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All audio segments and photos are copyright 2003-2008 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators.
They may not be reproduced in any form except one copy to listen to on your own computer or mp3 player.
Stories Week of Sep 29, 2008
If you want to save the mp3 file for your iPod or other later listening,
on Windows, click on the link with the right mouse button, on the Mac, click on the link while holding the control key.

Scott Evans & Carlos Viceps
Solar House Tour
NMSEA Host Mike Tilley
SOMOS Writers on Radio
Sharon Oard Warner; Novelist, Teacher and founder of the UNM Taos Summer Writer's Conference. She reads from her new novel, Sophie's House of Cards. Host Tania Cassalle
Uranium Mining
Paul Robinson Southwest Research and Information Center. The Threat of Uranium Mining in North Western New Mexico. Host Michael Jensen. Repeat show from 07.
Taos Currents
Voting in New Mexico - Making sure your vote will be counted
Pat Leahan; Las Vegas Peace & Justice Center. Host Mike Tilley

Pat Leahan
Stories Week of Sep 22, 2008
de la Tierra
Taos Valley Land Trust
Rocky Mountain Youth Corp & Saving our Children from "Nature Deficit Disorder"
Ernie Atencio |
Taos Currents
Gathering for Mother Earth
Tewa Women United
Host Mike Tilley |
Graphic artist Rudy Gonzales
Host Maye Torres |
Stories Week of Sep 15, 2008
Barack Obama in Española
The entire event of Sep 18 08, with Mayor Joe Maestas, Christina Castro, Ben Ray Lujan, Jill Udall, Paula Garcia, Gov. Bill Richardson & Barak Obama before 10,000 people.
Taos Currents
McCain-Obama: The Neutral Corner: Mark Ira Scheinbaum
Host Mike Tilley
Blackstone Ranch Hearing
Sep 16 08 Taos Planning Commission hearing on a major development permit for the former McCarthy Ranch and Windsong Annex. Full hearing with only pauses edited out 1:17:15
Living Treasures
Christina Castro of Jemez & Taos Pueblos - Barak Obama Presidential Nominee
Mark Schutz speaks on Otra Banda Acequia concerns. Robin Collier photo
Stories Week of Sep 8, 2008
¡Que Vivan las Acequias!
#33 Host Miguel Santistevan
Sergio Lopez, alleged to be the one who hit Gwenhyfar Fowler on her bicycle, appeared before Judge Ernie Ortega on Sep 11, was arrested and taken into custody to placed in a secure treatment center.
Youth Heartline
(longer version)
Youth Health Week
Rich Sanders (longer version)
Taos Currents
Dream Tree Walkathon

l-r Andrew Gonzales, Cami Heartman, Jessie Martinez
Taos Youth Providers
Youth Heartline & Youth Health Week
Writers on Radio
Novelist Frances Washburn
author of Elsie's Business, a retelling of the Lakota Deerwoman story. Host Tania Casselle
Stories Week of Sep 1, 2008
Farming thru the Seasons
Stone Barn Center for Food & Agriculture NY Part 2
Host Lisa Fox |
Taos Currents
Code Pink at the Democratic National Convention
Host Mike Tilley |
West Rim Mutual Domestic Water Users Assoc.
2:03:45 tape with little editing of the meeting of July 10th. There will be a membership meeting this Sunday Sep 7, at 1 pm at the well. |
Stories Week of Aug 26, 2008
Radio Rio
Amigos Bravos. State monitoring of polluted waters in New Mexico. Michael Jennsen Host |
Taos Currents
William Brown, Maija D. West & Alix W. Henry on the proposed Taos High Performance Building Program.
Iris Keltz
Gaza Blockade Commentary
Stories Week of Aug 18, 2008.
Taos Currents
Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety in Taos and the hit and run that serious injured Gwenhyfar (Jennifer) Fowler while she rode her bicycle. Marc Campbell, Branden Curran, Robin Collier. Host Mike Tilley
Nicole Kowalski & the Glam Trash Fashion Show.
Host Maye Torres
2007 Glam Trash Fashion 1st Place "Half & Half" Marianne Fahrney
Nicole Kowalski by the podium with her 2 daughters. Robin Collier photo
Stories Week of Aug 11, 2008
Marc Campbell writes
On Wednesday night August 13th, while riding her bicycle on Upper Ranchitos Road at the junction of Millicent Rogers Road, Gwenhyfar (Jennifer) Fowler of Taos was hit head-on by an automobile that left the scene of the crime - a hit and run.
- Jennifer suffered a broken neck, two broken legs and internal injuries. She’s lucky to be alive. A citizens group has formed called “JUSTICE FOR JENNIFER”. The group is offering a $5000 reward for any information that leads to the apprehension and conviction of the driver of the car that hit Jennifer.
In addition to the $5000 offered by “JUSTICE FOR JENNIFER”, Taos Crime Stoppers is also offering a reward of up to $1000 for any information that leads to any information that leads to the apprehension and conviction of the driver of the car that hit Jennifer.
If you have any information regarding this crime contact Taos Crime Stoppers at 758 - 4258 or visit their website at www.taoscrimestoppers.org.
¡Que Vivan las Acequias!
Host Miguel Santistevan |
Taos Currents
GMO Forum by Sustain Taos
Charles Martin of NMSU Alcalde Agricultural Research Center
Host Mike Tilley |
Taos Youth Providers
Rich Sanders - Children's Health Week & Directory
Cameron Martinez
"Pueblo Perception" Photographic exhibit at the Mixed Corn Gallery until September 30
Stories Week of Aug 4, 2008
Farming Thru the Seasons
Stone Barn Center New York
Host Lisa Fox
Recycling Town & County
Wholly Rags
Mellissa Larson
Taos Currents
Artisan Farming; Lessons, Lore and Recipes.
Richard Harris with Lisa Fox
Host Mike Tilley
Beverly Bell
Host Nancy Ryan
Writers on Radio
Author Lisa Tucker
Host Tania Casselle
Stories Week of Jul 28, 2008
Radio Rio
Amigos Bravos 20th Anniversary |
Taos Currents
Breast Feeding Week |
Stories Week of Jul 21, 2008
On the Old Spanish Trail
Susan Boyle. From the 2008 Conference of the Old Spanish Trail Association at Okay Owingeh on June 6th.
Taos Currents
Questa Studio Tour World Indigenous Culture Conference at Lama Foundation
Mike Tlley Host |
Artist Lloyd D. Rivera
Host Maye Torres
Stories Week of Jul 14, 2008
¡Que Vivan las Acequias!
#31 Host Miguel Santistevan
West Rim Mutual Domestic Water Users Assoc.
2:03:45 tape with little editing of the meeting of July 10th.
Taos Currents
Public Regulation Commission Candidate Rick Lass
Jerome Block was invited but did not respond. Host Mike Tilley

Rick Lass talks to a voter in Taos
The Ute/Spanish Trail
James Jefferson of the Ute Tribe, and Ute Historian Jim Goss bring a Native American perspective on the "Old Spanish Trail." From the 2008 Conference of the Old Spanish Trail Association at Okay Owingeh on June 9th. This on-line version is 11 minute longer than was broadcast.
Stories Week of Jul 7, 2008
Taos Center for the Arts
Children's Theatre
Children's Library
Taos Currents
Taos Pueblo Pow-wow
ACLU Youth Rights Forum
Host Mike Tilley
Taos Pow-wow
Youth Rights
Taos Youth Providers
Part 2 of Nancy Ryan's interview with author Susan Griffin.
SOMOS Writers on Radio
Poet Matt Donovan
Hosted by Tania Casselle
Listen to Archive of Past Years Stories 2007 2006 2005 2004
Become a Member of Cultural Energy - Donate On-Line
David Barsamian Post Election Activism | Another World is Possible | Middle East Crisis
Public Meetings and Political Forums | Nancy Ryan's Womenspeak | Amigos Bravos - Radio Rio
Picuris/Miranda Canyon Subdivision on the La Serna Grant includes Map
Sustain Taos: Bioneers' Shows | Lyla Johnston's Native Momentum
Community Story Telling - Robert Wolf | Que Vivan las Acequias - Miguel Santistevan
Teen Media Camp Radio | Teen Media Camp Video | Writers on Radio SOMOS
Geoff Bryce's Acequia Reports | Lisa Fox's Farming Shows| Maye Torres Untitled
Jasmine Bennett interviews Presidential Candidates | Interview: Agnes Martin
Mike Tilley's Taos Currents | Cuentos de mi Valle: Theresa Silva
Bob Romero's Historia de Taos | John Paternoster's Rules of the Justice Game
Old Spanish Trail & Taos History | Flowers Espinosa - Red Air
All segments are copyright 2003-2008 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators and may not be reproduced in any form.