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Taos Mountain sunset Jan 1, 2011. Click on image for larger view. Photo by Robin Collier
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Stories Weeks of Mar 21 & Mar 28, 2011
Cultural Energy is 10 Years Old
Sorry we have not posted much in the last 2 weeks, but we have been working on meeting various funding deadlines. Several recordings from past events will be appearing soon.

Marion Naranjo of HOPE,
Santa Clara Pueblo
The Last CRMG meeting
Held Mar 9, 2010 at NNMC in Española where Thomas Skibitski, Bureau Chief of the New Mexico DOE Oversight Bureau announced the end of the CRMG meetings. There were a number of important promises to the community made at the meeting.
Intros 5:50
Thomas Skibitski statement 30:56
NMCF statements 6:48
DOE statements 4:47
Community Response 36:50
Marion Naranjo Statement & Tom Skibitski Apology 6:20
More Community Response 30:08
Sarah Wolters & Denise Gonzales of the New Mexico Community Foundation
Stephen Yanicak & Thomas Skibitski
of the NM DOE Oversight Bureau
Stories Week of Mar 14, 2011
Pueblo Nuclear Plant
According to the Pueblo Chieftan, more than 500 people showed up Mar 16 to hear opposition to the proposed Nuclear Power plant in Pueblo, Colorado. So many wanted to speak, that hearing was continued to Mar 17 at 5 pm at the Sangre de Cristo Arts Center. Mr. Banner, the developer will also be given a chance to rebut the opposition.
CMRR Progress Reports Mar 10
Bi-annual presentation of NNSA - LANL and interested parties on the progress on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project at Los Alamos National Labs, Mar 10, 2011. Recorded & mixed by Robin Collier
Please click on images for larger views.
Below, interested parties exibits.
HJM 47 withdrawn Mar 14
Sponor Bobby Gonzales withdrew the memorial Monday because of intense opposition by blue dog Democrats.
HJM 47 for LATN EIS Cleared the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee on Sat Mar 12 and will be heard on the House floor 10:30 am Monday Mar 14. It calls for a full EIS for LATN flyovers.
The 6th annual Pueblos y Semillas Gathering and Seed Exchange Sat, Mar 26 · 8:30 am - 4 pm. Northern New Mexico College, 921 Paseo de Oñate, Espanola, NM. Ówîngeh Tá, Pueblos y Semillas, Celebrating our Communities and Seeds. Info contact Pilar Trujillo at 505.995.9644
Interview: Harvey Soloman M.D. on Radiation & Potassium Iodide Protection 16:55
Former director of a major lab at Johns Hopkins, discusses the current issues raised by the failure of nuclear plants in Japan and other radiological threats to our health and preventative measures to take. Interview by Robin Collier.
Nuclear Power Plant hearings Pueblo County CO Mar 15-16
Hearings on the proposed nuclear power plant and energy complex will be heard on Mar 15 & 16 at 5 pm in the Sangre de Cristo Arts Center, 210 North Santa Fe Avenue, Pueblo. Proponents will be heard on the 15th & opponents on the 16th and given 3-5 minutes each.
Senator Markey's New Letter to President Obama on Nuclear Safety Issues
The Case Against Nuclear Power Plants
Commentary: Harvey Soloman M.D.
There is no such thing as a "safe" nuclear power plant and there is no level of radiation above background which is safe. Safety in both instances is a fantasy of the Department of Energy, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the nuclear power industry and cheaply purchased politicians. Mr. Obama is fully aware of the hazards that people living near nuclear power plants may be exposed to. As in other instances, he has shown neither the will nor the wisdom to correct serious errors regarding safety at such facilities that were made during the Bush administration.
Stories Week of Mar 7, 2011
New Mexico Legislature
To check on the status of bills, find committee members & their contact info.
Carol Miller N M Op-Ed
Supporting the Joint Memorials HJM 47 & SJM 34 calling for an Environmentall Impact Statement of the LATN overflights of NM & CO. SJM 34 has been tabled in a tie vote in Committee. HJM 47 has not been scheduled but could be heard Thu Mar 10.
Nuclear Power Plant planned in Pueblo Colorado
This has been approved by the county planning commission and is moving through further reviews. The approval states that spent nuclear fuel must be moved off the power-plant property which conflicts with federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission rules that require spent fuel must be stored on site. We will be covering this issue, particularly in light of nuclear plant failures in the Japanese earthquake and the refusal of Obama to reverse decisions by Bush to not require preventative health safety measures surrounding nuclear plants.
La Serna & Land Grants
We have created a new page with a collection of stories on this issue to further the understanding of the history. We include some key segments here.
Judge Joseph Caldwell's 1984 decision on whether la Serna is a private or community grant
(25 page pdf file)
Thanks to Bill Whaley
Tejidos Culturales #6 28 min
In depth overview of Land Grants in New Mexico & Southern Colorado. Produced by Robin Collier for Sarah Parker. Malcolm Ebright, Bob Romero, Lawrence Gallegos & Paula Garcia
Bob Romero Historia de Taos
Short clear review of Land Grants by Taos Historian Bob Romero
Stories Week of Feb 28, 2011
The Gov. Martinez mock press conference was organized by a group of Taos artists.
It was followed by a Move On rally in solidarity with Wisconsin & in defense of labor rights in New Mexico. Some 700 or more people from all over the state participated.
HB 422 on Historical Districts in Energy & Natural Resources
Fri Mar 4 at 8:30
No action taken Wednesday in Senate Judiciary on SB 421.
SB 421 on Historical Districts in the Judiciary Mar 2 at 2:30
SB 421 and companion bill HB 422 change NM law to require 100% approval of both land owners AND mineral rights holder to create a new historical district. This will effectly end new historical districts since only one person can veto the district. This is supported by oil & gas interests who want no restrictions on where they can drill.
SJM 34 for EIS on LATN over flights in Rules Fri Mar 4 9:15 am Room 321
Dana Levin
Veronica Golos
Dana Levin reads from Sky Burial and Veronica Golos reads from Vocabulary of Silence. Feb 18, 2011 in the SOMOS Winter Writers Series at the Mabel Dodge Luhan House. Introductions by Jan Smith
Jan Smith Credits 4:26
Dana Levin 34:40
Veronica Golos 29:41
Recorded by Robin Collier, edited by Harvey Soloman.
Taos County Commission Consideration of New EIS for LANL CMRR - Feb 18, 2011
The county heard a presentation from Los Alamos National Labs on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project. The public then commented on the need for a new Environmental Impact Study on the more than 5 billion dollar project to enable the Lab to continue making plutonium pits for nuclear bombs.
LANL Presentation 26:52
Public & Commission Comment 43:01
Recorded by Robin Collier, edited by Harvey Soloman.
HB 46 the Farmer Liability bill Defeated in the NM House Feb 28
By a vote of 42 to 27 the bill died Monday in an even stronger defeat than the tie vote on Feb 22.
Northern NM Reps voting No: Thomas A. Garcia, Richard Martinez, Ben Lujan, Jim R. Trujillo, Richard D. Vigil, Rhonda King. In the Northeast: Thomas C. Taylor, James R. J. Strickler, Sandra D. Jeff.
Yes Votes in the North: Bobby Gonzales, Debbie Rodella, Nick Salazar, Jeannette Wallace, Brian F. Egolf, W. Ken Martinez, James Roger Madalena. In the Northeast: Ray Begaye, Eliseo Lee Alcon, Patricia Lundstrom
42 No Votes on HB 46, Full List
Anderson, T. A, Bratton, D., Brown, C. B., Cervantes, J., Chavez, D., Cook, Z.J., Crook, A. M., Dodge, G., Doyle, D., Espinoza, N., Ezzell, C. S., Garcia, M.H., Garcia, T.A., Gentry, N., Gray, W. J., Hamilton, D., Herrell, Y., Irwin, D. G., James,C. D., Jeff, S., King, R., Kintigh, D., Lewis, T., Little, R., Lujan, Ben, Maestas, A., Martinez, R., McMillan, T., Nunez, A., Park, A., Picraux, D., Powdrell-C, J., Roch, D., Saavedra, H., Sandoval, E., Smith, J. S., Strickler, J., Taylor T. C., Trujillo, J.R., Tyler, S. A., Vigil, R. D., Wooley, B. |
27 Yes Votes on HB 46, Full List
Alcon, E., Baldonado, A., Bandy, P. C., Begaye, Ray, Chasey, Gail, Chavez, E., Chavez, E.H., Egolf, B., Garcia, M.P., Gonzales, R., Hall, J. C., Larranaga, L., Lujan, A., Lundstrom, P., Madalena, J. R, Martinez, W. K, Miera, R., O'Neill, B., Rehm, W., Rodella, D., Salazar, N., Stapleton, S., Stewart, M., Tripp, D., Varela, L., Wallace, J., White, J. P.
1 Excused on HB 46
Gutierrez, J.
Stories Week of Feb 21, 2011
HB 46 the Farmer Liability bill: Estevan Arellano reports that the vote in the House Feb 22 was 34 to 34, then there was a motion to reconsider by Rep. Begay which passed 38 to 31 and is now on the speakers table. Nick Salazar was absent due to illness so maybe the bill could pass when it comes back for a vote. It is on the Speaker's table for Feb 23, so could be on the agenda for Feb 24.
HB 46 the Farmer Liability bill, was not heard on the House floor on Feb 21, because amendments had not been added properly. It will be heard 10 am on Tuesday Feb 22.
HB 46 the Farmer Liability bill, protecting farmers from liability from GMO contamination, will be heard on the NM House floor at 10 am Monday Feb 21. Call or email your representative to let them know your position on the bill.
Memorial for Full EIS on LATN
Marilyn Hoff & Jeanne Green have drafted a Joint Memorial to require a full EIS for LATN flyovers. Taos Legislators, Representative Bobby Gonzales and Senator Carlos Cisneros have agreed to sponsor, with (so far) Sen. John Pinto, Senator Peter Wirth and Rep. Eleanor Chavez agreeing to sign on as co-sponsors.
If you support a Memorial for a full Environmental Impact Statement on LATN low altitude fly-overs contact: Rep. Bobby Gonzales- 505-986-4425, Sen. Carlos Cisneros- 505-986-4362
Sierra Club Will Oppose New Nuclear Power Plant in Pueblo County, Colorado
From SC Rocky Mountain Chapter: Joan Seeman Nuclear Issues Specialist and Toxics Chair
(303) 916 - 9244
Sierra Club will oppose efforts to build a proposed nuclear power plant in Pueblo County Colorado. The Pueblo Planning and Zoning Commission have scheduled a hearing on the proposal February 22 at 5pm at 1001 N. Sante Fe Ave in the Pueblo County conference room. Sierra Club spokespersons will appear at the hearing to present the organization’s opposition to the proposed nuclear power plant.
Stories Week of Feb 14, 2011
Peaceful Skies Legislative Action Day Sat Feb 19
Citizens plan to lobby legislators on the overflights at the Roundhouse starting at 10:30 am.
Las Alamos National Labs & DOE will make an informal presentation on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project to the Taos County Commission at their 9 am meeting on Tues. Feb 15. It is 9th on the agenda, but could be moved up.
The Organic Production Act HB87 which moves Organic Regulation from the independant Organic Commodities Commission to the NM Dept of Agriculture will be heard in Agriculture & Water Resources Mon. Feb 14 8:30 am Room 310. It is 4th on the agenda.
The Water Quality Control Act Revisions HB225, which many feel eviscerates protection of water in NM, will be heard in Energy & Natural Resources Mon Feb 14 8:30 Room 315.
HB 46 Farmer Liability Act passed the House Judiciary Committee 9-6 Thursday and is now on the House Speaker's Table for Friday, and then could move to the House agenda at their next session. The bill has been stripped of all definitions and reference to court jurisdiction, which just this left:
"If a genetically engineered product in which a manufacturer has patent rights is found in de minimus amounts or found to be unintentionally on the property owned or occupied by a farmer, the farmer is not liable to the manufacturer. "
Farmer Protection act SB 384 was tabled with a 4-4 vote on Feb 15 in the Senate Conservation Committee with Democrat Phil Griego joining the Republicans to vote against the bill.
Farmer Protection act SB 384 will be heard in Senate Conservation Tue. Feb 15, 1 pm Room 321 Companion bill HB 46 will be heard Wed. Feb 16, 1:30 pm in House Judiciary, Rm 309
Four Tributes to La Jicarita News co-founder Mark Schiller
Mark Schiller, 1948 to 2010:
My Co-Editor and Comrade in Arms By Kay Matthews
A Tribute to Mark Schiller:
By Malcolm Ebright, Center for Land Grant Studies
A Community Organizer:
By Jake Kosek, Professor of Geography, University of California, Berkeley
On the Muckraking of Mark Schiller: A Retrospective
By David Correia, Visiting Professor, American Studies, University of New Mexico
Stories Week of Feb 7, 2011
Negotiations continue on SB 384, substituting for SB51
The Farmer Liability bill was heard Feb 8 in the Senate Conservation Committee, but the sponsor asked for a few more days to craft new wording. It is now scheduled for Thursday 1:30 in Senate Conservation Committee Room 311
HB46 passed the House Ag/Water Committee Feb 7
with a "no reccomendation." Members indicated that they expected it to be killed or changed in the Judiciary Committee.
Hearing on HB46 - Farmer Liability bill protection from GMO contamination.
Monday Feb 7, 8:30 am Room 310, House Agriculture and Water Resource Committee at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe. Tuesday the companion bill SB51 is scheduled to be heard by the Senate Conservation Committee at 1:30 pm, in Room 311. More info & how to contact committee members.
Peaceful Skies Coalition Benefit Concert Feb 12
Folk singers Charlie King and Karen Brandow, musical storytellers and political satirists, will perform Saturday, Feb 12 7-9 pm at the Bareiss Gallery on St Hwy 150. $10 donation requested
The Dangers of GMOs 17:03
Robin Collier interviews Vickie Peck PhD, President of Bio Logic on the risks created by genetically modified crops to our native seeds in New Mexico. Dr. Peck has been studied genetics for some 28 years.
Why We Need a New Energy Economy 4:30
Miguel Santistevan testifies Feb 4 against the bill to repeal the energy initiative passed by the Environmental Improvement Board. The Senate Judiciary Committee tabled the bill. More audio coming soon.
The Farmer Liability act wasn't heard in Senate Conservation Feb 11 as they canceled the entire hearing. Some 15 youth from Dragon Farm in ABQ waited several hours and were not heard. I talked to TJ Trujillo, a lobbyist against the bill, who told me they wanted "unintentional contamination" taken out, leaving only "de minimis contamination" protected from suit by GMO companies, which likely wouldn't be pursued anyway.
Taos Schools & UNM Taos to be open Tuesday Feb 9 on a 2 hour delay
Update Mon Feb 9, 8:30 am
75% of meters in Taos have pilots relit. If your gas has not been relit call 1-888-664-2726 to schedule with NM Gas. Updates & info from NM Gas
Update Mon Feb 7 6 pm
Relighting began in Taos at 11:15 am Sunday. By 6 pm Monday 29% of meters had been visited & pilots relit. Relighting will continuUpdates from NM Gas
Stories Week of Jan 31, 2011
Hearing on HB46 - Farmer Liability bill protection from GMO contamination.
Friday Feb 4 8:30 am Room 310, House Agriculture and Water Resource Committee at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe. More info & how to contact committee members.
Taos Schools Closed Friday & Monday
Because of the gas shutoff Taos Municipal School and UNM Taos will be closed Friday Feb 4 and Monday Feb 7.
NM Gas is turning off meters now, which may take 24 hours or more. This procedure must be completed (meters off) before natural gas can be turned back on because the system must be re-pressurized and safely brought back up. It will take another 24 hours or more to turn each meter on and relight pilot lights.
Update Mon Feb 7 6 pm
Relighting began in Taos at 11:15 am Sunday. By 6 pm Monday 29% of meters had been visited. Relighting will continue through Tuesday.
Natural Gas Cut Off Feb 3rd
With tempertures dropping to -20° F last night, loss of natural gas from shortages in Texas & New Mexico has cut off residents in Taos, Questa, Red River & other areas. The gas will be off for at least 48 hours. People are urged to conserve use of electricity to avoid impacting that service as well. Dress in layers, use wood heat and take extra care with electric heaters.
Smith's, Albertson's, Walmart, & Cid's are open for food.
Emergency Shelter
If you need to come to one of the following Red Cross shelters, please bring food for the first 24-hours. If possible, please also bring your own sleeping bag/blankets, pillows, jackets, etc.
The Taos Red Cross shelter will be at the Emergency Response Center, 1146 Gusdorf Rd., at the intersection of Gusdorf and Camino de Santiago (behind Masonic Temple, across the street from St. James Episcopol Church), Taos.
Questa -- Living World Ministries Church, 3082 Highway 22, 575-586-1587
Those that need assistance may call 575-751-8123 or 575-751-8125 including for transportation to emergency shelters.
Stories Week of Jan 24, 2011

Zoe Larson & Majdolene Khweis of Taos Teens for Education
Taos Teens for Education School Board Forum
Jan 24, 2010. Held at Taos High School Gym. Co-chaired by Majdolene Khweis & Zoe Larson Intro & Opening Statements 19:35
Questions & Answers 1:12:13
Recorded & mixed by Robin Collier.
School Board elections are Tuesday Feb 1. Early voting is open now through the 28th at the County Clerk's office.
Stories Week of Jan 17, 2011
John Ross, an activist, poet & writer covering the Zapatista revolution and other progressive struggles, died Jan 17, 2011 in the village of Tepizo, Michoacanhe, Mexico. We recorded his talk on Feb 17, 2007 in Ranchos de Taos at United Space .
John Ross Being A Zapatista Where We Are
recorded by Robin Collier, edited by Scott Shuker
Farewell to the Utterly Unique John Ross By Frank Bardacke
In Counterpunch Jan 17, 2011
Another School Board Forum will be held Mon Jan 24 1-3 pm at the Taos High School gymnasium. This is organized by Taos Teens for Education, a group from the Taos High School student body. |
Taos Chamber of Commerce School Board Forum Jan 18th
Intro & Rules 1:58
Opening Statements 20:22
Chamber Questions 31:13
Public Questions 1:03:25
Recorded & mixed by Robin Collier. Apologies for variable sound quality due to trying to avoid a bad sound system buzz.
Stories Week of Jan 10, 2011
School Board Forum 1:03:29
Taos Community Foundation School Board Forum Jan 13. Introduction by Elizabeth Crittenden Palacios, moderated by Erin Sanborn. Unedited except for long pauses. Photo & recording by Miguel Santistevan, mixed by Robin Collier
The next school board forum sponsored by Taos County Chamber of Commerce will be held on Tue Jan 18 from 6 - 8 pm at El Monte Segrado ballroom. Mixer at 5:30.
Baseline Water Tests in Mora County 32:53
Robin Collier interviews Kathleen Dudley and Don Hamilton of "Drilling Mora County" on their recent test of water quality at about 15 sites in Mora County to establish what the water quality is before Methane Gas drilling could contaminate the aquifer with hydraulic fracturing.
Stories Week of Jan 3, 2011
CEO Luis Reyes talks to gadfly Jerome Lucero before the Kit Carson 2009 annual meeting, while Art Ortiz happily enjoys his complimentary coffee & donut.
Luis Reyes Interview 39:48
Robin Collier interviews Kit Carson Electric Coop CEO Luis Reyes about the proposed rate increase, how the rates were determined, the reasons for diversification, including Broadband & Propane and the hearing to be held Jan 10 9:30 am at the PRC in Santa Fe. In response to member input, he describes a new proposal to have incremental residential rates that would increase with each 250 kwh of usage to encourage conservation. |