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Below are underlined links to our segments now online. Download Windows Media Player or QuickTime if not installed. Problems? eMail energy@culturalenergy.org or call 575-758-9791 All audio segments and photos are copyright 2003-2010 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators. .They may not be reproduced except one copy to listen to on your own computer or mp3 player.
Stories Week of Jun 28, 2010
If you want to save the mp3 file for your iPod or other later listening, on Windows, click on the link with the right mouse button, on the Mac, click on the link while holding the control key. Click on images for an enlarged view.
Cultural Energy is 10 Years Old
On Sep 9, 2011 the FCC granted us a construction permit for a NCE FM station, now KCEY 89.5 FM.
Erin Currier
Interview by Mike Tilley on portraits of journalists now showing at the Parks Gallery.
David Barsamian of Alternative Radio speaking in Española June 23 on the Language of Empire. Co-presented Cultural Energy & Las Mujeres Hablan
Intros 4:49
David's Talk 47:37
Q & A 25:03 |
Stories Week of Jun 21, 2010
Radio Rio
Oil & gas environmental issues in New Mexico. Amigos Bravos
Women on Agriculture 28:30
Edited panel discussion at Celebrando las Acequias on June 12 in Dixon. Lucia Sanchez, Norma Navarro & Isaura Andaluz.
Full Panel 44:12
Full Q & A 9:01
Recorded by Robin Collier, editing by Harvey Soloman |
LANL Parajito Corridor Project Overview
June 16 in Española including the CMRR facility
LANL Panel 53:13
LANL Q & A 45:37
Stories Week of Jun 14, 2010
Taos Currents
Taos Solar Fest. June 26 & 27 Kit Carson Park. Host Mike Tilley
St. Francis De Asis Church
David Maes speaks on the history of the church built at the beginning of the 1800s in Ranchos de Taos. Presented at the Taos Piblic Library June 5. Edited by Harvey Soloman |
Diane Denish
Democratic Candidate for NM Governor speaking in Taos June 3 |
Stories Week of May 31, 2010
White Peak Oil & Gas Leases
Edited version of Community Peace Radio interview by Pat Leahan of the Las Vegas Peace & Justice Center with community members & Ray Powell candidate for NM State Land Commission, on how they got 3,700 acres by White Peak withdrawn from the upcoming State Land auction on June 15.
Luis Reyes Interview by Robin Collier with the CEO of Kit Carson Electric Coop on the operations of the cooperative and the upcoming annual meeting June 12 at Taos High School.
Coming soon...The Kit Carson Advisory meetings will posted over the next couple of days.
David Cargo
Interview by Mike Tilley of the former Governor of New Mexico.
David Barsamian 1:13:34
Speaking in Santa Fe Apr 20 on the Language of Empire. Introduced by Mary Charlotte.
Q & A after the talk 21:30
David Barsamian Speaks in NM
Stories Week of May 24, 2010
Nancy Ryan interviews Magdelene Smith on the murder of women in Taos and how a group of women are addressing it ceremonially & spiritually.
Intro/Outro Music by Lisanne
Radio Rio
Amigos Bravos and friends on the river clean up planned Saturday June 12. Host Gaia Mika |
Congressman Ben Rey Luján congratulates Taos High School student Majdolene Khweis, winner of $9,000 for first place in the Earth and Planetary Science category in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in San Jose, CA, for her research project, ‘Don’t Let it Slide IV: Fire Factor!’
Stories Week of May 17, 2010
Taos poet, printer and publisher, Judson Crews, passed away a month shy of 93 in Taos, May 17, 2009. A burial and wake was held at sunset May 17 in Tres Orejas.
Born in Waco, Texas in 1917, Crews was a pioneering poet and publisher of poetry beginning in the 1940's. Moving to Taos in 1947, where he marrried Taos photographer Mildred Tolbert, he worked as a job printer at the Taos News/El Crepúsculo for decades, where he published countless chapbooks. His innovation in this form in the 50s helped inspire the "mimeo revolution" of the 60s and 70s.
He edited the poetry magazines The Deer and Dachshund, The Flying Fish, Motive, The Naked Ear, Poetry Taos, Suck-Egg Mule: A Recalcitrant Beast, Taos: A Deluxe Magazine of the Arts, and Vers Libre, publishing poetry by Robert Creeley, Charles Bukowski, Stuart Z. Perkoff, Vincent Ferrini, Larry Eigner, LeRoi Jones, Jack Anderson and Diane Di Prima, among others.
His own poems were published in A Poet's Breath (1950), Come Curse the Moon (1952), The Wrath Wrenched Splendor of Love (1956), The Ogres Who Were His Henchmen (1958), and The Stones of Konarak (1966). He was published in Beloit Poetry Journal, Evergreen Review, Poetry Now, Wormwood Review, City Lights Anthology (1974), Poems Southwest (1968), and An Uninhibited Treasury of Erotic Poetry (1963).
He also wrote under the pseudonyms Cerise Farallon, Trumbull Drachler and Willard Emory Betis, and many believe, Mason Jordan Mason. Mason became known as an “American Negro writer” during the 1950s and 1960s and was published, anthologized, and hailed by such African American writers as Imamu Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) and Langston Hughes as an important new voice in African American poetry. Although Crews denied the assertion, many believed that Mason was another of Crews' cleverly constructed literary personas.
Poets Peter Rabbit & Anne MacNaughton laugh about a memory of Judson with his daughter Carole Crews at his burial in Tres Orejas. Click on image for larger view.
His sensitive transcription of Patrocinio Barela's reflections on his sculptures, published as Patrocinio Barela, Taos Wood Carver (1955) in collaboration with Wendell B. Anderson, with photographs by Mildred Tolbert, helped establish Barela's stature in the art world.
An early publisher of his good friend author Henry Miller, he was a life-long activist against censorship in publishing.
More detailed information on his literary work can be found through the University of Texas at Austin, where a large collection of his papers are archived, including correspondence with Wendell B. Anderson, Imamu Amiri Baraka, Kenneth Lawrence Beaudoin, Robert Bly, Charles Bukowski, Glen Coffield, Robert Creeley, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Carol Ely Harper, Langston Hughes, Aldous Huxley, John F. Kennedy, Meridel Le Sueur, Gordon Lish, Mabel Dodge Luhan, Larry McMurtry, Henry Miller, Anaïs Nin, Kenneth Patchen, Kenneth Rexroth, Alan Swallow, Louis Untermeyer, William Carlos Williams, and Louis Zukofsky. Other papers are at the University of California Los Angles Young Research Library and the UNM Special Collections Library.
He is survived by daughters Carole Crews and Anna Bush Crews, and 3 grandchildren. His grandaughter, poet & artist, Iris Crews McLaughlin, proceeded him in death.
Daughters of Juarez 2:04:44
SOMOS reading and music at the Mabel Dodge Lujan House March 28, 2009 in memory of the hundreds of women raped, mutilated and murdered in Cuidad Juarez, Mexico. Recorded & edited by Mike Tilley
Taos Currents Vista Grande Charter High School students look at long term planning for the Town of Taos. Ned Doughty teacher. Host Mike Tilley
Friends of D. H. Lawrence
A festival of New Mexico Writers Apr 9, 2009 featuring John Nichols's critical parody. Broadcast selection opening with Dr. Kathy Toy Miller, Roberta Meyers & Ralph Meyers II, ending with John Nichols
Festival selection as broadcast on KLDK LP 29:00
Complete Reading Unedited 1:47:23
Recording by Robin Collier. Editing & Normalization by Harvey Soloman
Readings seperated by reader
Sam Richardson opening 1:42
Bill Haller - President FDHL 3:55
Haller - DHL Letter 0:52
Dr. Kathy Toy Miller - Frieda Lawrence 7:10
Roberta Meyers - DHL The Mountain Lion 5:00
Ned Dougherty - Leslie Marmon Silko 5:40
Stephen Sure - DHL Poem 2:08
Juan Concha - Peter Rabbit 8:04
Stories Week of May 10, 2010
Allen Weh
Republican primary candidate for NM Governor speaking in Taos May 6 2009 with Q & A Weh web site
NM Environment Department
Open Burn Permit Hearing for Los Alamos National Labs
Open vs. Contained Burning 30:51 selections from Apr 13, 23 and May 5 hearings with public comment by Clarisa Duran, Michael Wismer, Sheri Kotowski, and Joni Arends presenting expert witness Ralph Hayes on the safety of contained burn technology.
Day 13, May 5, 2009 Morning Testimony by Ralph Hayes on Contained Burn Technology. Presented by Joni Arends of CCNS & Marion Naranjo of HOPE. Cross examination by Pete Domenici Jr. for LANL, Charles de Salin for NMED and others
Ralph Hayes - Joni Ahrens 16:21
R. Hayes - Pete Domenici Jr 35:17
R. Hayes - C. de Salin NMED 7:13
R. Hayes - Final Cross 19:23 |
Pete Domenici Jr. cross examining Ralph Hayes
Stories Week of May 3, 2010
Nuclear Weapons Roundtable
Margarita Denevan, Francine Lindberg, Suzy Kane, Richard Torres and Robin Collier discuss the impact of the nuclear weapons industry in New Mexico.
KCE Solar Committee
Kit Carson Electric Coop Solar committee meeting Apr 9, 2009 on solar voltaic farms. 1:31:17 Edited by Harvey Soloman
Taos Currents
Linda Velarde reports on participating in the World Peoples’ Summit on Climate Change in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Host Mike Tilley
Stories Week of Apr 26, 2010
Taos Currents
Western Enviromental Law Center Scenic and Wild Film Festival and the work of the Center.
Saturday May 1st 7 pm at the TCA.
Host Mike Tilley
Megan Anderson
Erik Schlenker-Goodrich
Dina Gonzales
Taos Staff of WELC
Radio Rio
Amigos Bravos on New Mexico Protected Waters. Host Gaia Mika
Stories Week of Apr 19, 2010
Taos Currents
Scott Evans on the Earth Day Festival in Kit Carson Park Sunday April 25, 2009. 10 am - 4 pm. Host Mike Tilley
Tia Trujillo of RMY on Gangs
Tia Trujillo of Rocky Mountain Youth Corp speaking at the Gang Awareness Summit held Mar 24, 2010, organized by the Taos County Juvenile Justice Board.
The Fibershed Project 30:04
Robin Collier interviews Rebecca Burgess on her Fibershed Project - to wear only clothes from fiber grown, spun, woven, knit and/or naturally hand-dyed within 150 miles of her home in Fairfax, California. |
Stories Week of Apr 12, 2010
Be the Change 1:06:59
Rally to overcome alcoholism at Town Hall & Taos Plaza. Mar 31, 2009 Recorded by Mike Tilley
Taos Currents
Tanya Moreño of CAV & others on "Stop the Violence" rally Sat Apr 17 Noon at Taos Plaza. Mike Tilley Host. |
A Thousand Stars 28:00
Taos Youth perform on Friday & Saturday April 16 & 17 at the TCA.
Longer version of interview
A Thousand Stars 47:34
Stories Week of Apr 5, 2010
Gang Awareness Summit held on Mar 24, 2010,
organized by the Taos County Juvenile Justice Board.
More segments from the Gang Awareness Summit
will be posted as we finish editing them.
Listen to Archives of Past Months & Year's Stories
Jan-Mar 10
Jan-Mar 09 Apr-Jun 09 Jul-Sep 09 Oct-Dec 09
Oct-Dec 08 Jul-Sep 08 Apr-Jun 08 Jan-Mar 08
2007 2006 2005 2004
Become a Member of Cultural Energy - Donate On-Line
David Barsamian Post Election Activism | Another World is Possible | Middle East Crisis
Public Meetings and Political Forums | Nancy Ryan's Womenspeak | Amigos Bravos - Radio Rio
Picuris/Miranda Canyon Subdivision on the La Serna Grant includes Map
Sustain Taos: Bioneers' Shows | Lyla Johnston's Native Momentum
Community Story Telling - Robert Wolf | ¡Que Vivan las Acequias! - Miguel Santistevan
Teen Media Camp Radio | Teen Media Camp Video | Writers on Radio SOMOS
Geoff Bryce's Acequia Reports | Lisa Fox's Farming Thru the Seasons| Maye Torres Untitled
Jasmine Bennett interviews Presidential Candidates | Interview: Agnes Martin
Cuentos de mi Valle: Theresa Silva
Bob Romero's Historia de Taos | John Paternoster's Rules of the Justice Game
Mike Tilley's Taos Currents | Flowers Espinosa - Red Air
All audio segments and photos are copyright 2003-2010 by Cultural Energy and/or the creators and may not be reproduced in any form.