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Stories Weeks of Jun 27, 2011
Below are underlined links to our segments now online. If you want to save the mp3 file for later listening, on Windows, click on the link with the right mouse button, on the Mac, click on the link while holding the control key. Click on images for an enlarged view.
Cultural Energy is 12 Years Old
Santa Clara Pueblo Speaks
Santa Clara Pueblo Governor Walter Dasheno speaks out on the lack of resources allocated to stop the Las Conchas Fire move up Santa Clara Canyon. "We are devastated to witness the destruction of our precious homeland." The fire has now charred 6,000 acres of Pueblo watershed & continues to destroy cultural sites, forest resources, plants & animals which the people depend on for their livelihood & culture. Since the start of the fire, Pueblo officials repeatedly asked that adequate resources be devoted to the north end of the fire to keep it from impacting the Pueblo's lands. Wildfires have burned 2/3 of their forest over 13 years, including 8,300 acres in the 1998 Oso Complex Fire & the 2000 Cerro Grande Fire.
Fire Update 11 pm July 3
Evacuation Order Lifted
for Los Alamos 8 am July 3
123,563 acres (193 sq. miles) burned, 19% contained. 2,164 personnel including 2 Type 1 teams including 56 handcrews. 4 Injuries to Date. 5 dozers, 81 engines, 30 water tenders, 18 helicopters, 5 air tankers. 63 houses & 5 commercial structures destroyed, 32 other structures destroyed.
Overcast skies and higher relative humidity continued to moderate fire behavior and assist firefighters in making good progress. Rain-producing thunderstorms began around noon today and are expected to continue into the evening. For some areas of the fire, crews pulled back to paved roads because heavy rains created dangerous road conditions.
In some areas, winds produced by thunderstorms pushed the surface fire in all directions. Most of the growth was in the north and northwest areas, with some short-ranged spotting. Several areas within the fire perimeter continued to burn generating large amounts of smoke.
Firefighters continued to mop up and secure fireline on many sections of the fire today. Firefighters were able to burn fuels, which resulted in improved fire lines on the north end of the fire in the Valles Caldera.
This effort was conducted by ground and air resources, which included five air tankers. Four of the air tankers were military C-130 MAFFS (Modular Airborne Firefighting Systems).
Firefighters continue to improve and prepare the southern control line along Forest Road 266. Minimal fire activity on the southern end of the fire allowed crews direct access.
Bearhead Peak experienced minimal fire activity today. Fire crews and equipment remain in the Vallecitos de Los Indios and Sierra Los Pinos areas to provide structure protection.
Utility crews began repairs to restore power lines in Bland Canyon. Crews will continue to work on clearing the roads into Bland Canyon to allow local residents to return to their properties in the near future.
The condition of Forest Road 89 in Cochiti Canyon is very unstable. Numerous large diameter trees have fallen across the road. This coupled with the unstable soils on the hillsides that have collapsed into the roadway are making it extremely unsafe to move any type of equipment through the area.
Opening the road to the public will not occur until the area can be restored. An alternate route for residents to access their property in Cochiti Canyon is being determined.
Firefighters will continue to prepare and complete control lines around the City of Los Alamos as well as maintain existing fire lines in adjacent areas.
Resource advisors from local pueblos continue to collaborate with the incident management teams to determine how to protect sensitive historical and cultural sites in the burned area. Twenty archeologists are working with crews and equipment to advise and provide input to plans. Archeologists will begin to conduct site assessments on high priority areas before monsoons arrive. Currently, the fire has burned over sites but almost no damage has resulted from suppression activities.
Carson & Santa Fe Forests Closed - Fireworks Sale Banned in Taos County
Extremely high fire danger and irratic fire behavior as indicated by the Las Conchas Fire has prompted both the Carson & Santa Fe National Forest to implement Stage 3 Fire Restrictions effective at 6:00 a.m., Thursday, June 30, 2011. Stage 3 fire restrictions mean that the forest is off limits to all activities, including hiking, biking, and horsebackriding. There are some exception for permitees & specific private areas. There is a $5,000 fine or jail for violations.
InciWeb fireline & progression maps - click on map for larger view

Multi image composite map of Las Conchas Fire from InciWeb June 29 - click on Map for larger view

Las Conchas fire burns to Los Alamos National Labs
They have finally relased new maps and say they will make personnel updates at 8:30 tonight.
Update 10 am June 29
NM Fire, InciWeb, LA Monitor, KRQE: 69,555 acres, 3% contained, 12 homes burned. 350 personnel. 3 hotshot crews and 9 handcrews, Four dozers and 12 engines. 5 helicopters. (KRQE reports 20 aircraft)
Northwest - Firefighters scouted a potential fireline and burnout opportunities, including opportunities for aerial ignition on peaks to help moderate fire intensity along Valles Caldera 2 Road and Valles Caldera 9 Road.
Firefighters will also continue to maintain a fire line using mop up methods along 4 Road to prevent the fire from spreading within the Valles Caldera National Preserve. Fire line construction will also continue toward the Cerro Pelado area.
East - Firefighters will be working along SR 501 and Ski Area Road on through Highway 4 to curb the fire from spreading east. Structural protection continues in Bandelier National Monument. Crews will also be working spot fires along Ski Area Road. A structure implementation plan was set in place for the Pajarito Ski Area.
From Sheri Kotowski: Las Conchas Fire air monitoring.
NMED changed out filters this morning on AIRNET (low volume) stations (measuring gross alpha and beta radiation, isotopic uranium and plutonium, americium, strontium) on the perimeter of LANL and at the airport. They will have data back in seven days. They are setting up high volume samplers that will be analyzed for the same constituents as AIRNET and also for heavy metals.
The lab has put out 60 additional air monitoring stations. Turn around time on the data will should be very quick according to NMED Oversight.
10 pm June 29: I'm happy to say that DOE and NMED Oversight, with EVEMG's assistance, have coordinated emergency regional air monitoring at the following locations:
Embudo Clinic, Rinconada
Embudo Valley Community Library, Dixon
El Valle at the office of La Jicarita News
2 locations in Taos, 1 at Holy Cross Hospital
Chimayo, across the road from El Santuario
Las Vegas, office of the New Mexico Environment Department
The Los Alamos Fire Department was brought in to provide added resources in the area. A Sandoval County Assessment team is completing a post fire damage assessment. Their current assessment has documented twelve residences destroyed.
South side - The fire is backing down several drainages. Firefighters are scouting for potential fireline south of the fire and monitor the Alamo and Hondo Canyons, as well as the Sanchez and Capulin Canyon.
.InciWeb Las Conchas site for more details.
InciWeb site for more Pacheco details.
Below: NM Fire Info map of Las Conchas based on overflights around 3 am June 27. Click for larger image
Fire line Map for Pacheco Canyon June 29 - click for full size image
Pacheco Canyon Fire
Update 7:30 pm July 1: 10,250 acres burned, 55% contained 477 personnel.
Progression Map for June 29
The firefighters working the Pacheco Fire had a very successful day Friday. Those working on the north and south sides of the fire completed the construction of direct line. All divisions began or continued rehabilitating the suppression lines on the fire, returning them to a more natural state, preparing them for seeding and preventing their future use as trails.
In addition, the removal of equipment and supplies from the forest continued.
Although the weather was warmer and drier today, the fire behavior remained minimal. The wetting rain on the fire yesterday cooled hot spots and raised the humidity. In spite of the lightning from the storm, no new fires were detected in the vicinity of the Pacheco Fire.
Stories Weeks of Jun 20, 2011
Pacheco Canyon Fire
Update 9 am June 26: 9,334
acres burned, 10% contained 683 personnel. 17 crews, 13 engines, 6 water tenders, 1 dozer, 10 helicopters . 2 miles north of Santa Fe Ski Basin, in the Rio En Medio Canyon below Lake Peak. Origin 3:17 pm June 18.
Sunday morning: Yesterday's fire behavior was active in the late afternoon as the alignment of increasing west winds gusting into the low 30s and increasing temperatures caused a plume to develop. This extreme plume-dominated fire made major runs to the northeast with spotting into the Rio Capulin drainage up to the Rio Frijoles watershed. Although smoke was very visible, the fire burned in a northeasterly direction away from any population areas. Water and fire retardant drops along the northern perimeter helped keep the fire south of contingency lines.
Below: Fire Progression 9 am June 26 - click on image to double size
Firefighters on the southern and western perimeter of the fire will continue to hold and improve existing indirect line, construct direct line to Rio Nambe, and conduct firing operations as needed.
Indirect line construction will continue from Ranch Viejo to the north.
A dozer line was completed on the southern end up to the border of the wilderness area and construction of direct hand line will begin from that point to the northeast.
.InciWeb site for more details.
Below: Firelines as of June 26 - click on map for larger view
Pacheco Canyon Fire 9:45 pm June 25 - click on image to double size

We are very sad to hear of the passing of one our very valued volunteers, Harvey Solomon on June 18, 2011. His work in researching issues of safety & health at Los Alamos National Labs and other nuclear facilities was extremely important. With years of medical experience, he directed the Johns Hopkins blood laboratory for many years. His compassion and humanity were unmatched, and we will miss him greatly.

CEO Luis Reyes
Stories Weeks of Jun 13, 2011
'The War You Don't See' - Pilger Film Canceled in Santa Fe by the Lannan Foundation
An open letter by John Pilger
David Barsamian's interview of Filmaker John Pilger at the Lensic on June 15th was abruptly cancelled.
Patriot Act Renewal May 27, 2011 - Pilger Cancellation June 8, 2011 - Coincidence?
Could the Lannan Foundation be the one being censored, as much as Pilger is?
June 13 - 4 pm: Lannan claims cancellation was because of poor ticket sales.
June 19: Our trusted sources now say all this wasn't because of censorship, government threats
or poor ticket sales. Perhaps we will never know the real reason...
Stories Weeks of Jun 6, 2011
Activists gathered June 8 across from Walmart with puppets & signs to protest the NNSA meeting that denied Taos a chance for a public hearing on the SEIS for the proposed CMRR-NF in Los Alamos. The recording begins outside at the demonstration as many decided to go into the meeting and were prevented from entering. The audience frequently interrupted the presentation and security was invoked several times. Protesters who were not allowed in can be heard chanting outside.
Presentation & Comments 1:54:19
More info & photos here
Taos Activists Protest at June 8 CMRR "informational" meeting

NNSA "Informational" Taos meeting on CMRR Wed. June 8
NNSA will hold a meeting on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility June 8 at 6 pm at the Hotel Don Fernando across from Walmart in Taos. No public comments will be recorded but staff will answer questions about the 5.8 billion dollar project. On May 27, NNSA rejected Mayor Cordova's request for public hearing in Taos on the SEIS. The Taos News reports that the Mayor expressed diappointment that a full hearing will not be held.
Taos Activist Plan Protest at Wed. June 8 at CMRR "informational" meeting
Taos activists concerned about the proposed Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility at Los Alamos plan a protest at the meeting, because the "presentation" on June 8 will not be a full public hearing, as was provided other cities in the region.
Peaceful Skies Coalition Meeting June 11 2 pm Kit Carson Coop
The Coalition will be tabling at Cid's Market in Taos on Wednesday, June 8, as well as Friday, June 24; Monday July 18 & Friday, July 29. Contact Liz Kelner if you can help out.
Major Science Article:
Roundup and birth defects: Is the public being kept in the dark?
Osha Forest Fire by Sipapu
98% Contained
USFS 9 am June 9
USFS 7 pm June 6
The fire is now 98% contained with full containment expected June 10. 94 personnel working the fire. Transfer to local control will occur June 9 at 4 pm. Most road closure wil end this weekend except near the fire site.
Stories Weeks of May 30, 2011
From InciWeb Site Updated June 6, click on image for larger view
Osha Forest Fire by Sipapu
94% Contained
Containment June 7
518 to open Monday 6 am
Update 6:30 PM June 6, 2011
USFS Press Release 8pm 5Jun11
USFS Press Release 8pm 4Jun11
USFS Press Release 10pm 3Jun11
USFS Press Release 8am 3Jun11
USFS Press Release 9pm 2Jun11
A wildfire started at 12:30 PM on June 1, east of Sipapu on both sides of US Highway 518, mile marker 55 near the Rock Wall. It was caused by a downed power line from a fallen tree. Size of fire is estimated to be 720 acres Sunday evening. Currently the fire is 81% contained with containment predicted for June 7. Resources on Sunday evening include 13 hand crews, 2 Helicopters, 3 Engines, 2 dozers, 1 Water Tenders, apx. 404 total personnel. Estimated costs are more than $250,000 to date.
The fire is burning on the Carson National Forest, Camino Real Ranger District. State Police are enforcing a road closure for Hwy 518 and all Forest Service roads off 518 from FR 437 (Rio Chiquito) to FR 76 (La Junta Canyon), and access to the area on FS roads from Taos Canyon.
Arizona Central West Zone Incident Management Team assumed command 6:00 p.m. on Friday. Special care is being taken to protect native cuttrout trout and keep fire retardant out of streams.
Firefighters had continued success today with mop up efforts extending 100 to 200 feet within the fire perimeter. No new fire growth of the fire boundary was detected.
Fire behavior for Monday is expected to be minimal. Crews will continue to improve and hold the fire line, mop up, and patrol for hot spots in the interior of the fire while rehabilitating the fire line to prevent erosion or improper future use.
Highway 518 will reopen Monday at 6:00 a.m. Public safety remains a concern due to the sloping terrain, possibility of rolling debris, and congestion due to increased fire traffic. Please use caution while traveling on Highway 518 for the next several days.
Smoke will be visible from the surrounding communities and anyone with health concerns should limit their exposure to smoke. For fire information please call (575) 587-2877 7am to 7 pm.
The evacuation center is closed.
NNSA "Informational" Taos meeting on CMRR Wed. June 8
NNSA will hold a meeting on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility June 8 at 6 pm at the Hotel Don Fernando across from Walmart in Taos. No public comments will be recorded but staff will answer questions about the 5.8 billion dollar project. On May 27, NNSA rejected Mayor Cordova's request for public hearing in Taos on the SEIS. The Taos News reports that the Mayor expressed diappointment that a full hearing will not be held.
Stories Weeks of May 23, 2011
LASG suit on CMRR Dismissed
Federal Judge Herrera on May 23 ruled that DOE's SEIS on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project meets NEPA requirements and dismissed the Los Alamos Study Group's suit to stop work on the project and require a new EIS.
Judge Herrera's dismissal was based on "prudential mootness" in that DOE was proceeding with the SEIS under NEPA and thus was addressing the concerns raised by LASG. She ruled that it could have also be dismissed on the basis that the case was not yet "ripe" for adjudication since the SEIS was not completed and a Record of Decision had not yet been made. She suggested that LASG could come back to court later to challenge the adequacy of either. Read the ruling here.
In any case, LASG can claim some victory for its efforts, since prior to the filing of the lawsuit, there was no effort by DOE to do the Supplemental EIS. Update: Gregg Mello of LASG does not want credit for the SEIS, which he believes is a sham.
Activists stand with Teresa Juarez to stop her being removed by Santa Clara security
Tensions Rise at CMRR SEIS Hearing in Española May 25, 2011 Audio: Teresa Juarez Mic cut off 2:20
Teresa Juarez was threatened with being "removed" from the hearing when she wouldn't end her testimony after Moderator Bruce MacAllister took away her microphone. Activists rushed up forward to protect her. The incident was finally diffused as time for more testimony was promised later. Robin Collier photos
Public Hearings in Española May 25, 2011 on the Draft CMRRNF SEIS More photos & each individual testimony posted on our LANL Page
Public hearings in Los Alamos May 24, 2011 on the Draft CMRRNF SEIS.
Entire hearing-one file 55:44
Each individual testimony posted on our LANL Page
Stories Weeks of May 16, 2011
Lisa Putkey, Elizabeth Chavez 3:22
Marilyn Hoff 3:33
Jeanne Green 14:07
Mary Wiaki 4:08
Doug Duran 6:34
Van Vinum 1:59
Charlo 2:48
Erich Kuerschner 6:33
Joni Arends CCNS 8:09
Tom Gallegos 3:39
Penelope McMullen 2:05
Teresa Schreck 7:49
Miguel Moreno 3:08
Mary Green 6:10
Clarisa Duran 7:30
Kathy Sanchez Tewa Women 5:55
David Bacon 5:53
Thea Spath 5:15
Maria Chilton 1:27
Rebecca Ortega 6:53
David Garcia 4:06
Patricia Trujillo 4:24
Closing 0:31
Recorded & Mixed by Robin Collier |
May 12 NMCF RACER Meeting
The first Forum for Environmental Education and Dialogue (FEED) meeting sponsored by NMCF. Pdfs of slides from the presentation are here at the RACER web site. Part of Sarah Wolters' intro was not recorded.
Intros by NMCF staff 3:47
LANL Monitoring Japan Radiation - Mike McNaughton 38:36
LANL Correction of Plutonium in Buckman Well- Nita Patel 22:14
Waste Water Settlement - Brian Shields - Amigos Bravos 38:17
Closing Comments 6:11
Recorded by Robin Collier - unedited
Next NMCF RACER Meeting
Forum for Environmental Education and Dialogue (FEED) meeting Tue, June 14 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm at Northern New Mexico College in room AD 101.
Stories Weeks of May 2 & May 9, 2011
Lawsuit for new EIS for CMRR
LASG's suit was heard again on May 2 in Federal District Court. The Justice Department presented a whole list of case law supporting their contention that they were in the NEPA process, had not make any choices of alternatives, and that the judge should dismiss the case as moot. Judge Herrera took the case under advisement and will rule in due time.
Los Alamos Study Group's Lawsuit for a new EIS on the CMRR was heard April 27 in Federal District Court in Albuquerque Link Fixed
Greg Mello Interview on the Trial 9:58 Recorded & edited by Robin Collier
LASG presented its case to Judge Herrera with testimony by Greg Mello and nuclear physicist Frank N. von Hippel PhD, former assistant director for national security in the White House Office of Science and Technology. Mello testified on the massive scale of the project compared to the approved record of decision in 2004, that the Labs were committed to the new design and already was putting out contract to start construction, which makes new consideration under NEPA impossible. Von Hippel testified that new plutonium pits are not needed for at least 70 years, thus pausing the CMRR project will have no effect our national defense. LANL presented part of its defense contending that no work or final design has been done and they don't accept that pits will last a century. The hearing will continue May 2nd at 9 am.
Public hearings will be held on the Draft CMRRNF SEIS at the following dates, times, and locations: Mon May 23: Albuquerque Marriott on Louisiana, Tue, May 24, 5 9 p.m., Holiday Inn Express, 60 Entrada Drive, Los Alamos, NM, Wed, May 25, 5 9 p.m., Santa Claran Hotel, 464 N. Riverside Drive, Española, NM, Thur, May 26, 5 9 p.m., Santa Fe Community College, Jemez Rooms, 6401 Richards Avenue, Santa Fe, NM.
Comments period on the SEIS extended & will be accepted until June 13 28, 2011 mailed to Attn: Mr. John Tegtmeier, CMRRNF SEIS Document Manager, U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Los Alamos Site Office, 3747 West Jemez Road, TA3 Building 1410, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 87544, or by facsimile (505) 6675948; or by e-mail at: NEPALASO@doeal.gov All mail, faxes, and email should be marked: Draft CMRRNF SEIS
Draft Supplemental EIS for CMRR released The National Nuclear Security Administration released the Draft SSuplemental Environmental Impact Report for the CMRR on Apr 22. It can be downloaded in pdf format here. A 45-day public comment period on the SEIS begins April 29.
NUCLEAR wake-up Call: LANL’s Proposed New Nuclear Bomb Factory Fri, May 13, 7 pm Bareiss Gallery
Out takes from the film The Forgotten Bomb. Special Guests: Joni Arends (CCNS) & Rev. Holly Beaumont (Las Mujeres Hablan)
First NMCF RACER Meeting Set
Thursday, May 12 from 5-7 pm at Northern New Mexico College in room AD 101 (same as CRMG meetings). This Forum for Environmental Education and Dialogue (FEED) is meant to be the replacement for the CRMG meetings.
How radioactivity from Japan's nuclear disaster is being monitored in New Mexico - presented by LANL
Update regarding the Plutonium-238 detection in the Buckman Well Field - presented by LANL; reps present from the City of Santa Fe
Community involvement in the decision-making for LANL's stormwater permit - presented by Amigos Bravos
Update regarding upcoming meetings, hearings and workshops
Stories Weeks of Apr 18 & Apr 25, 2011
Taos County does not pass EIS for CMRR resolution The resolution failed to get a second and the commission refused to hear comment other than from Francine Lindberg, even though some 20 people showed they were supporting the resolution.
Los Alamos Study Group's Lawsuit calling for a new EIS on CMRR to be heard April 27 in Albuquerque
Wed. Apr 27, in the Brazos Courtroom (Room 580) of the Federal Courthouse, 333 Lomas Avenue NW, Albuquerque, the Honorable Judge Judith Herrera will hear LASG's suit to order LANL & NNSA to do a new Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project.
LANL Develops New Fuel Cell
Daily KOS reports on a new fuel cell developed by LANL that does not require platinum, thus making this energy storage technology much more affordable. LANL only proposed allocating less than 4 tenth of one percent of its 2012 budget to work on alternative energy development compared to 61.3 % for nuclear weapons research & development.
Nuclear Power Plant in Pueblo, CO Rejected by County
In a 3-0 vote Pueblo County Commissioner voted Apr 25 to reject a plan to build a nuclear plant in Pueblo, due to "a significant lack of material information."
Stories Weeks of Apr 4 & Apr 11, 2011
Taos County resolution for a new EIS for CMRR Tue Apr 19 9 am
The resolution will be heard by the County Commission for the 3rd time.
First NMCF RACER Meeting Set
Thursday, May 12 from 5-7 pm at Northern New Mexico College in room AD 101 (same as CRMG meetings). This is meant to be the replacement for the CRMG meetings.
Los Alamos Study Group on CMRR
Greg Mello of LASG presented Apr 12 in Santa Fe on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project at Los Alamos National Labs. He also compared the project to the Mixed Oxide Uranium/Plutonium Fuel (MOX) plant in N. C. |
Intro by Willem Malten 3:01 Greg Mello on CMRR 55:36
Melo on MOX plant in NC 15:19
QA - CMRR 23:35
More QA 20:08
Recorded by Robin Collier, Edited by Harvey Soloman & Robin Collier |
Stories Weeks of Mar 21 & Mar 28, 2011
Sorry we have not posted much in the last 2 weeks, but we have been working on meeting various funding deadlines. Several recordings from past events will be appearing soon.

Marion Naranjo of HOPE,
Santa Clara Pueblo
The Last CRMG meeting
Held Mar 9, 2010 at NNMC in Española where Thomas Skibitski, Bureau Chief of the New Mexico DOE Oversight Bureau announced the end of the CRMG meetings. There were a number of important promises to the community made at the meeting.
Intros 5:50
Thomas Skibitski statement 30:56
NMCF statements 6:48
DOE statements 4:47
Community Response 36:50
Marion Naranjo Statement & Tom Skibitski Apology 6:20
More Community Response 30:08
Sarah Wolters & Denise Gonzales of the New Mexico Community Foundation
Stephen Yanicak & Thomas Skibitski
of the NM DOE Oversight Bureau