nonviolence 58 minutes
Taos Pueblo Youth
Summer Sustainability Institute
Produced by Maria Jackson, Laurie Richmond & Mike Tilley
Indigenous Women Poets
World Poetry Bout Association
Erin Bad Hand, Coral Bernal, Pat McCabe, Lyla Johnson 28 minutes
Produced by Shauna Williams & Mike Tilley
Historia de Taos
Trails to Taos
Bob Romero
Fandango at the Martinez Hacienda - Morris Witten & Barbara Brener
Foto Farms
Dr. Robert Reines
Lisa Fox
Voter Registration
Megan Fitzpatrick
Youth Support
Gus Cordova & Youth Organizations
Stories Week of August 9 - August 15, 2004
Peace Moment
Barri Sanders
Peace & Dignity Run
Eric Marcus
Land Grants half hour
The GAO study and the Sangre de Cristo land grant- Moises Morales, Norman Martinez & Malcolm Ebright
Produced by Mike Tilley
Jenny Stanley interviews Ellen Brodsky
Taos Boys and Girls Club
Activity update by Valerie Segura
Underage Drinking in Taos
Taos Cares Coalition - Rose Gordon
Rules of the Justice Game
Overview of the Justice System
John Paternoster
Community Against Violence
Ester Armejo
Overview of Services
Host Susan Emery
Kennth Ausubel Speech
Founder of the Bioneers
Dr. Robert Reines
Farmers Market Profile
Lisa Fox
San Luis Land Grant Conference
Colorado Land Rights Council
July 17th, 2004
Part 1 28 minutes
Part 2 30 minutes
Stories Week of August 2 - August 9, 2004
Health Highlights
Breast Feeding - Jana Bailey
Host Barbara Arnold
Writers on Radio 28 min.
Mirabai Starr "The Interior Castle"
Host Tania Casselle
Farmers Market Profiles
Lisa Fox
Hiroshima Day
Harwood Museum Report
David Witt
Red Air Sunday Aug 8, 3 PM
Promo 30 sec. & Show 28 minutes
Flowers Espinosa's New Show
Featuring War Chief Frank Marcus Sr., DJ Chrystilline Concha & Mellissa Sanchez
Stories Week of July 26 - August 1, 2004
Suzy Kane - Iraq
Living Treasures
Lou Pond
Hosts Holly White & Kathy Cordova
Radio Rio
Amigos Bravos
to be Broadcast July 26 8:30 AM
Ellen Brodsky
interviewed by Jenny Stanley
Kucinich Delegation at the Democratic Party Convention
interview by Jenny Stanley
Taos Democratic Party response to Kerry Speech
Rules of the Justice Game
Navigation Guide to the Justice System
Attorney John Paternoster
Farmers Market Profiles
Lisa Fox
Stories Week of July 19 - July 25, 2004
Afghanistan Women Council
Fatana Said Gailani
Author Mark Plotkin
Rain Forest Conservation
28 minutes Produced by Mike Tilley
A longer CD will be available soon
Taos Farmers Market
by Lisa Fox
La Serna Land Grant
Historia de Taos by Bob Romero
Brenda Morgan
The Eyes of God
Taos Boys and Girls Club
Activity update by Valerie Segura
The Spiritual Dimension of Intention and Prayer
Sophy Burnham -
author of A Book of Angels
Terra Nova Expressive Arts
interview by Nancy Ryan
Stories Week of July 11 - July 18, 2004
Taos Pow-wow
by Laurie Richmond &
Flowers Espinosa
CAV - Vigil for Victims
Host Susan Emery
with Valerie Martinez
Taos Democratic Party Opening
Viva Freida Kahlo Day
Rules of the Justice Game
Importance of Facts
John Paternoster
Art Ortiz - Viva Bush!
Heather's Herb Nursery
Farmers Market Profile
by Lisa Fox
Classical Indian Music
at the Mabel Dodge House
Stories Week of July 5 - July 11, 2004
Peace Moments
by Barri Sanders
Land Grants half hour
The GAO study and the Sangre de Cristo land grant
Moises Morales, Norman Martinez & Malcolm Ebright
Produced by Mike Tilley
Roswell UFO Festival
by Laurie Richmond
Milagro Awards
Animal Protection of NM
by Eric Marcus
Harwood Museum
Sculptor Bill Barret
by David Witt
Tewa Women's Choir
by Eric Marcus
Fred Martinez Orchard
Farmer's Market Profile
by Lisa Fox
Writers on Radio
Robert Arellano
Host Tania Casselle
Stories Week of June 28 - July 4, 2004
Order CDs Now only $10 each or $8 for Members
Health Highlights
Fireworks Safety
Barbara Arnold
Taos Solar Village
Reporter Megan Fitzpatrick
Radio Rio
Amigos Bravos
Valle Vidal
CAV Cavarts & Crafts
Rules of the Justice Game
John Paternoster
Voices of our Community
Taos Pow-wow
by Laurie Richmond
128K Broadband (1meg)
Cerro Vista Farms
Taos Living Treasures
Margaret "Nana" Mascarenas Jaramillo
Taos Boys & Girls Club Activities
Valerie Segura
Archive of Past Years: Oct-Dec 08 Jul-Sep 08 Apr-Jun 08 Jan-Mar 08
2009 2007 2006 2005
David Barsamian Post Election Activism | Another World is Possible | Middle East Crisis
Public Meetings and Political Forums | Nancy Ryan's Womenspeak | Amigos Bravos - Radio Rio
Picuris/Miranda Canyon Subdivision on the La Serna Grant includes Map
Earth Beat - Rivers & Birds | de la Tierra - Taos Land Trust
Sustain Taos: Bioneers' Shows | Lyla Johnston's Native Momentum
Community Story Telling - Robert Wolf | Que Vivan las Acequias - Miguel Santistevan
Teen Media Camp Radio | Teen Media Camp Video | Writers on Radio SOMOS
Geoff Bryce's Acequia Reports | Lisa Fox's Farming Shows| Maye Torres Untitled
Jasmine Bennett interviews Presidential Candidates | Interview: Agnes Martin
Cuentos de mi Valle: Theresa Silva
Bob Romero's Historia de Taos | John Paternoster's Rules of the Justice Game
Old Spanish Trail & Taos History | Flowers Espinosa - Red Air
All segments are copyright 2003-2007 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators and may not be reproduced in any form.
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