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Stories Week of Sep 19 - 26, 2011
Below are underlined links to our segments now online. If you want to save the mp3 file for later listening, on Windows, click on the link with the right mouse button, on the Mac, click on the link while holding the control key. Click on images for an enlarged view.
Cultural Energy is 12 Years Old
Cannon Air Force public meeting on LATN Overflights
Tues Sep 20 6 pm at the Kachina Lodge in Taos. Demonstration by Peaceful Skies Coalition at 5:30
We will be at the Peñasco Community Center on Mon Sep 19 7 pm to talk briefly about our plans.
Gathering for Mother Earth
Tewa Women United's 15th Annual event Sat. Sep 24 to Sun Sep 25. Food, Music, Information, Prayer. 1.8 miles north on Hwy 502. Interview by Robin Collier with Kathy Sanchez and Tewa Women United members 34:31.
Tewa Women United Awarded $300,000 Grant
U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman September 22nd announced that the Tewa Women United in Española has been awarded a $300,000 grant through the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
The funding will help the Native American non-profit organization provide culturally specific advocacy and crisis intervention services to Native American and Hispanic victims of sexual assault.
David Barsamian Deported from India to Silence his Reporting on Kashmir & Tribal People in India
Founder of Alternative Radio and good friend of CE, was deported from India on Sep 23, on has arrival for 3 weeks of interviews on Kashmir and India. Indian officials claimed he had violated his tourist visa by doing interviews in his previous trip, even though he was paid by no one for his reporting, and has done such reporting for decades. His interviews and articles have exposed the oppressive conditions in Kashmir, and the extreme fate of tribal peoples in India. Arundhati Roy is preparing an article on this of censorship by the so-called democracy of India.
David Barsamian
New Mexico Talks
The Guardian UK: Arundhati Roy: The Dead Begin to Speak up in India
Roy speaks out about David Barsamian's deportation from India and the murder by the Indian government of thousands in Kashmir and among the Adivasi peoples in India.
59 98 noted Indian and International Intellectuals including Noam Chomsky have signed a letter of protest about David's deportation They ask that the ban on David Barsamian and others like Richard Shapiro (deported in Nov 2010) be revoked, and the Government of India not impede their return to India.
Radio Interviews on David's Deportation & Kashmir
Stories Week of Sep 12, 2011
Cultural Energy Planning Meeting Saturday, Sep. 17 10 am to Noon at the Kit Carson Electric Coop Meeting room on Cruz Alta in Taos. People interested in helping start our TV & Radio stations are invited to discuss our plans and join committees for Programming, Music, News, Training, Membership/Outreach, Fundraising, etc. This will be the first of many meetings to involve the public in createing policies and direction for the stations.
We will also be holding meeting in many parts of the listening area. If you want to host a meeting in your community please cal 575-758-9791 |
Stories Week of Sep 5, 2011
EA on LATN Released 5 MB pdf
On Sep 7, Cannon Air Force Base released a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) of their proposed low altitude flights (LATN) over New Mexico & Colorado. In the draft they reduced the area for the flights, but ruled that a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was not needed. Forums on the draft will be held throughout the state. Comments in writing on the draft may be made until Nov 5 to:
27 SOW Public Affairs
110 E. Sextant Ave., Suite 1150
Cannon AFB N.M., 88103
Peaceful Skies Meeting Sep 15 The Peaceful Skies Coalition will hold a meeting on LATN at 6 pm at the Kit Carson Electric Boardroom. Cliff Bain & Carol Miller of PSC denounced the failure of CAF to do a full EIS and called attention to the major environmental impacts of the flights.
Proposed Flight Area Click on Map for larger view & here for printable file
The area removed from the flight pattern include the Rio Grande valley from Taos south, & from the San Luis Valley east to Pueblo. However flights will still cross Rio Arriba, Colfax, Mora, San Miguel counties & Taos County from Questa to the CO border.
Stories Week of Aug 29, 2011
Robin Collier photo Aug 28, 2011
First Annual Taos Celebration of the Young
September 2 to 5 in Taos - click on FaceBook link above for info, also here or here for a schedule.
In light of past and recent suicides and a blatant issue of misunderstanding of our youth in Taos, we are instigating the greatest party our young people will ever know to show them how much we love them/us. All events will be drug and alcohol free, we will be high on love.
We need your input! If you see a way that you can contribute to the event, or if there is another event you'd like to add to the schedule please contact celebrationoftheyoung@gmail.com, or (707) 857-6126
Stories Week of Aug 22, 2011
Final CMRR SEIS Released
Aug 26, 2011 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on Nuclear Facility Portion of the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Building Replacement Project at Los Alamos National Laboratory issued with few changed recommendations.
Rules of Land Use & Sale in Land Grants under Spanish Law 6:42
Estevan Arellano explains the different types of land use in an acequia and a land grant under Spanish law. He explains how Suertes were allocated and how after 4 years of productive e, the original settler of a land grant could sell the Suerte to anyone. From a talk in Taos on Aug 27, 2011. The full talk will be posted soon. |
Stories Week of Aug 8 & 15, 2011
Kit Carson Electric Coop
John. J. Reynolds testimony June 23 on the KCEC Rate case before the Public Regulation Commission
Recopilacion de Leyes de los Reinos de las Indias 1681
Libro Quatro, Título Doze
De la venta, composicion y repartimento de tierras, solares y aquas (de pagina 1) Y haviendo hecho en ellas su morada y labor, y residido en aquellos Pueblos quatro años, les concedemos facultad, para que de alli adelante los puedan vender, y hacer de ellos á su voluntad libremente, como cosa suya propia.
The sale, composition, and sharing of lands, lots and water: (from page 1) And having made those [lands] their home and work, and having resided in those villages four years, they are granted the authority, so that thenceforth they may sell them, and to make of them freely according to their will, as their own.
New posts to our Land Grants Page
Thanks to Estevan Arellano for suggesting some of these sources.
El Plan de Pitic 1789
This plan for the town of Pitic in Texas became the model for towns in new Spain. It establishes clear planning guidelines for the layout of a town and use of land.
Ordenanzas de 1573
Ordinances Concerning Discoveries, forbade unauthorized operations against independent Indian peoples in the Americas.
José Fuentes Mares Ph.D.
Essay in 1969 in Chihuahua, Mexico, examines the treatment of “Waters, Forest & Pastures” and common land under Spanish law. Dr. Mares is a reknowned Mexican historian and writer. From the Ward Alan Minge Collection, Box 9, Folder 6, Center for Southwest Research, UNM. Thanks to Sandra Mathews-Benham for finding this.
Stories Week of Aug 1, 2011
NM Legislature Interim Land Grant Committee meeting
July 28 2011 in Abiquiú
3 portions of the full day hearing. Sound quality is only fair because of poor gym acoustics.
Cristobal de la Serna 1:23:25
The la Serna hearing covers the issues of a deed to the entire grant recently filed and now withdrawn, with presentations by Taos Mayor Cordova, Edward J Roybal, Eldon Torres and Francisco "El Comanche" Gonzales.
Tierra Amarilla Presentation 55:06
Tierra Amarilla Q & A 1:55:36
The Tierra Amarilla hearing covers the issue of mineral rights for oil & gas drilling that were waived by the association claiming to represent the grant. |
First Annual Taos Celebration of the Young
September 3, 2011
Taos County Commission Meeting
Votes on Publication of New Zoning and Building Code
Aug 2, 2011
New Zoning - No date set 44:55
New Code - Set for Sep 20 12:46
Commissioners Sanchez & Duran want to postpone publication until December, while Jaramillo & Chavez want to keep the 5 year process going by publication. Barrone was absent, resulting in a tie vote. The new zoning on some irrigated land sparked both public opposition & support. The new building code, which is mostly already state law, was set for hearing Sep 20. Read the proposed Land Use Zoning here.