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They may not be reproduced in any form except one copy to listen to on your own computer or mp3 player.
Stories Week of Dec 28, 2009
Taos Storytellers Tellabration
Selections from the storytelling Tellabration on Nov 21, 2009 at the Taos Public Library.

Phaedra Greenwood with Brer Rabbit
Taos History 14:54
Taos - People, Place & Time. Reading of selections from the book of the Taos Historical Society. Full presentation in week of Dec 21, 09 below.

Cisco Guevara & the Bear Story
Soundscapes 19:29
Interview with Rebecca Coron and Ester Fichtelverg on the concerts Jan 2 7:30 pm & Jan 3 2:30 pm with music by Listz, Dvorak & Janacek.
Storytellers delight all ages at the Taos Tellabration Nov 21, 2009
Introductions by Claire Long.
Intro by George Jaramillo
& Claire Long 1:45
Leah Alexander:
Rabbit & the Dancing Wolves 11:11
Grace Vichtelberg:
Air Raid Warden 7:52
Al Kaplan:
The Monastery of No Cares 6:54
Connie Long:
The Mare's Eggs 11:19
Roberta Courtney Meyers:
Que Pasa Aqui 9:38
Phaedra Greenwood:
Brer Rabbit 9:47
Franciso "Cisco" Guevara:
The Bear Story 13:15
Este Youngwolf:
O'Possum's Tail 11:31
Claire Long ending 0:38
Stories Week of Dec 21, 2009
Solar Committee meeting
Solar Part 1 56:51
Solar Part 2 54:11
Unedited audio from the Kit Carson Electric Coop Committee meeting Dec 1, 2009, introducing the idea of community solar arrays. Sorry for microphone handling noise while moving from speaker to speaker.
Taos History 1:18:33
Taos - People, Place & Time. Oct 1 09 at SMU in Taos/co-sponsored by UNM Taos. A Taos Historical Society presentation on their book in progress. Moderated by Nita Murphy with Corina Santistevan, Julia Moore, Bob Romero and Ernistina Cordova. Several parts of the book are read by the panelists. Introduced by Mark Adler of SMU. Editing by Harvey Soloman with normalization by Robin Collier
Iris Keltz
Reading from her unpublished book on the 67 war in Palestine & Israel at the SOMOS Summer Writers Series on Aug 12 09. Introduced by Diana Rico. Editing by Harvey Soloman
John Nichols 1:15:21
John reads from his novel the Milagro Beanfield War. He then tells the arduous story of how the script was written & re-written, how the movie was made and how little of his writing ended up in the movie directed by Robert Redford. John spoke at a benefit showing of the Milagro Beanfield War on the 20th anniversary of the film for the Martinez Hacienda on Mar 28, 2008 and is introduced by Morris Whitten. John Nichols views are his own, not those of Cultural Energy, so please, Robert Redford, don't sue us. Editing by Harvey Soloman with normalization by Robin Collier
La Serna Grant Bylaws
The Dec 16 09 meeting on re-organization of la Serna Grant simply reviewed the bylaws already covered in the previous meeting with the only signicant change being the reduction of the Board from 7 to 5 members. The issues of who will qualify as heirs or what notice will be given for Board meetings was not addressed.
Stories Week of Dec 14, 2009
Umar Abdul Hakim
Taos Currents
Spiritual thoughts for the Holiday season. Pastor Steve Wiard from Pueblito Methodist Church, Umar Abdul Hakim (Jeremy Mondragon) from the Taos Mosque, & Rev. Ann Heller of the Taos Unitarian Church. Host Mike Tilley
Nancy Ryan interviews Carole Crews about her new book Clay Culture: Plaster, Paints and Preservation, and issues of aging & the environment.
Stories Week of Dec 7, 2009
Kit Carson Electric Coop
Excerpts from trustee meeting Nov 24, 2009 on potential changes in the electric rate structure and from the Solar Commitee meeting Dec 1, 2009 covering community solar arrays. Unedited versions of both meetings will be posted soon.
Patricia Quintana
Speaking on women & agriculture in Taos on Nov 12 2009 at the Juan I. Gonzales Agricultural Center.
Notice: The committee to re-organize La Serna Land Grant will meet at 6:30 pm on Dec 16, 2009 at the Llano Quemado Community Center.
Left: Toby Martinez of the Kit Carson Electric Coop Solar Committee
George Martin
Speaking on the Peace Movement, National and International, in Taos Nov 19, 2009 for Peace Action NM. George Martin is National co-chair of United For Peace & Justice and a Peace Action Education Fund Board Member. Editing by Harvey Soloman
Stories Week of Nov 30, 2009
Malcolm Ebright and Richard Salazar
Taos Currents
Melissa Larson of Wholly Rags & Youth for recycling in Taos, Dylan Felt, Nathaniel Hensley, Ana Everhart and Eden Benedict.
Host Mike Tilley
Elizabeth Crittenden Palacio
Giving 28:00
Elizabeth Crittenden Palacio, Director of the Taos Community Foundation, explains the many ways of donating to, or volunteering for, Taos non-profit organizations and how the Foundation can help you choose and plan your contributions. Call 575-737-9300. |
Stories Week of Nov 23, 2009
La Serna Bylaws 2:31:25
A work study group of la Merced del Pueblo de la Cristobal de la Serna again met on Nov 25 to continue drafting bylaws to be recognized by the Secretary of State on the registry of Land Grants. They will meet again at 6:30 pm on Dec 9, 2009 at the Llano Quemado Community Center to finish the draft, so it can be ratified in early January 2010. Discussion is opened by Francisco "El Comanche" Gonzales. Previous discussion below in week of Nov 9, 2009
Paul Martinez & El Comanche fine tune details of la Serna Bylaws
Sabotage of John Collier's programs on the Navajo
Bruce Gjeltema Ph.D. speaks on Navajo Councilman Jacob Morgan's and NM Senator Dennis Chavez's successful joint efforts to sabotage the Commissioner of Indian Affair's programs on the Navajo during the 1930's. Presented at UNM for the New Mexico State Archive on Nov. 13, 2009
Taos Charter School student's Research Project on the Old Spanish Trail
Warren Kelly 1:15:31
Presented on May 30, 2009 at the Taos Public Library for the Old Spanish Trail Assoc. This talk was illustrated by many drawing which the students had done, which you will have to imagine.
Editing by Harvey Soloman
Radio Rio
Amigos Bravos: Tri-annual review of New Mexico Water Quality Standards - Rachel Conn with host Nicola Ulibarri.

.Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Nan Neilson, Monte Doeren, & Carrie Leven of Vets for Peace discuss the effects on families and how to get help. Host Mike Tilley
Stories Week of Nov 16, 2009
Taos Writer's Roundtable
Writing and the Creative Process. UNM Taos Nov 5 09. Moderator Sean Murphy, writers Mirabai Starr, Erin Badhand & John Nichols.
Editing by Harvey Soloman |
Art & Cultural District 1:13:17
Group meeting on Tuesday, Nov 3 to discuss needs of artists and art organizations.
Taos Currents
Soundscapes chamber music concert this weekend. Host Mike Tille
Erin Badhand & John Nichols - Digitally altered photo by Robin Collier
Stories Week of Nov 9, 2009
Levi Romero
Keynote reading for the Big Read, Sat. Nov 7 2009 at the TCA. Followed by readings by Taos High School members of the Poetry Club.

Levi Romero
Paul Martinez &
Francisco "El Comanche" Gonzales
Taos Hgh School poet
Olivia Romo
La Serna Bylaws 3:46:35
A work study group of la Merced del Pueblo de la Cristobal de la Serna met on Nov 11 to draft bylaws to be recognized by the Secretary of State on the registry of Land Grants. Extensive discussion of how it will be determined who can be included as a heir in the land grant and what the powers of the merced will be. Recording is unedited except for sound levels. A continuation of the meeting to finish the draft will be held on Thur Nov 18, 2009 at the Llano Quemado Community Center at 6:30 pm. Update: The meeting on Nov 18 was not held because neither Francisco Gonzales nor the key to open the Community Center had arrived by 7 pm, even though all the other previous members who had attended were waiting.
Stories Week of Nov 2, 2009
Beverly Bell
Nancy Ryan interviews Beverly on the organization Other Worlds and the event Friday Nov. 6 at the Bareiss Gallery featuring Beverly Bell, John Nichols & Pat McCabe.
Art & Cultural District
Panel Recommendations on Thur. Nov 5, 2009. 1:24:03 |
Stories Week of Oct 26, 2009
Taos Currents
"My Land is Me" on the Veil. Opening at the Rane Galley Nov 7 4-6. Veronica Golos, Robbie Steinbock, Deborah Rael Buckley, Nancy del Pero. Host Mike Tilley
Nancy Ryan interviews Dr. Tamara Singleton on health care in rural New Mexico.
Climate Change Panel 1:54:12
Climate Change Part 2 49:40
October 24 in Taos for the worldwide event from 350.org |
Stories Week of Oct 19, 2009
Taos Currents
Climate Change Day in Taos 350.org
Saturday October 24: 9 - 12 am Town Council Chamber Noon - 4 pm Parr Field. Roberta Salazar, Carl Rosenberg & Matha Campbell. Host Mike Tilley
Taos Climate Change Schedule - from the Horse Fly
Radio Rio
Amigos Bravos program on the Sierra Club and others working on NM State regulations to prevent pollution from the dairy industry in Southern New Mexico. Host Michael Jenson. |
Stories Week of Oct 12, 2009
Dr. Kathrine Toy Miller speaking at the the Taos Public Library on Oct 10, 2009.
Frieda & D. H. Lawrence
Gorge Bridge Barrier 58:31
Presentation by the NM Department of Transportation Highway Dept. Sep 29, 2009
Stories Week of Oct 5, 2009
As individual segments
Intro by Carrie Leven and Micha Kurz on Breaking the Silence 11:08
Bobby Joe Grubb- Iraq Veterans 5:17
Nan Neilson 7:41
Will Covert Intro 0:45
Elliot Adams 18:04
David Swanson 23:04
Father John Dear 18:52
Go to Gaza 0:45
Colonel Ann Wright 24:38
Ray McGovern 29:44
Rick Burnley Poem 3:53
Pentagon of Peace
Interview withTaos Veterans for Peace about their speakers: Fri Oct 9 in Taos: Ray McGovern, Colonel Ann Wright, David Swanson, Father John Dear and Elliot Adams.
Taos Currents
Taos Mountain Film Festival
Jonathan Slater & Matthew Somerville. 575-751-3618
Host Mike Tilley
Jonathan & Matthew
Robin Collier composite photo
Listen to Archive of Past Months & Year's Stories
Jan-Mar 09 Apr-Jun 09 Jul-Sep 09 Current Stories
Oct-Dec 08 Jul-Sep 08 Apr-Jun 08 Jan-Mar 08
2007 2006 2005 2004
Become a Member of Cultural Energy - Donate On-Line
David Barsamian Post Election Activism | Another World is Possible | Middle East Crisis
Public Meetings and Political Forums | Nancy Ryan's Womenspeak | Amigos Bravos - Radio Rio
Picuris/Miranda Canyon Subdivision on the La Serna Grant includes Map
Sustain Taos: Bioneers' Shows | Lyla Johnston's Native Momentum
Community Story Telling - Robert Wolf | ¡Que Vivan las Acequias! - Miguel Santistevan
Teen Media Camp Radio | Teen Media Camp Video | Writers on Radio SOMOS
Geoff Bryce's Acequia Reports | Lisa Fox's Farming Thru the Seasons| Maye Torres Untitled
Jasmine Bennett interviews Presidential Candidates | Interview: Agnes Martin
Cuentos de mi Valle: Theresa Silva
Bob Romero's Historia de Taos | John Paternoster's Rules of the Justice Game
Mike Tilley's Taos Currents | Flowers Espinosa - Red Air
All audio segments and photos are copyright 2003-2010 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators and may not be reproduced in any form.