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All audio segments and photos are copyright 2003-2009 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators.
They may not be reproduced in any form except one copy to listen to on your own computer or mp3 player.
Stories Week of Jun 22, 2009
If you want to save the mp3 file for your iPod or other later listening, on Windows, click on the link with the right mouse button, on the Mac, click on the link while holding the control key. Click on images for an enlarged view.
Cultural Energy is now more than five years old!
We have now applied to the FCC for a Public Television License at Channel 18 off of Picuris Peak at 7kW
With your help, this will provide Independent Public Television to some 96,000 people in Northern New Mexico
Congressman Ben Ray Lujan speaking in Taos on energy & heathcare July 1, 2009 composite photo by Robin Collier
Taos Currents
SOMOS Summer Writers Series beginning Jul 10, 2009
Curator Diana Rico and Poet Dora McQuaid. Host Mike Tilley
Sacred Activism
Sean Murphy & Mirabai Starr talk about the event Mon Jul 6 and the week long workshop Jul 7-11 with Andrew Harvey. Host Mike Tilley
Sponsored by the Creativity and Consciousness Institute
Congressman Ben Ray Lujan
Speaking on energy and health care at a Town Hall meeting in Taos Jul 1 09. 46:38
Radio Rio
Amigos Bravos - review of current projects: Clean Water Act, Otter restoration, River cleanup, Water monitoring, LANL lawsuit and annual fundraiser. Host Julia Pyatt
Stories Week of Jun 15, 2009
Taos Currents
Health Care: Billy Knight, Carol Miller, Hope Buechler & Dr. Jaye Swobda discuss the options & Obama's "Day of Health Action" Kit Carson Park June 27 10:30 am.
Host Mike Tilley
David Barsamian
The War Expands: Obama, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran
A detailed look, by the founder of Alternative Radio, at the historical background of colonial interference based on years of travel, research and personal contacts in the region.
In Taos: June 18, 2009 1hr 18:36
Questions and Answers 33:49
Hosted by Peace Action NM |
Stories Week of Jun 8, 2009
David Barsamian
Preview of his talk in Taos June 18 6:30 at the Kit Carson Coop Meeting Room The War Expands: Obama, Pakistan & Afghanistan
"Parliamentarian" Al Park rules using
"Mason's" parlimentary rules.
Taos Currents
Kit Carson Electric Coop Annual Meeting June 13 Taos High Gym
Luis Reyes, Cliff Bain & Jerome Lucero. Host Mike Tilley
CEO Luis Reyes talks to gadfly Jerome Lucero before the Kit Carson annual meeting, while Art Ortiz happily enjoys his complimentary coffee & donut.
June 13 Kit Carson Electric Coop Annual Meeting Results
Updated June 14 pm in regard to Mason's Rules and Al Parks action on quorum motions. Unedited except for long pauses & level adjustment
Ambrose Mascareñas Intro 10:04
CEO Luis Reyes Report 21:32
Quorum Debate 41:51
Detail: Bence motion for quorum 2:25 (showing there was no vote or call for objection by Al Park, and then Al Park ignoring objection that was raised by Cliff Bain)
Detail: Al Park later claiming he asked for objections (and that no objection was raised, when Cliff Bain had) 26 sec
11 to 7 Bylaw Change 34:14
Term Limit Bylaw Change 18:14
Unedited except for long pauses & level adjustment
About Mason's Rules or Manual
These rules were compiled to work with Legislative bodies, not for those controled by the members, which mostly are guided by Robert's Rules. For example, Robert's Manual requires motions to be seconded, but Mason's does not. Thus in the meeting at the Kit Carson Coop, Al Park mixed the two - using Mason's Manual for the Quorum, but Robert's Rules by asking for seconds to motions. Mason's was developed for State Legislatures, with a fixed number of members, where a quorum is usually a majority of the body, which can easily visually detirmined.
On June 13, after a long discussion on whether there was a quorum, under the "Mason's" rules of parlimentary procedure, the Kit Carson Electric Membership voted to overrule the Parliamentarian (hired for the first time in most people's memory) and proceed with consideration of the bylaw changes. They voted down the bylaws change to reduce the Board number from 11 to 7, but passed the bylaws change to limit Board members to two 4 year terms.
"Miranda Canyon Preserve" Subdivision Vote June 9, 09
unedited audio except for volume adjustment & pause removal 50:12

Counsel Baker advises the Commission while Rebecca Parraz records minutes

Art Ortiz and Rudy Pacheco disagree

Georgia Page speaks on Annexation
"Miranda Canyon Preserve" subdivision vote
The Taos County Planning Commission voted, at close to 11 p.m. June 9, to recommend to the County Commission disapproval of the "Miranda Canyon Preserve" subdivision, and made findings of fact and law with their recommendation. Rudy Pacheco and Bill Thomas first voted again to recommend approval, with Gino Sanchez and Dennis Jacques voting no. With Mary Mascareñas and Eloy Vigil who had voted no on May 12 absent, chair Art Ortiz voted no to break the tie, even though he had been in favor of approval previously, saying as chair he had to respect the 4-2 vote against approval at the last meeting. Then a vote to recommend disapproval was made with again chair Art Ortiz breaking the tie, to vote to recommend disapproval. Gino, Dennis and Art then spelled out some 12 findings of fact and law to support the recommendation. The subdivision will now go to the County Commission for review with in 30 days.
Audio on right.
Songwriter LLC Special Use Permit
Earlier in the meeting the Commission voted to approve the Songwriter LLC Special Use Permit for a 81 unit condos development in Upper Las Colonias with more than 30 conditions, including a restriction that condo rentals must be for 6 month or longer leases, and that turn lanes on Hwy 150 be made before condo construction begins.
Taos County Concerns on Town of Taos Annexation
In public hearing the morning of June 9, the Taos County commissioners heard testimony on issues raised by Town of Taos annexations. The Commission voted unanimously to direct the staff to analyze and take positions on all proposed annexations and file friend of the court briefs on lawsuits filed challenging annexations, such as the Valverde Commons annexation. Audio on right.
Stories Week of Jun 1, 2009
Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez
At the SOMOS Winter Writers Series Jan 30, 2006
Author of The Dirty Girls Social Club reads from The Haters and The Husband Habit. Introduced by Series Curator Diana Rico 41:05
Writers on Radio
Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, author of The Dirty Girls Social Club, reads from her novel-in-progressThe Cities and the Sea on the Cuban revolution and the US civil rights movement. Host Tania Casselle. |
Taos Currents
Verse Converse Poetry Festival
Host Mike Tilley
June 9 County Meetings:
9 am Taos County Workstudy on annexation issues with the Town of Taos. Commission Chambers 105 Albright Street.
6 pm Taos County Planning Commission. Agenda items:
1. Songwriter LLC Special Use Permit for 81 Unit Condos in Upper las Colonias.
2. Anansi Charter School Special Use Permit for Expansion in Des Montes
3. Wiemer Properties, LLC "Miranda Canyon Preserve" subdivison: Motion for Findings of Fact and Law in approval or disapproval.
Stories Week of May 25, 2009
Radio Rio
Brian Shields of Amigos Bravos talks with Jim White of Centinel Bank, Eric Patterson of Water Sentinels of Taos, Diane Grant, and Cathy DeLucus of the US Forest Service, about how you can participate in the collabrative river clean up in Taos and Questa on June 6.
David Pérez
Memories of a boyhood in the South Bronx. Reading from his memoir Wow at the SOMOS Winter Writers Series. Uncensored Version. Jan 30 09. Introduced by Curator Diana Rico |
Taos Currents
Mark Rudd, author of Underground: My Life in SDS and the Weathermen
interviewed May 2, 09
Mike Tilley Host |
Miranda Canyon Update 5/27
Todd Barbee, representing Wiemer Properties, LLC says that there are no new agreements with any of the tribes and no changes to the Preliminary Plat since the Apr 14 hearing. He has prepared a statement addressing these isssues, which is posted below & at right.
I've just read your latest update on the Miranda Canyon Preserve proceedings and wish to make the following clarifications...
There are two formal agreements related to tribal interests pertaining to the Miranda Canyon Preserve proposal.
The first is the agreement with the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs Historic Preservation Division, the lead reviewing agency for matters related to the preservation of cultural sites, to notify, protect, and preserve any existing and any future sites found during construction. That agency found that the application was sensitive to these concerns, met all state and federal requirements, and then granted a favorable opinion of the application.
The second is an agreement requested by the Picuris Pueblo in 2007 to be allowed to access Weimer property (Miranda Canyon) for the purpose of collecting traditional herbs and with the intention of preserving habitat of wildlife and plant species. That request was granted by the Weimer Properties, LLC, and the agreement is memorialized as Picuris Pueblo Resolution No. 18-07 and signed by the following tribal leaders:
Governor Craig Quanchello
T.J. Knitter, Tribal Sheriff
Joe D. Martinez, 1st War Chief
Cody Allrunner, 2nd War Chief
Simon Cade, 3rd War Chief
Luther Martinez, 2nd Fiscal
On April 28, 2009, Picuris Pueblo Governor Richard Mermejo drafted a letter to the Taos County Planning Department which stated that he, on behalf of the people of Picuris Pueblo, is "strongly opposed to the development due to the cultural significance of the Miranda Valley project" due to the "cultural significance of the Miranda Valley and our aboriginal existence that we hold close to our spiritual tradition."
The letter went on to say that the Picuris Pueblo would be "most appreciative if we can be informed of any decision making regarding this development project."
Many attempts to further inform and clarify the specific concerns Governor Mermejo may have that are not already covered in resolution 18-07 and the Cultural Affairs Historic Preservation Division's review of the proposal, have gone unanswered.
All local, state and federal laws have been complied with regarding the protection of cultural properties within the Miranda Canyon Preserve. Additionally, the project planners have met with the Jicarila Apache Nation and the Taos Pueblo to further clarify the project plans and address any concerns.
Sincerely, Todd Barbee
Project Manager
Miranda Canyon Preserve
Picuris Pueblo Resolution 18-07
New Mexico Cultural Affairs Letter Nov 6 2008
Picuris Pueblo Letter Apr 28 2009
"Miranda Canyon Preserve"
Update 5/26 by Robin Collier
After reviewing the Taos County Subdivision Ordinance and talking the Taos County Planning Director Dale Osborn at length, several additional facts & issues emerge.
The Planning Commission approval of the special use permit (SUP) on exceeding the 20% slope, also failed to make what Osborn asserts are required finding of fact and law. Thus he asserts that BOTH the SUP and the Preliminary Plat remain in limbo until the Planning Commission meets in public hearing to make the required findings.
Based on Osborn's understanding of precedent & case law, there are 3 ways that this can be remanded to the Planning Commission: by direction of the Planning Director, by order of the District Court, or by the County Commission meeting in their role as a Board of Adjustment.
Osborn is waiting for direction from the Taos County Attorney, Sammy Pacheco, on which way to get the issue remanded to the Planning Commission, since each route has its merits or drawbacks.
In any case, the recommendation by the Planning Commission on the Preliminary Plat is not appealable but automatically would be heard by the County Commission 30 days once the findings are filed with the County Clerk. According to Osborn, the Special Use Permit is not appealable until the finding of fact & law have been filed with the County Clerk, after these have been made by the Planning Commission in public hearing.
Also according to Osborn, Picuris Pueblo, Taos Pueblo and the Jicarilla Apache, have now negotiated additional agreements with the developer, including changes to the subdivision plat and conditions added by the Planning Department, which now satisfy their concerns. The other tribes, who had objected, are also now satisfied, as long as Taos & Picuris are satisfied. I have not yet been able to confirm this with Taos & Picuris Pueblos.
Osborn also pointed out that most of the reviewing state and federal agencies do not do a really through examination of a subdivision until the preliminary plat is approved - they don't have the resources to look in detail at something which might not even be approved by the county.
Thus it is possible that the Forest Service, the office of State Engineer, the State Highway Department, or other agencies may impose other conditions on the development that they must satisfy in the Final Plat.
Osborn also urged all interested in this development to come in to the Planning Office and actually look at the revised application, the 130 conditions agreed to by the applicant, and all the maps and data, so they can make an informed response to the proposal.
Update 5/26 pm
According to former commissioner Butchie Denver, the County Legal Department is now recommending that the Planning Department now put the Preliminary Plat findings of fact and law on the June 9th Planning Commission agenda. She disagrees with Osborn on whether the Special Use Permit requires findings of fact, and feels that it is now appealable. Denver points out until there are letters in the application file by council resolution withdrawing the tribes objections, it is not conclusive that they have resolved their issues. Denver also notes that there can't be changes made in the plat application after the hearing was opened Apr. 14 as this would not provide proper notice to all parties.
Stories Week of May 18, 2009
Gabriel Chavez speaking on sewer & water issues, while Joel Goodkind takes notes
Photos by Robin Collier click on images for larger views
Todd Barbee presents the developer's proposal for Wiemer Properties LLC
Brian Shields ED of Amigos Bravos speaks on concerns about water studies
Developer video of access to subdivision from Community Center to Hwy 68
The video has now been removed from YouTube.
Taos County Planning Staff, Nathan Sanchez & Edward Vigil on left, Planning Director Neal Osborn, 2nd from right,
Todd Barbee answers Commissioners Eloy Vigil & Dennis Jacquez, who voted with Gino Sanchez and Mary Mascareñas, to not approve the preliminary subdivision plat for the "Miranda Canyon Preserve." Bill Thomas & Rudy Pacheco voted to approve. Composite image
May 12, 2009 Taos County Planning Commission
Continued Hearing on the "Miranda Canyon Preserve" Special Use Permit and Preliminary Subdivision Plat for a 5,000 acre development on Picuris Mountain and Miranda Canyon. Unedited except for volume enhancement and pause removal.
The Commission voted 4-3 to approve the Special Use Permit for exceding the 20% slope ordinance but 4-2 to NOT approve the Preliminary Subdivison Plat. According to a telephone conversation on May 22 with Dale Osborn, Planning Director, the Planning Commission must still by NM State Statute make findings of fact and law in regard to their vote and the staff is still deciding how this will be handled.
Update 5/24: According to former commissioner Butchie Denver, the planning commission MUST meet again in a public hearing to formally deny the plat and make the specific findings for the denial. Once this has been filed with the County Clerk, the developer has 30 days to appeal to the County Commission. Update 5/25: Todd Barbee points out that the Taos County Subdivision Ordinance, 2005-8 Section 4.8.6, Item J, also requires that findings of fact & law must be made.
Agenda 3:04
Rules & Procedures 4:41
Songwriter Continuance 1:10
Rules on who can Comment 7:43
Developer Presentation 14:54
Commissioner Q & A 36:45
Public Q & A 49:49
Septic Q & A 11:26
Traffic Video + Q & A 5:58
Letters Read 14:43
Process Explaination 5:06
Public Comment 24:18
Developer Response 5:38
More Public Comment 2:42
Staff Recommendation Permit 2:51
Slope Permit Vote 2:00
Staff Recomendation Plat 9:01
Commission Q & A Subdivision 17:48
Subdivision Motion & Vote 4:45
The required rules & documentation for subdivisions are detailed in part in NM Statutes Chapter 47, Property Law, Article 6, County Subdivisions. The NM Property Law Chapter 47 and other NM Statutes can be read & researched at Conway Greene.
The Taos County Subdivison Regulations may be read at the Taos County Planning Office or purchased for $30. Unfortunately this is not availble on-line.
Stories Week of May 11, 2009
Taos Currents
Melinda Bateman on the farming film "How to Save the Earth" follwed by Joaquin Karcher on Zero Energy home design and the Green House Tour.
Longer version of Joaquin interview with info on retro fitting older homes to save energy. |
Dennis Hopper at the Harwood
Press Conference May 4, 09 with Larry Bell and Dean Stockwell. Cameo by Mayor Darren Cordova. |
Gov. Bill Richardson
Speaking May 7, 09 at Taos County Commission on Economic Stimulus and other Issues. |
The Taos County Planning May 12th voted 4-2 to against approval of the "Miranda Canyon Preserve" Preliminary Plat, a proposed 5,000 acre subdivision on Picuris.
This will now go to the County Commission in about 60 days for a final vote.
We are still working on posting the audio from the hearing.
On the vote on the special use permit, for roads on slopes in excess of 20%, the Chair, Art Ortiz, voted to approve the permit to break what he said was a tied 3-3 vote. However, we believe that vote (like the Subdivision Preliminary Plat) was 4-2 against approval of the permit. After reviewing our tape, we conclude that Art, after calling each of the commissioners from left to right, after Mary Mascareñas, did not call Eloy Vigil and Dennis Jacquez, which created confusion on how they voted. I was sitting closest to them and I thought I heard both vote no. When asked after the meeting how they voted on the special permit, Vigil and Jaquez both said they voted no. The vote on the Preliminary Plat was Bill Thomas and Rudy Pacheco, in favor, Eugene Sanchez, Mary Mascareñas, Eloy Vigil and Dennis Jacquez, against. It remains unclear how each person voted on the special permit, since Art do not call each individually. We will post the entire meeting, but for now this is the section on the special permit vote, and you can decide for yourself.
Update: According to an interview in the Taos News on May 13, Eloy Vigil now says he voted yes on the special permit, but no on the preliminary plat approval. For now, this apparently resolves the issue.
Continuation of the Taos County Planning Commission hearing on “The Miranda Canyon Preserve” a proposed 5,000 acre subdivision on Picuris Mountain.
Note Changed Location & Time
Tues. May 12, 6:00 pm
County Agricultural Building
Chamisa Rd behind the Sage Brush Inn
Articles on the Development
Jicarita News Dec 08
Jicarita News Nov 08
Jicarita News Sep 08
The developer presents their plans on the Miranda Preserve Web Site, where you may also contact them for info or to support the subdivision.
Nancy Ryan interviews
Listen to KTAO 101.9 FM
Thurs, May 14 about 8 pm
Barbara Waters in her home
Robin Collier photos
Click on photos for larger view
Barbara Waters Stereo File (48.8 MB) Mono File (22.5 MB)
Author of Celebrating the Coyote and president of the Frank Waters Foundation. Barbara talks about her life with Frank Waters, her writing and how she approaches aging and Parkinsons Disease. 58 Minutes May 09 |
Community Groups who have raised concerns about traffic, water, fire, threats to historic and ceremonial sites include: |
Llano Quemado Neigborhood Assoc., Elipio Mondragon, President 779-1024
Picuris Pueblo, Eagle Rael 587-1680
Joel Goodkind, Organizer of the Save Miranda Canyon Watershed Coalition 751-1812 |
Stories Week of May 4, 2009
Taos Local Televison
Broadcasts of the Forum
Fri May 8 - 8 am
Sat May 9 - 1:30 pm
Sun May 10 - 3:30 pm
Mon May 11 - 8 pm Channel 22 cable |
Comanchero Traders
Jerry Padilla speaking Apr 25 for the Old Spanish Trail Assoc. |
Stories Week of Apr 27, 2009Todd BarbeeTodd
Kit Carson Electric Coop District 1 Election Forum
May 5th 6:30-8:00 pm
Taos Town City Council Chambers
Doors open at 6 pm to meet the candidates. To be broadcast
May 7 8:05 on KTAO 101.9 FM
Rich Sanders of the Lion's Club Operation Kidsight will moderate
Organized by Cultural Energy
Co-sponsored by the Town of Taos
District 1 Candidates:
Cliff Bain
Francis A. Cordova
Ermino Martinez
Tim J. Martinez
Manuel Medina
Candido "Candy" Mondragon
Meliton Struck
To submit questions for the forum email Cultural Energy |
Mark Rudd
Underground: My Life in SDS and the Weathermen
Saturday, May 2, 4-6 pm. Reading, booksigning, and discussion, The Brodsky Bookshop 226A Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos, NM
Taos Currents
Allegra Houston reads from her new book The Love Child: A Memoir of Family Lost and Found for SOMOS Apr 24. Host Mike Tilley
Meeting on the Miranda Canyon Watershed 1 hr 30 min
Apr 29 09 at the Llano Quemado Community Center. The meeting was opened by Leo Martinez of the Llano Quemado Domestic Water Users Assoc., followed by Joel Goodkind and Eagle Rael of Picuris Pueblo. Unedited except for sound enhancement & long pause removal. |

Leo Martinez & Joel Goodkind open the meeting. xButchie Denver questions the subdivision's water study.

Eagle Rael explains Picuris Pueblo's opposition to the subdivision. xSeth Brown opposes the project.
Stories Week of Apr 20, 2009
Taos Currents
National Economic Conditions: Mark Ira Scheinbaum.
Economic Development Strategies and Public Finance in the Town of Taos: Matt Foster
Host Mike Tilley
Cindy Sheehan
Speaking in Taos Apr 20 09 on her new book: Myth America: 10 Greatest Myths of the Robber Class and the Case for Revolution!
This is the unedited version of the talk 1 hr 21:29
Save Miranda Canyon Watershed Coalition meeting
Wed Apr 29 09 - 6 p.m., at the Llanno Quemado Community center at the junction of Miranda Canyon and Vista del Valle Roads. To help save a pristine watershed from development, all welcome. For more info, e-mail saveourwater-shed@yahoo.com |
Stories Week of Apr 13, 2009
Tania Casselle's SOMOS Writers on Radio interview with poet Levi Romero was awarded first place in the 2009 New Mexico Press Women's Excellence in Communications Contest, for a radio interview broadcast in 2008. Second Place and an Honorable Mention were awarded to her interviews with Frances Washburn and John Nichols. All three programs were produced by Robin Collier at Cultural Energy.
David Romero, a Cristobal de la Serna Land Grant heir, speaks aobout wildlife impacts, in opposition to the Miranda Canyon Subdivison
Elipio Mondragon, President of the Llano Quemado Neighborhood Association, speaks to project representative Todd Barbee about concerns with traffic impacts of the Subdivision
Taos Currents
Earth Day - Taos Charter School, Rocky Mountain Youth Corp. & Chamisa Mesa High School
Host Mike Tilley
The Taos County Planning Commission heard 4 & 1/2 hours of testimony on Apr 14 09 on the "Miranda Canyon Preserve" subdivision and voted to continue the hearing until May 12, asking the developers to report what specific commitments had been made to solving traffic issues, how the possibility of a community water system had been explored, how the possibility of sewer system had been explored and that documentation be provided that the Army Corp of Engineers had reviewed the project. The developer volunteered that they were willing to accept all conditions (except one) reccommended by the planning staff, and volunteered not to include any swimming pools (except one at the community center) |
Brad Hockmeyer speaks in favor of the project
Gino Sanchez of the Taos County Planning Commission raises questions
Click on images for a larger view
Photos by Robin Collier
The Wiemer Properties development team is sworn in to testify
Todd Barbee presents the Miranda Canyon development plan while Alexander Gusdorf/Mel Weimer heir, Roy Cunnyngham listens
Stories Week of Apr 6, 2009
Taos Currents
The Old Spanish Trail
Lloyd Rivera on the lecture series every Saturday in Apr & May 10:15 am at the Taos Library
Host Mike Tilley
Kit Carson Electric Coop
Cliff Bain's presentation on a concentrated solar electric plant in Taos at the Mar 31 09 Kit Carson Board meeting 29:16
Tues. Apr 14, 6 pm Rio Grande Hall: Taos County Planning Commission hearing on “The Miranda Canyon Preserve” a proposed 5,000 acre subdivision on Picuris Mountain. It would have 150 lots ranging from 10 to 31 acres in size, running along Miranda canyon above the Ponce de Leon Hot Springs above Llano Quemado and upward toward Picuris Peak on the La Serna Land Grant. Portions of the subdivsion are reserved for public access or forest preserve. Community members have raised many issues about the proposal, including the adequacy of fire access, traffic impacts, visual impacts, water use, erosion, impact on wildlife, and protection of historical, archeological and cerimonial sites. Within the subdivision boundries are the routes of historic Camino Real and the Old Spanish Trail, as well as ancient Pueblo sites. Persons interested in reviewing the 4 large binders detailing this large subdivison, may visit the Taos County Planning Department office on Albright Street in Taos. |
Listen to Archive of Past Months & Year's Stories
Jan-Mar 09 Jul-Sep 09 Oct to Date 09
Oct-Dec 08 Jul-Sep 08 Apr-Jun 08 Jan-Mar 08
2007 2006 2005 2004
Become a Member of Cultural Energy - Donate On-Line
David Barsamian Post Election Activism | Another World is Possible | Middle East Crisis
Public Meetings and Political Forums | Nancy Ryan's Womenspeak | Amigos Bravos - Radio Rio
Picuris/Miranda Canyon Subdivision on the La Serna Grant includes Map
Sustain Taos: Bioneers' Shows | Lyla Johnston's Native Momentum
Community Story Telling - Robert Wolf | ¡Que Vivan las Acequias! - Miguel Santistevan
Teen Media Camp Radio | Teen Media Camp Video | Writers on Radio SOMOS
Geoff Bryce's Acequia Reports | Lisa Fox's Farming Thru the Seasons| Maye Torres Untitled
Jasmine Bennett interviews Presidential Candidates | Interview: Agnes Martin
Mike Tilley's Taos Currents | Cuentos de mi Valle: Theresa Silva
Bob Romero's Historia de Taos | John Paternoster's Rules of the Justice Game
Flowers Espinosa - Red Air
All audio segments and photos are copyright 2003-2009 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators and may not be reproduced in any form.