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Below are underlined links to our segments now online. Download Windows Media Player or QuickTime if not installed. If you want to save the mp3 file for later listening, on Windows, click on the link with the right mouse button, on the Mac, click while holding the control key. Segments are posting in 48 bps compressed mp3 files (32 bps prior to Sep 14, 05) to allow dialup modem access. Problems? eMail energy@culturalenergy.org or call 575-758-9791 Better sound was broadcast.
All audio segments and photos are copyright 2003-2010 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators.
They may not be reproduced in any form except one copy to listen to on your own computer or mp3 player.
Stories Week of Mar 29, 2010
If you want to save the mp3 file for your iPod or other later listening, on Windows, click on the link with the right mouse button, on the Mac, click on the link while holding the control key. Click on images for an enlarged view.
Cultural Energy is 12 Years Old
On Sep 9, 2011 the FCC granted us a construction permit for a NCE FM station, now KCEY 89.5 FM.
Radio Rio
Michael Jensen of Amigos Bravos hosts a discussion on the upcoming hearings on new regulations for dairy permits in New Mexico. |
Stories Week of Mar 22, 2010
Taos Currents
Mirabia Starr reads a poem about the murders of young women in Juarez and talks about the SOMOS observance this Sunday 3-5 at the Mabel Dodge Luhan House. Host Mike Tilley
Broadband at the Coop
Bill Whaley and Jerome Lucero discuss the Broadband initiative at the Kit Carson Electric Coop. Host Robin Collier |
Stories Week of Mar 15, 2010
Farming Thru the Seasons
Fresh Connections Expo held Feb. in Santa Fe: wholesalers, restuarants, chefs, farmers, ranchers, food retailers meeting together to strengthen opportunities to buy & sell. Host Lisa Fox
Civil Discourse
A discussion with Taoseños Margarita Denovan, Robert Silver, Bob Bresnaham and Marge Reading on keeping discourse civil as we talk politics, and the importance of listening. Host Robin Collier
New Post Breakout sessions from the CDC's Los Alamos Historical Document Retrieval and Assessment (LAHDRA) Project meeting Jan 28, 2010
Sound is poor as multiple sessions were held in the same room but some significant statements are made by CDC contractors & LANL staff on several key issues
Intro to Breakout 2:21
Plutonium - Tom Widner 43:18
Uranium - Jack Buddenbaum 43:46
Main Uranium talk starts at 9:20
Closing Comments to Group 8:35
9th semi-annual meeting with community groups reporting on the building of the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement facilities (CMRR) for Los Alamos National Labratory held in Los Alamos on Mar 3, 2009
Meeting Ground Rules 5:07
Introductions 2:43
LANL Steve Fong 11:04
LANL Rick Holmes 12:56
First Public Q & A 29:23
Nuke Watch NM Scott Kovac 9:29
Second Public Q & A 36:57
Edited by Harvey Soloman & Robin Collier |
A Plutonium Bomb Factory?
Steve Fong of LANL shows plans for the CMRR
Digitally enhanced photo by Robin Collier
Stories Week of Mar 8, 2010
SOMOS Winter
Writer's Series
Reading at Caffe Tazza
Feb 26, 2009
dg nanouk Okpik 34:32
Inuit Poet
Cathy Strisik 24:34
Poems on Cambodia
Recorded & Re-mixed by Robin Collier
Edited by Harvey Soloman
Lyla Update 1:30 pm Wed Mar 10: Pat McCabe reports that Lyla is walking a bit and is doing great!
Lyla Update 1 pm Tue Mar 9: Pat McCabe reports on Facebook that Lyla Johnston is back at the Stanford hospital. After being looked at by a slew of doctors, so far she seems to need no surgery. She needs much rest after the 20+ hour air trip. Her family is gathering with her at Stanford.
Pat asks everyone to envision Lyla "standing straight, a beautiful smile on her face, her heart filled with wonder and gratitiude at the power of all our good thoughts, love, care, and visions of her sweet spine, perfect pelvis living bone responding to our desire for perfect order and perfect health in it's regeneration and continuing growth. She is dancing hard for the Earth and all of our Relations, exuberent being daughter of the Sun and the Stars. Thank you all for all your love and care of my girl..." |
dg nanouk Okpik Digitally altered photo by Robin Collier
Stories Week of Mar 1, 2010
Lyla Update 8 pm Fri Mar 5: Pat McCabe reports on Facebook that finally they are sending a jet down to Chile to bring Lyla back to California.
Lyla Update noon Fri Mar 5: Pat McCabe reports on Facebook that Lyla Johnston is still in Chile. Pat says that the air-vac people "mis-spoke" about Stanford having any input as to whether she should be air evacuated. Pat is still trying to get her home as soon as possible.
Lyla Update 4:30 pm Sun Mar 7: Aidan Dunn, Lyla's fellow student in Chile, reports on Facebook that Lyla is now airborne on her way back to Stanford, CA from Chile.
Lyla Update 8 pm Sat Mar 6: Aidan Dunn, Lyla's fellow student in Chile, reports on Facebook that she should flying out at 1 pm Sunday (Taos time) in the aeroambulancia to California!
Stories Week of Feb 22, 2010
Taos Poetry Slam 2:17:03
Taos High Poetry Slam Feb.20, 2009 at the Taos Public Library
Radio Rio
Amigos Bravos reports on the EPA plans for a major clean-up of the Moly mine in Questa. Rachel Conn hosts, with Brian Shields and Patrick Nicholson.
John Allison
The experiences of an anthropologist being trained to work with the military in Afghanistan. Interview by Robin Collier.
Town Election Forum 1:49:11
Feb 4, 2009 forum with Taos Town councilor and mayoral candidates. Sponsored by the Taos News and the Taos Chamber of Commerce.
NEWS FLASH: Lyla Johnston, past producer of Cultural Energy's Native Momenteum, who is studying in Santiago, Chile with Stanford University, is safe as well as all the other Stanford students, after the 8.8 earthquake Feb 27, 2009. Lyla is doing my honors thesis in Chile to measure the extent which the Mapuche's (the indigenous tribe) identity/cultural knowledge is dependent on land access to ancestral territory.
Update 10 pm Mar 2: Pat McCabe reports on Facebook: "Lyla June may be getting evac-ed out of beautiful but bouncin' Chile 2-morrow!!! Stay tuned!!"
Update 11:40 pm Feb 28: Pat McCabe reports on Facebook that she spoke to hear daughter Lyla Johnston this morning: "Thank you God - She's in the hospital at last - thank you God again - and being taken care of. She's pretty banged up. She has two fractures in her pelvis and three fractured vertebrae but she was in great spirits and wants to finish her term. Thanks everyone for loving and thinking about my daughter. Keep sending her healing vibes and safety for the rest of her stay and her trip home."
Update 6:30 pm Feb 27: Lyla has updated her Facebook page with a report about what happened. She was on the 3rd floor of a 20 story apartment building in the Stanford complex and after running out on the balcony and it kept shaking, she decided if was be better to jump the 3 stories, then have the 17 balconies above which were swaying about madly, fall on her. Luckily she survived the 40 ft. fall with only a dislocated hip, as far a she knows. Here is her whole story with typical Lyla attitude, love & humor
La Serna Meeting 2:21:30
Meeting of the committee to reform the La Serna Land Grant on Feb 22, 2009 at the Talpa Community Center. The limitation of membership to "blood heirs" of those with property in the grant as of the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 was explained. Anyone who purchased land in the grant in the last 162 years would not be eligible to be a member, unless they are related by blood to an "heir" before 1848. There was not discussion as to how ownership as of 1848 had to be documented.
Serna Meeting selections
Paul Martinez explains "blood heirship 1:43
Franciso Gonzales reads heir qualification in Bylaws 0:57
The group is working to reconcile their Bylaws with the other past organization, the La Serna Land Grant Association, whose membership was based on land ownership rather than "blood heirship." Another meeting will be held Sun. Mar. 7, 2009 1 pm at the Talpa Community Center. This has been changed to Sun. Mar. 14, 2009 1 pm.
Stories Week of Feb 15, 2010
Robert Efroymson, President of the Jewish Federation of New Mexico and Mark Rudd, formerly of the SDS & the Weathermen, discuss the issues at the Taos Jewish Center on Feb 11, 2009. The audience contributes their views. Segments below are mostly unedited.
Acknowledgments 3:02
Speakers Intro 4:01
Main Presentation 49:55
Questions & Answer 56:56
Farmer Protection Act 61:01
Unedited recording of the hearing Feb 14, 2009 in the NM Senate Conservation Committee on SB 303, which was tabled. This bill would prevent farmers from liability in lawsuits brought by GMO seed corporations if genetically modified seed inadvertantly contaminated their crops. Supporters plan to bring back the bill next year after hearings in Interim Committees.
Above: Senators Sanchez and Ulibarri argue that the bill needs more hearings before interm committees.
Below: Miguel Santistevan & Senator Eric Griego testify in favor of the Farmer Protection Act.
Stories Week of Feb 8, 2010
Peace Exhibit Lincoln, NE
Mike Tilley interviews his father Don Tilley about the Vision of Hope art exhibit for peace.
Update Feb 14, 4 pm: Bill SB 303 tabled & killed for this session. NM Senate bill 303, the Farmer Protection Act, has passed the Senate Judiciary Committee and was tabled Feb 14 in the Senate Conservation Committee.
Taos Currents
SOMOS Writers Series with readings by Mirabai Starr and Sean Murphy, music by Jenny Bird. Curator Jan Smith joins them. Host Mike Tilley
US Census
Mike Tilley interviews Veronica Arzate de Reyes on the US Census coming up in April.
Mainly through the resistance of Chair Bernadette M. Sanchez, and Vice Chair David Ulibarri, with the support from Ryan, Harden & Greigo, the bill was killed. They felt it needed to go through indepth hearing in the Interim Committees over the next year before being brought back next Session. Richard C. Martinez strongly supported the bill with the support of Stephen H. Fischmann. The room was packed with bill supporters from Taos, Sante Fe and Española, countered by big money lobbists from GMO, Dairy and Southern NM Chile interests.
This bill would prevent farmers from being sued by corporations, such as Monsanto, if genetically modified seed inadvertantly contaminated their crops.
NM Senate Conservation Committee.
Chair Bernadette M. Sanchez 505) 986-4267 senb26@yahoo.com
Vice Chair David Ulibarri (505) 986-4265 david.ulibarri@nmlegis.gov
Stephen H. Fischmann (505) 986-4377 steve@stevefischmann.com
Phil A. Griego (505) 986-4861 senatorgriego@yahoo.com
Clinton D. Harden (505) 986-4369 charden@theosogroup.com
Richard C. Martinez (505) 986-4389 richard.martinez@nmlegis.gov
John C. Ryan (505) 986-4373 johnchrisryan@yahoo.com
William E. Sharer (505) 986-4381 bill@williamsharer.com
Stories Week of Feb 1, 2010
Taos Currents
Drilling Mora County. Activists speak on the threat of methane gas drilling in Mora & San Miguel County and the upcoming talk on Feb 11 6:30 at Tapetes de Lana in Mora. Host Mike Tilley
Howard Zinn Tribute
A tribute by David Barsamian produced by KGNU in Boulder to the great historian and activist who died at age 87 on Jan 27, 2010. He is best known for his best selling People's History of the United States |
Taos lost another young life, Cris Cordova, son of Pauline Cordova and step-father, Santiago “Jaime” Chavez. He leaves his wife, Jacqueline and daughter, Maya. Rosary will be recited in his memory on Fri, Feb 05, 2010 at 7 PM at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Taos, NM. Funeral mass will be held on Sat, Feb 06, 2010 at 10 AM at Our Lady Guadalupe Church. |
Stories Week of Jan 25, 2010
Update Jan 31, 2010: The SF Chronicle reports that a 24 year old Dominica national, Tishara Daniel, a resident of Swetes Village, was detained on Friday and has since been charged for the murder of 29 year-old Nina Elizabeth Nilssen. The suspect confessed to the fatal stabbing, police Superintendent Nuffield Burnette said. Daniel allegedly was carrying Nilssen's camera when he was arrested near the crime scene and detectives also have what is believed to be the murder weapon.

Iris, an angel of joy, has come
and passed us on her path...
Iris Crews McLaughlin,
granddaughter of photographer Mildred Tolbert, daughter of artist Carole Crews and author John McLaughlin, died January 24/25, 2010
in Austin, Texas.
Iris with her friend Maya Crumb, at her sister Edwina's wedding June 2009
Robin Collier Photos click on images for larger view
A memorial for Iris was held at the TCA Stables Gallery at 11 am on Sunday February 7th 2010 in Taos, New Mexico.
Health Care: What Next
Taos Currents
A double length Taos Currents with physicians Dr. Tanner and Dr. Cardasis, activists Hope Buechler and Margarita Denevan, and patient Denise Blanchette. Host Mike Tilley
The funeral for
Nina Elizabeth Nilssen
was held Sat. Jan. 30 at 4 pm
St. James Episcopal Church,
208 Camino De Santiago
in Taos, New Mexico.
Carisa & Moss Joseph Benefit: Sat., Jan. 30 6 - 9:30 PM San Geronimo Lodge, Witt Road, Taos
Download a color pdf flyer
Donations in honor of Nina Nilssen may be sent to the Taos Community Foundation, P.O. Box 1925 Taos NM 87571 to help the Q’eros people and other indigenous communities of the Andes to establish Vilcanota, the world’s first spiritual national park. |

Veronica Golos

Khalil Khweis
Iris Keltz

Richard Becker
Stories Week of Jan 18, 2010
Our deepest sympathies to Kate and Morten Nilssen, whose daughter Nina Elisabeth Nilssen was murdered in Antigua, Tuesday, January 19, 2009 where the family was visiting for the marriage of their other daughter, Liv Nilssen. Morten served ably on our Board.
Through the iniative of Elizabeth Crittenden Palacio, Director of the Taos Community Foundation, donations in support of the family may be made at any People's Bank.
Jeff Haas
Jeff Haas
reading from his book The Assassination of Fred Hampton. From the SOMOS Winter Writers Series Jan 15 09. Introduced by Jan Smith with reference to Bonnie Black's reading.
Recorded by Robin Collier. Edited by Harvey Soloman. |
Taos Currents
Sheri Kotowski of Las Mujeres Hablan speaks on the Centers for Disease Control's public hearing on Thursday Jan 28, 9 - 4 at the Okay Casino on the 10 year long Los Alamos Historical Document Retrieval and Assessment (LAHDRA) Project.
For more info contact Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Saftey
Host Mike Tilley
Click on image for larger view. |
History of Haiti
Interview by Mike Tilley with activist Joanne Forman discussing the history of Haiti and how colonial oppression by France, Britan & the US has effected the severity of the disaster on the island.

Joanne Foreman
The Taos News Jan 21 issue will have info on local aid to Haiti including Smiths & People's Bank who are accepting donations for Haiti relief.
Bonnie Black
Author Bonnie Black reads from her 1981 published memoir, Somewhere Child. It is a haunting and beautifully written story of the abduction(s) of her young daughter by her ex-husband and how her experience was instrumental in the creation of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. SOMOS Winter Writers Series Jan 15 2009. Recorded by Robin Collier. Edited by Harvey Soloman. Photos by Robin Collier
Partners in Health - Haiti
(featured in Amy Goodman's Jan 20 show)
Doctors Without Borders
Madre in Haiti | Mercy Corps
Seeds for Haiti Earthquake Aid
International Medical Corps
Bonnie Black
Stories Week of Jan 11, 2010
Joseph Benefit 3:57
Ellie Berhstock speaks on developing plans for a fundraiser for Moss, Carisa, Orion & Noah Joseph on Saturday Jan 30 6-9:30 pm at the San Geronimo Lodge on Witt Road. Music, Acrobats from the Flying Dessert Brigade, silent auction, dancing, food and other entertainment. Contact Ellie Berhstock 575-751-7393 or email her at coolbehr (at) aol.com
You may make direct deposits for Carisa Joseph at Centinel Bank of Taos, PO Box 818, Taos NM 87571. Make checks payable to : for the benefit of Carisa Joseph. On the back, in signature area, write: For Deposit Only
Tentative Joseph
Benefit Program
Download a color pdf flyer
5:30-6:30 (as people arrive) Baroque chamber group
6:30-6:50 Señor Felipe (childrens' music)
6:50-7:00 Prayer/Invocation for Carisa, by Black Hill (flute)
7--7:30 Don Conscenenti and Patrick Turnmire
7:30-8 Jennifer Peterson and Creekstone
8--8:30 Flying Desert Brigade and Zanagroove
9:30 DANCE with Zanagroove
Legislative Forum 54:15
Carlos Cisneros and Bobby Gonzales speak in a Legislative Forum sponsored by the Taos News on Jan 9, 2010. Link above is edited from 2 hours by Mike Tilley. Below are mostly unedited segments from the forum:
Opening Cisneros 21:10
Opening Gonzales 14:15
Food Tax 3:46
Disabilities & Education 16:16
Nonprofit Stimulus 14:59
Cuts for State Agencies 13:15
Foster Kids 11:32
More on Food Tax 1:56
Excise Tax 11:42
UNM Taos 11:42
Commissioner Barrone 2:21
Economic Development 11:10
Forest Help 3:18
Health Department 6:08
State Waste 1:44
Closing 3:01
Stories Week of Jan 4, 2010
Mike Farrell 1:02:57 Click here for larger slideshow
Speaking on his book Just Call Me Mike at the Harwood Museum in Taos on May 15, 2008 for SOMOS and UNM Taos Library. Introduced by Robert Arellano. Recording & photos by Robin Collier. Editing by Harvey Soloman
Carisa & Moss Joseph 6:19
Plans for a fundraiser on Jan 30 for Carisa Joseph who remains in a coma from an asthma attack. Moss Joseph manages the Taos Farmers Market and they have 2 young sons. To help in the fundraiser call Ellie Berhstock 978-501-0070 or email her at coolbehr (at) aol.com
To make donations to the auction or help contact Maggie Rael, auction coordinator: maggierael (at) yahoo.com
Update Jan 10: Crisa had a successful tracheotomy and now is technically out of the coma and breathing on her own but still has a serious "anoxic brain injury," which the doctors now consider a persistent vegetative condition. The family is considering moving her to the Living Center in Taos once her conditon allows that. Their two sons are back in Taos.
UNM Green Tech Center 29:31
Dual Credit classes in Solar & Green Building offered by UNM at Taos High School & Klauer Campus. Karlis Viceps, Scott Evans & Mark Goodman
SOMOS 2010 Winter Writers Series 26:13
David Perez & Lauren Bjorkman read from their work. Visit SOMOS for schedule beginning Jan 8, 2010
Land Grants: Tony Scarborough 32:36
Attorney Tony Scarborough details his research that found plans made by the President & Congress to take Land Grant common lands into "Forest Reserves" before claims had been heard before the Court in the 1890's. From the land grant conference in Española Mar 28 2009. Editing by Harvey Soloman |
Soundscapes Concert Sunday January 3, 2009. Music by Listz, Dvorak & Janacek.
Historic Radiation Releases at LANL: CDC Report
Centers for Disease Control hearing of June 25, 2009 on the 10 year long Los Alamos Historical Document Retrieval and Assessment (LAHDRA) Project to systematically review all available documents related to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) operations and identify records that contribute information about releases of chemicals and radionuclides from the site between 1943 and the present. Radioactive releases at LANL exceeded all other sites in the US combined. The entire report with graphics may be downloaded here.
Overview: Charles Miller 15:18
Peer Panel Intro 6:24
Draft Part 1: Tom Widner 52:39
Trinity Test: Tom Widner 12:00
Draft End: Tom Widner 4:59
Public Comment 59:32
HOPE, CCNS, EVEMG and Tewa Women United are working to expand the peer review panel.
Editing by Harvey Soloman with recording & normalization by Robin Collier
The meeting on la Serna Grant by-laws scheduled to be held at the Llano Community Center 6:30 pm on Dec 30, 09 was canceled because Paul Martinez had not completed re-writing a section. Meetings are now scheduled for Jan 6 & Jan 13 at 6:30.
CDC and the LAHDRA team will host a public meeting Thursday, January 28, 2010, 9 am to 4 pm at the Ohkay Casino Hotel Conference Center, north of Española. The session will include discussions of the environmental dose reconstruction process, the draft final project report, comments received to date, and steps to be taken next. Several community organizations will offer their perspectives including Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety (CCNS), Embudo Valley Environmental Monitoring Group, Honor Our Pueblo Existence (HOPE), Tewa Women United, New Mexico Conference of Churches, New Mexico Acequia Association, Community Service Organization del Norte, and the Loretto Community. |
Plutonium Lab Complex across from Ashley Pond at Los Alamos.
Click on images for larger view

Marion Naranjo of HOPE from Santa Clara Pueblo and Joni Ahrens of CCNS
Plutonium labs by Ashley Pond
In the 40's & 50's, plutonium spewed unfiltered from stacks shown above while workers lived within blocks of lab.
Radioactive Plume from Trinity Test Click on images for larger view
Stories Week of Dec 28, 2009
Taos Storytellers Tellabration
Selections from the storytelling Tellabration on Nov 21, 2009 at the Taos Public Library.

Phaedra Greenwood with Brer Rabbit
Taos History 14:54
Taos - People, Place & Time. Reading of selections from the book of the Taos Historical Society. Full presentation in week of Dec 21, 09 below.

Cisco Guevara & the Bear Story
Soundscapes 19:29
Interview with Rebecca Coron and Ester Fichtelverg on the concerts Jan 2 7:30 pm & Jan 3 2:30 pm with music by Listz, Dvorak & Janacek.
Storytellers delight all ages at the Taos Tellabration Nov 21, 2009
Introductions by Claire Long.
Intro by George Jaramillo
& Claire Long 1:45
Leah Alexander:
Rabbit & the Dancing Wolves 11:11
Grace Vichtelberg:
Air Raid Warden 7:52
Al Kaplan:
The Monastery of No Cares 6:54
Connie Long:
The Mare's Eggs 11:19
Roberta Courtney Meyers:
Que Pasa Aqui 9:38
Phaedra Greenwood:
Brer Rabbit 9:47
Franciso "Cisco" Guevara:
The Bear Story 13:15
Este Youngwolf:
O'Possum's Tail 11:31
Claire Long ending 0:38
Listen to Archive of Past Months & Year's Stories
Jan-Mar 09 Apr-Jun 09 Jul-Sep 09 Oct-Dec 09
Oct-Dec 08 Jul-Sep 08 Apr-Jun 08 Jan-Mar 08
2007 2006 2005 2004
Become a Member of Cultural Energy - Donate On-Line
David Barsamian Post Election Activism | Another World is Possible | Middle East Crisis
Public Meetings and Political Forums | Nancy Ryan's Womenspeak | Amigos Bravos - Radio Rio
Picuris/Miranda Canyon Subdivision on the La Serna Grant includes Map
Sustain Taos: Bioneers' Shows | Lyla Johnston's Native Momentum
Community Story Telling - Robert Wolf | ¡Que Vivan las Acequias! - Miguel Santistevan
Teen Media Camp Radio | Teen Media Camp Video | Writers on Radio SOMOS
Geoff Bryce's Acequia Reports | Lisa Fox's Farming Thru the Seasons| Maye Torres Untitled
Jasmine Bennett interviews Presidential Candidates | Interview: Agnes Martin
Cuentos de mi Valle: Theresa Silva
Bob Romero's Historia de Taos | John Paternoster's Rules of the Justice Game
Mike Tilley's Taos Currents | Flowers Espinosa - Red Air
All audio segments and photos are copyright 2003-2010 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators and may not be reproduced in any form.